

"I better get going. It's late and you are about to pass out." Yoongi says as he stands up off the couch, setting his mug down in the process.

He had accidentally stayed at Hoseok's until nine. He was too caught up in laughing at the two roommates to really pay attention to the time.

"How far is your apartment from here?"

"About fifteen, twenty minutes."

"No way am I letting you walk back in these streets at nine. You're spending the night." Hoseok stands up and places a tired hand on Yoongi's chest as he tried to keep his eyes from closing completely.

"Hoseok it's no-"

"I said stay."



"Honorifics, hyung." Tae says as he watches the pair from the floor.

"You could get mugged, or shot, or stabbed, or or... any number of things! We just started talking like real men and I'm not going to let that die this soon. So that is the end of it all, you are staying the night, period."

Yoongi huffs. He liked that the younger was worried about him and he enjoyed his company.

One night won't hurt, Yoongi. He thinks to himself as he nods to let Hoseok know he would stay.

"Goodie! Now we can stay up all night and watch movies and-" Hoseok starts chattering like an excited five year old before plopping on the couch and sitting criss cross



"You're forgetting the most important part."

"I am?"

"Sleeping." Yoongi whispers which brings a frown to the younger two who where probably already planning the night out together with the fictional chips in their heads.

"Okay, we'll sleep. But after a movie." Taehyung says as he stands and walks to the kitchen.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Something scary."

Hoseok hesitates but eventually stands up and gets a movie case off the shelf by the TV.

"This is all we have." Hoseok whispers as he hands it to Yoongi.

"Perfect." Yoongi smiles and sits down on the couch messing with his phone as Hoseok prepares the movie.

- - -

The boys were an hour into the movie when Yoongi looked over to the other end of the couch. There he found Hoseok curled into a ball, shaking, and covered by his blanket.

Yoongi moved closer to Hoseok and when he placed an arm over his shoulders, the younger jumped. He peeked out from the blanket and relaxed when he saw it was just Yoongi.

Yoongi was engrossed in watching the movie when Hoseok layed his head on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi noticed the action but didn't think about it and instead started running his hands through the younger's hair. Hoseok fell asleep soon after and Yoongi slowly stopped his soothing actions.

When the movie ended, Taehyung left the room immediately, saying he had a photoshoot early the next morning.

Of course, the mischievous Kim Taehyung didn't have a photoshoot the next day. In fact, his next photoshoot was in two weeks. But he saw the two and knew they needed 'alone time' to do 'things'.