
Change of Fate: The Cold Prince and the Modern Maiden

The night ended tragically for Melissa when she met with an accident which took her life. However, the next moment, she was alive and turned out, she had transmigrated into a novel and engaged to a Duke! It was said that this fiancé of hers was cold-hearted and only cared about work and not interested in women! But why did he follow her around? He even kissed her every chance he got. Whatever, since she couldn't avoid her fate, she would play her character well. But, who's this adorable young child? "What're you doing here? Go back to your chambers!" "I'm your husband. I'm sleeping here with you." "Mother, I'm sleeping with you and Father." "Son, get out."

little_fieryball · Sejarah
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61 Chs

Do You Dislike Me?

Duke Kensington was enjoying the ride much more than he expected. The girl in front of her was quiet and seemed immersed in her own thoughts. She was different from those other women who always tried any means to get near him, seduce him or get him into their bed. If there's another lady inside this carriage with him, that woman would have thrown herself at him! But this young lady didn't seem to be that much interested in engaging with him. In fact, from the looks of it, she must be trying so hard to ignore his presence at this moment. Not a chance!

"Do you like to paint?" Duke Kensington asked.

Lady Melissa turned to look at Duke Kensington when she heard his question. She tried to remember what the author had written about this male lead in the novel. Didn't the male lead was said to be cold, unfeeling and most importantly, he didn't like to interact with women, even with his wife? The way things were now had completely deviated from the storyline. First, he approached her when she's at the bookstore, he later interfered and refused to let her pay for the materials, then he shamelessly followed her into the carriage and now he's trying to initiate a conversation with her. 'What the hell is going on with this chap? Fine, let's humour him and see what he wants to do!'

"Yes, Your Grace." Melissa decided to give a short answer.

"When did you start to paint?" Duke Kensington probed further. His eyes were staring at her like a hawk waiting to pounce on his prey. 

"I learned to draw when I was young. And no, no one taught me if that's what you're going to ask next. I'm self-taught." Melissa said, hoping her explanation would make him stop asking her about this. 

"I see, you must be a genius then, being self-taught and all." Duke Kensington said with a mocking smile on his face. 'Self-taught? Who'd believe that? With the amount of arts materials she bought today, it would appear as if she's new at this.'

Melissa didn't expect this from the Duke. 'Is he praising me, or mocking me? But I'm really a self-taught artist!'

Melissa's journey in arts started when she was very young. The principal at the orphanage where she grew up had seen her talent in it and therefore provided her with materials for her to draw and paint as she pleased. When she was 15 years old, the principal had helped set up a fund raising event, showcasing her unique paintings as the main program. Amongst the guests invited to the event was Master Edward Graden, a renowned artist, admired by many. Master Graden had taken a liking to Melissa and her works, citing her as one of the rising talents in the arts community. He had taken her under his wing, and using his influence, Melissa's journey as an artist flourished and she eventually obtained a teaching position as an Assistant Professor of the arts department in one of the best universities in the country. Relishing her accomplishments in the past, Melissa couldn't help but felt so proud of herself. Yes, she's indeed a genius, wasn't she?

"Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm a genius, but I am really good at it." Melissa answered smugly. 

Duke Kensington's eyebrows raised when he heard her. His initial intention to mock her was clearly unsuccessful. In fact, looking at her smug look now, she's really feeling proud of herself. Not wanting to indulge this unbecoming behaviour, he shook his head and decided to drop the subject. Whether or not she's truly a 'talented' artist as she claimed, he would have plenty of opportunities to see it after she moved to the Estate. 

Duke Kensington decided to broach the important matter which prompted him to hitch this ride in the first place. "My Lady, the Queen has requested your presence at the palace."

"Whaatt??" Melissa's attention was drawn back to reality after hearing what Duke Kensington had said. "The Queen?"

"Yes, Her Majesty would like to meet you before the wedding. So please be ready at 9 in the morning tomorrow. I will come and pick you up." Duke Kensington could see traces of nervousness in her eyes. He suddenly thought about her last visit to the palace two years ago. Although he didn't know the details, he knew something had happened back then which caused this girl to disappear from the public eye. A pang of pity crept into his heart and he couldn't help but added, "William will come with us too." 

