
Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC)

With great power comes great responsibility but Peter had never imagined getting in contact such power. Disclaimer: I do not own anything

EternalBliss4U · Komik
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

"Peter, what happened?"

Ben opened the door and let him in before he put Jessica on the Sofa.

"I came across an incident so Naruto decided to help me out." Peter answered as he knew news channels might have shown his appearance.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" May asked as she touched his face

"No Mom, I am fine. There wasn't any action at all this time so nothing but I brought back someone from old times. Jessica Jones, she is my friend from middle school and yes she is a super hero as you can see. She is super strength, flight and some energy."

"Well done Peter, you saved many lives today." Ben smiled at him and hugged him, he was proud of his son for choosing to save people when he could have just walked like everyone else.

"What happened to her?" May looked at Jessica and nodded at her appearance.

'She is good looking.' May had been looking around for girls to introduce to Peter since he hadn't brought back any till date.

"She is just a little tired so she will stay with us till morning." Peter replied as he walked towards his room to leave his things and come down for food.

Looking at him leave, May went to her room and brought back a blanket to cover up Jessica.

"Don't say it?" Ben muttered as he saw that look.

"What?" May asked with a smile as she followed behind him.

Ben knew she was going to bother the girl and see if she would try it out with Peter while he thought Peter should do it himself. It was the normal way or the boy won't grow.

He had taught Peter to always be independent, taught him the things he needed to know so that he won't need to call them except for important times.

Right now Peter had never approached a girl with such intentions so Ben didn't want him to withdraw and just wait for them to do it for him.

"Let the boy handle it, did my father come and talk to you?"

"No, but Peter is gentle boy unlike this brute here."

"I am only a brute when it counts otherwise I am gentle."

"Bah" May hit him playfully as they sat down for dinner.

Their love story was not straightforward as well. May used to be a woman that wanted to marry only for money and almost lost her life for it.

Ben had earnestly pursued her but she had declined his advances and accepted a man that had thrown around big money.

She was dreaming of luxury when Ben rushed to her and informed that the man had been involved in a robbery and shot someone.

Just then the man also arrived and asked for her hand in marriage, he asked her to go with him in a hurry.

She asked him about it and saw the expression.

Her hesitation led the man to escape without her but he was captured on the way.

It was how she started a relationship with Ben, who was just a simple man in terms of wealth but in terms of kindness he was very rich.


After food and finishing up any work, it was decided that Jessica sleep in his room since she was a super natural and could do harm in her sleep.

Peter didn't mind since he was going to get knocked out or he would have trouble going to sleep with a stranger in his room especially a beautiful stranger.

He wasn't used to having anyone else sleep in his room.

With everything taken care of, Peter went to bed and the moment he lay down he found himself back in the forest.

"How did you feel about it?" Naruto asked as he stood in the clearing

"I am happy that I took action today. I would have been sad if people died but would have felt guilty if I had been unable to save Jessica."

"Enjoy that feeling and don't care about what others say. There will be people who will say wrong things about your actions even though it is evident what you are doing. There will be times when people might accuse of you wrong when you only tried to help.

Just remember that most people are not very bright and they need someone to feed them data, it can be the truth or a lie and they won't be able to tell the difference.

People can be good and bad, so just don't forget about the good people in the world.

We will train for a month and I want you learn to enjoy the fight, enjoy the ride so even in difficult times negativity won't bring you down.


Peter could tell that there was a large history in those words and Naruto was telling him from experience and not just some empty words.

"Will I learn to kill?"

"I won't force you to kill but you will know how to kill. There are times when it will be necessary as the legal system will be on their side. There are people you will need to end when that time comes. Of course, you can also just put them to sleep like I did."

Peter was silent for a bit as his mind went through this topic, he knew of such incidents when the law didn't help the victims and the culprits got away free because of their power.

Kingpin was well known example of this yet the man was still living in public. There were also suspicions about Norman Osborn.

"I will decide later since I am only just starting this path."

"No problem, now I will train you how to fight all kinds of people and make your body remember different fighting styles. You will also learn about ninja arts and make your personal fighting style. I will let you fight the Spiderman so you will also see how you would have ended up fighting.

Finally, this is going to be very painful. I am going to build up your pain tolerance and break you."

Peter stepped back unconsciously when he heard those last words as he had never imagined such a training program.

He thought it would be just training and some sparring, nothing about breaking.

"Nothing here is permanent and you will need it or you will make mistakes because of pain."

"Understood, where do we start?"

"We will start with your beat down so you will understand your body."


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment