

Amanda, popularly known as mandy, a young girl, has finally completed high school and is now preparing for the next chapter of her life. After years of feeling lonely and unfulfilled, she's determined to make a fresh start. She embarks on a journey to take her post-UTME exam, a crucial step in securing her admission. Along the way, she meets Kendrick, a charming and mysterious boy who has been sent to Nigeria from America by his parents to address his behavioral issues. As they spend more time together, Amanda finds herself developing feelings for Kendrick, but their relationship is not without its challenges. Ups and downs test their connection, leaving Amanda confused and questioning her safety. Amanda must also confront the pain of her past. Will she find peace and happiness in university, or will the shadows of her lonely high school experiences continue to haunt her? And what about Kendrick - will she ultimately end up with him, or will their relationship prove to be a fleeting distraction from her true path? Get to meet other characters with a significant impact to this plot, e.g, Kelly, who'd be a great burden to kendrick and Amanda's relationship.

kacieyyy3 · Masa Muda
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72 Chs


I slap his hand away from my face, my anger boiling over.

"What's your issue?" I ask, pushing him away. "What's gotten into you?"

"I have no idea what you want from me!" I exclaim.

Pointing a finger at him, I continue, "You need to stop this. Your attitude is really getting under my skin."

"How can you speak so freely when you've already rejected any chance of us being together?" I ask, my voice tinged with hurt and confusion, and filled with emotion.

"It's my life, and I'll do what I want!"

"We're not together, so your opinion doesn't factor into my decisions," I say, then drop my finger and hold out my hand, palm up, in a clear demand.

"The key," I repeat, my trembling fingers beckoning him to surrender it.

But Kendrick remains unmoved, his jaw clenched in a tight line, his eyes flashing with anger.

I notice his fists curling into balls, his veins bulging beneath his skin like twisted ropes, and my frown deepens as I'm taken aback by his unexpected reaction, unsure of how to proceed.

But then, a reckless idea strikes me - I'll just have to take the key myself. I'll retrieve it from his pocket, no matter what.

I take a step closer, my eyes locked on his, and then another, trying not to break eye contact as I inch nearer.

Kendrick's gaze never leaves mine either, but then I pause as I notice his lips curling into a smirk, despite the fierce anger still burning in his eyes.

It's as if he's a dog patiently waiting for his prey to wander closer, his gaze fixed on me with an frightening calm.

But I stand my ground, despite the wild pounding in my heart.

I take a deep breath, steady my voice, and dare to demand, "Kendrick, the key—"

"Ikem," he interrupts, his thick voice sending a shiver down my spine.

I gulp hard before responding, "I don't care, just hand me the key."

His smirk widens, and he says, "Come get it."

I furrow my brows, perplexed. Why would he taunt me like that when he seemed so reluctant to hand over the key in the first place?

I shake my head, "No," and hold out my hand, palm up. "Drop it in my hand."

But Kendrick inches closer, his body almost touching mine, until the tips of my fingers brush against the fabric of his clothes, sending a shiver racing through every cell in my body.

We stand there, suspended in time, our gazes locked in a fierce, unblinking stare that makes me feel his eyes burning into my very essence, stripping away my defenses and leaving me raw, vulnerable, and utterly exposed.

But I force myself to look away, my eyelids fluttering wildly as I glance down at my palm.

The movement shatters the spell, but my pulse still throbs from the intensity of the moment, my senses still reeling from the electricity that crackles between us.

"Go ahead, take the keys," Kendrick says, his voice low, smooth, and rough, drawing my gaze back to his.

But I quickly look away, intimidated by the intensity of his eyes.

I hesitantly reach into the pocket where I think he placed the key, my hand closing around something warm.

But instead of the key, I find a piece of paper - could it be money?

I pat the pocket again, double-checking, but my fingers only find the paper. I'm certain this is the right pocket, but maybe I'm mistaken.

