

in the quiet streets of kyoto we can see a small blurr running by the roofs of the old style japanese buildings, suddenly he stopped in the top of a red shrine.

aiki: time sure flies huh.

four years have passed since the day aiki escaped from the orphanage, in these four years aiki has been cleaning the streets, on these years aiki became a legend on kyoto because he had killed so much that the rate of crimes have decreased from 58.2% to 22% because of the fear of being captured by aiki the hero of hell, the masses gaved him that name because of his bloody form of solving problems and because of how he saves people.

aiki decided to make a visit to the orphanage because he misses the warm place he once called home and donate some money to improve the daily life of the orphans living in the building, with that in mind aiki starts his journey to the orphanage, when aiki was close he suddenly smelled something he was very familiar with, blood.


aiki started to run to the orphanage at full speed when he reached the building aiki with shaky hands reached to the dorknob, the moment he entered the orphanage he frozed in place with a expressionless face, tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, children with age from 6 to 13 were mutilated with all of their limbs missing, the children were hanged to the ceiling on their own large intestine, the belly of the children was cut open showing the hollow bodies they all had, and in the middle of the children was the sister that was almost intact with the exception of the large spear that was protruding from the ass all the way to the mouth.

aiki didn't know what to think, he was absentmindedly seeing the corpses, until aiki finally fell limp to the floor crying as hard as his throath let him, he felt guilty of leaving the orphanage he felt that all was his fault that their deads were produced by his own bad decisions, he then started to feel rage he wanted tokill the person who did this he wanted to make him suffer for him, his emotions were so strong that suddenly something in him broke, he felt more powerful, he felt that he was more free but aiki didn't notice that because he was now looking the open door of the orphanage garage, with his keen senses he felt someome down there, from the slow breath he could sense from the small person he can tell that it's unconscious aiki slowly walked to the basement, in a dark corner of the basement there was a backpack big enough for a child to get in, aiki slowly walked to the backpack, aiki slowly opened the backpack and what he saw made him flinch.

aiki: so this is what they call plot armor huh.

aiki found himself looking to a little girl of almost 3,8 feet she had blonde hair that was tied on a ponytail, she had fox ears and nine fox tails with the same color of her hair.