True enough, at the mention of that young boy, Melissa's eyes brightened and she subconsciously smile. 'She didn't appear too thrill to go with me but look excited when I said William is coming. Do I need to bring that mischievous boy with me everywhere we go then in the future??' Duke Kensington fell silent as he started to feel a hopeless sense of annoyance crept into his heart. 

Luckily they had reached the gates of the Kensington's Estates and he promptly got down. Before he could say anything, Melissa quickly bade him farewell and instructed Sir Andrew to leave. It was as if she's running away from a plague, hastily leaving like that! Duke Kensington had never felt so insulted in his life before. To make matters worse, this was the girl he's going to marry in two weeks' time. Was it too late to change his mind now? 

"Phew, that was so intense. How am I supposed to live with this guy when being near to him always make me anxious, as if there're traps waiting for me every time he speaks? Thank God for William." Melissa wondered aloud once she's alone. 

In fact, she was much more worried about her impending visit to the palace. In the novel, it was said something happened to Lady Melissa two years ago when she visited the palace, which caused her to become a hermit at home. However, the author didn't explain in detail what exactly had transpired. Melissa couldn't even ask anyone about it since she was the supposed 'victim' here. It was such a mystery! Luckily that cute little boy's coming tomorrow too. She could stay with him then. 

When she reached home, the seamstress was waiting for her. It was an old woman who addressed herself as Madam Leanne. Her tone and demeanour showed off obvious authority. Lily had quietly reminded her that this lady only served the upper class noblewomen and therefore she's clearly a highly respected seamstress. Melissa quickly apologized for her tardiness. Madam Leanne studied the girl in front of her and instantly noticed her attire before she gasped loudly, "My Lady! What is that you're wearing??" 

"This? It's my dress." Melissa looked down at her dress while replying tactfully. 

"Hmmph! Is the Duke getting poorer by the day that his only precious daughter needs to wear a rag at home? And I take it you also went out in this attire, My Lady?" Madam Leanne squinted her eyes while asking. She was clearly displeased with how this young lady had dressed and clearly blamed Duke Malcom for the girl's misfortune.

Seeing how this older matron had reprimanded her father without any reservation, Melissa felt guilty that Duke Malcom had taken the blame for her own doing. 

"Yes, Madam." Melissa said softly, guilt clearly shown in her eyes.

Looking at her guilty expression, Madam Leanne sighed before continuing her admonition, "My Lady, pardon this old lady for interfering but you're a noble born. It's a pity that your mother had passed away when you were young but that's not an excuse not to adhere to rules and customs. You're going to be a Duchess soon, and there're stricter rules for you to follow and obey. You wouldn't want to embarrass your husband and his family, would you? No matter how lenient your father might be towards you, your husband might not be. The Kensington Estate is also not a simple place to live in, so you'd better behave properly so as not to attract any unfavourable gossips." 

Melissa could see that this old woman meant well and therefore she smiled and nodded in agreement with what she said. Seeing her obedient behaviour, Madam Leanne's gaze towards Melissa soften and she proceeded to take the girl's measurements. 

Before she left, Melissa informed her that she had a design in mind for the wedding dress and politely asked Madam Leanne if she could take a look at it first. Madam Leanne was delighted upon hearing this.

"Of course, My Lady! It's always good to see new designs, especially ones coming from young minds like you. I look forward to seeing it." With that, she bade Melissa farewell, clearly in a better mood than when she first arrived.

Madam Leanne couldn't wait to report to the Queen about this charming girl. Not only was she beautiful, she seemed to be talented in designing clothes as well. If she truly could design well, that itself was a rare talent during this time and age. Judging from the way how that simple dress was tailored, it was clearly modified from an existing piece of dress she owned, Melissa's talent in garment design was obvious. 

"Looks like the Duke has gotten himself a good one this time." Madam Leanne smiled at this thought.