I pull my hand out and try the other pocket, but again, I only find paper. No key.

I pull my hand out and shoot Kendrick an angry glare. "Why are you playing games with me?" I demand, my pupils staring wildly at his.

Kendrick breathes a short laugh, his eyes never leaving mine. But beneath his smirk, I still see a hint of rage.

Maybe it's best to forget the key and stay in the room, pretend he's not here until Kelly gets back.

I force a fake smile and turn to leave, but Kendrick's warm, gentle grasp on my fingers halts me in my tracks.

My face contorts in a frown before I slowly turn to face him, my expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

He still wears that infuriating smirk, which only makes my scowl deepen. But then, to my surprise, he raises my hand to his face and intertwines his fingers with mine, his touch sending a shiver down my spine.

Before I know it, he's pressed his lips to my hand, his eyes still locked intensely on mine, sending my heart racing like a wild animal.

I gasp, my eyes flying open in shock, and instinctively yank my hand away, my fingers tingling from the sudden contact.

My hand trembles as I point a shaky finger at him, confused and reeling from the unexpected gesture. "Stay away from me!" I exclaim, my voice shaking.

"Let me be the dull, dry, and boring girl you said I am."

With that, I rip my gaze away from his and turn to flee, desperate to escape the crackling tension between us.

I take a few steps towards my bed, but then freeze, my eyes wide with shock.

Kendrick's hands have encircled my waist from behind, pulling me tightly against his chest.

His lips begin to dance across my neck and cheek, leaving trails of fire in their wake. His touch sends shivers down my spine, and I gasp, my heart racing with a mix of fear, confusion and excitement.

His hands suddenly begin roaming my stomach, sending shivers coursing through my veins as he holds me captive in his embrace.

Why the hell is he doing this?!

A wave of anger surges through me, and I forcefully remove his hands from my stomach, spinning around to face him.

My eyes blaze with indignation as I demand, "What do you think you're doing, Kendrick?!"

"Are you mad?!" I yell.

"What on Earth is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?!"

I pause, expecting a response, but his infuriating smirk remains, and he says nothing.

I huff in frustration, shaking my head in disbelief. "I seriously don't get you, Kendrick."

"You have a girlfriend, Kelly, and yet you still pull stunts like this? What the hell is wrong with you, Kendrick? What do you want from me? Just leave me alone, okay?!"

But instead of answering, Kendrick bursts into laughter, clutching his stomach as he doubles over. His reaction is like a punch to the gut, leaving me stunned and confused.

He straightens up, grinning, but then bursts out laughing again, this time turning his back to me.

When he spins back around, a smug grin spreads across his face, like he's savoring some secret amusement.

"What do I want from you?" he asks, his eyes glinting with mischief.

I remain silent, still feeling confused and a bit bewildered by his bizarre behavior.

"What do I want from you?" He repeats, then bursts out laughing once more.

But before I can respond, he cuts me off, his words slicing through me like a knife. "What do you have to offer me?" He asks, his tone blunt and almost cruel.

I raise an eyebrow, my lips parting in surprise, but he doesn't give me a chance to speak.

"Now listen," he says, his finger jabbing at my chest like an accusation.

I lower my raised brow, and furrow both brows instead, my expression darkening as he begins speaking.

"You're not even in the same league as Kelly," he sneers, his tone thick with disdain. "You can't give me what she does. You're just a footnote, a mere afterthought. So don't think for a second I'd ever want something from you."

His words are a brutal punch to the gut, leaving me winded.

Why he's being so cruel? I never even compared myself to Kelly, so why is he attacking me like this?

But he just keeps going, his words slicing deeper: "A thin girl like you can never satisfy me, not in this life or the next."

The comment about my weight is a fresh wound, and I feel a stinging sensation, like I've been slapped. Is this how Daniel felt when I made fun of him?

My vision blurs as my eyes well up with tears, but I force myself to look down, glancing at the floor and blinking rapidly to hold back the tears, my heart heavy with hurt and humiliation.

