
Judge Jury and Executioner (Chainsaw Man)

I have never known myself to be the type of guy who's moral compass guides me Never overly righteous or selfless enough to sacrifice my being for a better world ...I guess death changes everyone These devils need to learn that not even primordial are above the law Commencing Operation Kill the Devil Makima. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chainsaw Man Fic

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

1 Reluctant Hunting Dog

'The bear devil, huh?' I clutched my chin as my gaze glossed over the scenery passing by as the car drove on.

Woodlands. The road was harsh upon the sleek little black car but it perservered nonetheless despite its disadvantages. Driving forward until the end destination was in sight

"Makima doesn't fail at busying my schedule does she?" I spoke with a sigh

My eyes fell upon the reflection of the driver who sweated at the mention of her name that wasnt accompanied by a pretentious title like 'Miss' or 'Boss'

'After all what fool would address the devil with a title?'

"Y-You are a highly valued hunter especially with your…powerful capabilities, there's no doubt that Lady Makima would do so," the Driver argued in 'her' defence to which I didn't answer so he continued his briefing

"You a-are to finish this mission and report to Lady Makima by noon," He responded to which I nodded in acknowledgment, "I wish you luck…"

The car halted at his words as I moved to open the door before he spoke again

"…However with your track record Mr Higuruma I highly doubt you'll need it!"

"That is true," I pushed the door shut, taking time to get a glimpse of the driver reversing back prior to my descent into the murky forest in front of me - disappearing amongst the trees

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was long before I felt the negative fluctuations of a devil caress my figure with malignant intent and even then it was an unnecessary cue

..The beast appeared in my path just seconds later

"Fresh meat," vapours of smoke emerged from its mouth as it spoke in an eerie tone

The air had noticeably stiffened and tightened under the devils presence so much so that any normal person would find it quiet difficult to breathe

'Large. Guess I'll need more moderate strength to deal with this one,' I looked at the 60ft monstrous bear that loomed over me

It's fur was an insidious ink that rejected all light that graced its body and its eyes.. a scarlet that spoke volumes of its bloodlust

"Let's get this extermination started shall we?" I rhetorically asked, bringing forth a familiar weapon that has been by my side for years

A Gavel

"Quite arrogant for a wretched human," it raised its paw - sharpened obsidian blades erupting from the tips of its fingers

"Arrogance is unfounded confidence no?" I questioned, "What I have rather is the knowledge of my absolute strength over you. Knowledge of my foreseen victory over you - Devil"

"I see….DIE!" It bellowed, drawing an arc across the area in hopes of ending me

'It seems that while it possesses more intelligence than the average devil it lacks any experience when it comes to battles, it's attacks are too uncontrolled and wild to pose any threat to me'

Extending the hammer within my grasp to inhuman proportions, I blocked its telegraphed attack with ease

"WHA-?!" I didn't allow any words to come from it mouth before twirling the weapon in my grasp and smashing its helm into the body of the devil - launching it through the woods

An ear piercing boom crackled the air, the destruction the bear had caused due its flung body was incredible, though it was to be expected of its size

I chased it's thrown body through the forest, using the uprooted trees at platforms to continue my puruit

"G-GET BACK!" It screamed in anger, trying to create more distance between it and me perhaps so it could have a chance at counterattacking or because of simple instinctual fear that all beings possess no matter how strong

For in its eyes, I was the real devil

A stentorian roar erupted from its jaw blowing the entire woods to dust. Nothing was left unscathed or untouched by its power…except for me

Bolting the mallet, the weapon ripped through the air and annahilated the bears right limb, "Not good enough."

It's cry of agony was music to any humans ears, a symphony that I would enjoy for days to come

'It's time for this to come to a close,' like magic the thrown hammer returned to my hand instantly

"Do you see it now, devil?" I lengthened the hammer even more until it split the sky" This is the difference between you and me. This is the extent of my abilities "

I slammed the hammer down on its trembling body, squirting blackened blood everywhere and staining my clothes to my displeasure

"Vile….I need a bath"

The negative energy of the devil withering in the air before being erased entirely signifying a complete and utter extermination

I adjusted my tie and walked back to where the driver had left.

The adrenaline of battle still coursing through my veins lessened in effect and reality regained its colours and the focus of my mind changed to something more calling

'Now, a meeting with a real devil… one who disguises themself as a human - the most vile of them all