I draw a deep breath, attempting to calm the turbulent emotions inside me, but it only serves to expose the raw pain in my heart.

I swiftly brush away the tears that escape my eyes and glance back up at Kendrick, searching for a glimmer of compassion or regret in his gaze.

But no, his eyes remain unchanged, still conveying the same dismissive disdain that makes me feel utterly insignificant.

"Okay," I nod, feeling a fresh wave of tears cascade down my cheeks.

I hastily wipe them away, my hands shaking as I try to compose myself.

I part my lips to speak, despite my voice trembling with emotion. "Thanks for letting me know how you really feel about me," I say, trying to keep my tone steady.

"At least I know now the kind of girl you like, and I can put aside the foolish thought that you might have feelings for me." I pause, taking a shaky breath as I struggle to hold back the tears.

"So it's best we just act like strangers from now on."

"You think your fake tears will move me?" Kendrick asks abruptly.

I frown, my vision blurring as tears well up in my eyes once more.

"What do you mean, Kend—" I start to ask, but he cuts me off, his hands shooting out to grasp my shoulders, making my breath catch in my throat.

"I'll make it clear to your face," he says, his eyes cold and hard. "I do not like you."

His words rip my heart apart with brutal force, unleashing a maelstrom of hurt and anger within me.

I shake off his grasp, feeling the stinging ache of his words deep within the ravaged depths of my heart.

Tears burst forth, streaming down my cheeks in unchecked torrents, as the pain and hurt overwhelm me.

"So? So what if you don't like me?" I demand, my voice shaking. "Am I begging for it?"

"I told you earlier, let's just pretend we don't know each other," I remind him, my voice trembling as I taste the salty tears on my lips.

"You have Kelly, and I have a boyfriend. What's not sinking in?"

Kendrick's expression darkens, his eyes flashing with anger. "Boyfriend?!" he thunders, his voice echoing off the walls and making me worry that others in the building will overhear our heated conversation.

But then, his demeanor shifts, and he sneers at me. "Who on earth would want you if not me?"

I pause, my tears momentarily halted by his words, and my voice barely whispers a disbelieving "huh?"

Kendrick takes a step closer, his face devoid of any warmth. "Does your boyfriend outshine me in every way?"

"Have you two gotten in bed already?"

I'm taken aback, my eyes widening in shock. "H-huh?" I stutter, my gaze searching his face for any hint of humanity.

"B-bed?" I repeat, "How dare you!"

Kendrick's expression twists into a snide grin. "Oh, so you're still a virgin?"

"Or did you lose your innocence to him?"

My anger boils over, and I push Kendrick away, my palms firm against his chest. "Kendrick, that's enough!" I exclaim, my eyes blazing with fury.

"Watch your words! I'm not some plaything for your twisted games. And unlike you, I don't flaunt my sexuality like a badge of honor. Your parents disowned you for a reason!"

I notice his smile falter for a moment, but I'm unfazed.

I wipe away my tears and feel a steel-like determination coursing through my veins, then take a step closer, my finger pointed accusingly at his chest.

"Listen up, Kendrick," I say firmly.

"I'm done sugarcoating it. I don't like you anymore."

I pause for emphasis.

"Yes, I'll admit I once had feelings for you, but those are gone now. And I'm making it crystal clear: my feelings for you are over. Get out of my life, Kendrick!"

He swats my finger away from his chest, his touch icy. "Liar," Kendrick hisses, and then smirks.

But I just laugh, a harsh sound that's followed by a sniffle.

"You think you're the only stunning person on the planet, don't you?" I ask, attempting to sound self-assured.

But he doesn't bat an eye, his smirk remaining firmly in place.

I press on, "Newsflash: there are plenty of other attractive guys out there, and their good looks far outshine yours."

I pause before adding. "And my boyfriend just so happens to be one of them!" I declare, stretching the truth slightly.

While I know there are more attractive people out there, I've never seen anyone whose beauty captivates me like Kendrick's - not even Daniel's.

But I press on, trying to assert myself. "There's nothing I can offer you, I know that. I'm thin and not up to your level, I'm aware of that. But don't you dare make me feel bad about myself!" I say, pointing a finger accusingly at him.

Kendrick folds his arms across his stomach, watching me with an amused smirk, as if he's enjoying a movie.

But I stand my ground, trying to maintain my confidence.

"I guess my feelings for you were just admiration and nothing more."

"I thought you were a good guy with a nice personality, but I was dead wrong!"

"Nothing would ever make me like you again, not in this life or the next," I declare firmly.

"And if this attitude of yours towards me continues, my feelings for you might just turn to hate."

I snap my fingers twice in his face, trying to emphasize my point. "So stay away!" I say, before turning to walk away.

But Kendrick suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him with a force that makes me collide with his chest.

"You've said what you have to, now it's my turn," I hear him whisper, his breath hot against my ear.

And then, without warning, his lips crash down on mine, taking me by surprise.

I try to struggle against his kiss, but Kendrick's hands slip to my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I can feel his body pressed against mine, his erection evident through his pants.

I try to push him away, but he deepens the kiss, his tongue invading my mouth.

I feel a surge of anger and fear, trying to break free from his grasp. But Kendrick's hold is strong, his lips relentless as he claims my mouth with his own.

Kendrick forces his saliva into my mouth, his tongue wrapping around mine as he devours me, leaving me gasping for air.

I continue struggling to push him away, my hands on his shoulders, but he only pulls me closer, his grip tightening as his hands caress my back.

I try to speak, but his lips on mine muffle my voice. "Ke—" I manage to whisper, but he doesn't relent.

Why is he doing this? He said he doesn't like me, that I'm not up to his level. So why is he kissing me with such intensity?

The turmoil in my mind gives me a surge of strength, and I push him away with all my might.

Then, with a swift motion, I slap him hard across the cheek, the sound echoing through the air.

I give him another slap on the cheek, and another, my anger boiling over.

Then, I begin banging my fists harshly onto his chest, my rage consuming me.

Each blow is a release of the emotions that have been building up inside me - the hurt, the confusion, the betrayal.

I hit him again and again, my fists pounding against his chest like a drumbeat, as I try to process the whirlwind of emotions that Kendrick has unleashed within me.

But then Kendrick grasps my wrist, and I pull away angrily, my eyes blazing with raging Intensity.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I spit, as I jab a trembling finger at him, my other fist clenched so tightly that my bones feel like they might shatter.

I grit my teeth, watching as Kendrick smirks at me, his red lips curled up in amusement, seemingly unaffected by my blows.

His cheeks puff out as he gazes at me, his tongue pressing against the inside of his mouth.

Just as I think I might explode from rage, the door handle twists, making my heart skip a beat.

The twist is followed by a loud bang, and then Kelly's voice echoes from the other side of the door.

"Babe, why is the door locked?" she asks.

I glance at the door, then back at Kendrick, then say. "Your girlfriend, you should open up."

With that, I turn and head towards the bathroom, seeking refuge from the tense situation.

I need to rinse my face and collect myself, but also hide from Kelly. She'll definitely suspect something if she sees us locked in a room together.

As I reach the bathroom door, I grasp the handle and turn back to look at Kendrick.

He's still watching me, a faint smile playing on his lips.

I quickly tear my eyes away, feeling nothing but hurt in my chest.

I pull the door open and step inside, shutting it behind me with a soft click.

The bathroom will definitely provide a temporary escape from both of them, but I know I'll have to face them soon enough.

My gaze drifts to the toilet, but my mind is elsewhere, replaying the intense encounter with Kendrick.

Was liking him a huge mistake?

If so, then I regret it.

That feeling you get when you regret ever liking somebody ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽.

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