
Chains of Blood

In a world of magic and mystery a young farm boy named Kaelen is thrust into a brutal gladiatorial arena after witnessing his family’s murder and being sold into slavery. At fifteen, Kaelen’s immense physical strength and resilience become his only means of survival as he fights monstrous beasts and seasoned gladiators in the blood-soaked pits.

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31 Chs

Chapter 23: Dead Man Walking

A guttural roar of triumph from the bandits mingled with the relentless storm, as the cacophony of terror seemed to seep through every corner of the village. Kaelen's focus was locked onto the vile threats echoing through the rain-soaked night. The scent of rain and blood filled the air, the storm washing the filth of their deeds from the village's muddy streets. His aura still burned around him, a swirling inferno of darkness that contrasted sharply against the ferocity of the storm.

The bandits, oblivious to the full extent of the wrath they had stirred, jeered at Kaelen as he approached, their voices heavy with malicious intent.

"Look at this fool, thinkin' he can stop us," one of the bandits shouted, his voice dripping with scorn. "He's just another dead man walkin'."

Another laughed cruelly. "We're gonna have a real fun time with those little girls once we catch 'em. And you? You'll be our next victim, too. Just a taste of what's to come!"

Their laughter and taunts only fueled Kaelen's rage. His eyes, burning with black fire, scanned the grotesque scene before him. The bandits seemed to revel in their power, their jeers rising with each step Kaelen took.

One particularly repugnant bandit, with a face twisted in a permanent sneer, approached Kaelen. He was large, with a thick neck and arms that bulged grotesquely, and his eyes gleamed with malicious intent. He placed a heavy, grimy hand on Kaelen's shoulder, leaning in close to whisper something vile.

"She's going to beg for mercy," he taunted, his breath foul and rank. "Once we're done with those little girls, we'll have a real treat with your bitch. Maybe I'll save her for last, make sure she knows every inch of pain before she dies."

Kaelen's eyes flared with a new intensity, a rage so profound it was nearly tangible. His aura roared with him, a consuming darkness that seemed to pulse with each breath. Without a word, his arm shot out, piercing the bandit's chest with a brutal precision. The man's eyes widened in shock and pain as he crumpled to the ground, his life slipping away.

The remaining bandits were momentarily stunned by the sudden violence, their sneers fading into confusion and fear. The archer among them, a lanky figure with a scraggly beard, howled with laughter, clearly delighted by Kaelen's apparent indifference to the onslaught.

"Look at him, so desperate to be a hero! Guess what, hero? This arrow's gonna find a home in your head!"

He notched another arrow and let it fly, striking Kaelen's shoulder. The impact barely made Kaelen flinch; his expression remained as cold and unfeeling as the storm itself. The archer's mockery turned to horror as he watched Kaelen continue forward, unmoved by the injury.

"No reaction? How about—"

The archer's voice was abruptly silenced as Kaelen's form blurred with speed. In an instant, the archer's head was severed from his body, the blood spraying out in a gruesome arc. The archer's body crumpled to the ground, and Kaelen, now coated in a grotesque mix of blood and mud, turned to face the remaining bandits.

His aura flared violently, a swirling maelstrom of black flames that cast eerie shadows over the wreckage. The remaining bandits—two in number—were paralyzed by the sheer intensity of Kaelen's wrath. He moved through them like a wraith, his hands and feet finding their marks with deadly precision. The night was filled with the horrifying sounds of flesh tearing and bones snapping.

One bandit, a hulking brute with a cruel grin, charged at Kaelen, swinging a heavy mace. Kaelen sidestepped the clumsy attack, grabbed the bandit's arm, and twisted it with a sickening crack. He then slammed his knee into the bandit's face, shattering his skull. The bandit's body fell in a crumpled heap, blood pooling around him.

The final bandit, a gaunt figure with wild eyes, tried to flee, but Kaelen was relentless. He stumbled and fell through the muck and blood, his movements erratic but lethal. He dragged himself up, leaving a trail of gore in his wake. His fury made him almost unstoppable; he grabbed the fleeing bandit, lifted him by the collar, and with a feral snarl, drove his fist into the bandit's face over and over until there was nothing left but a bloody mess.

Then, as Kaelen pushed forward, he stumbled upon a scene that momentarily halted his relentless advance. Through the torrential downpour, amidst the wreckage of battle and shattered homes, a stark and horrifying sight emerged. His eyes, searing with rage, locked onto a limp form lying on the ground.

It was Lily—the little girl who had greeted him with innocent smiles and hopeful eyes. Now, her tiny body was a sight of unspeakable horror. Her clothes had been torn away, her small frame bruised and battered beyond recognition. Blood coated her entire body, mingling with the mud beneath her and creating a nightmarish tableau of cruelty and suffering.

Kaelen's breath hitched. The sight of Lily's broken, bloodied body drove his fury to an unbearable peak. The rain pelted down relentlessly, turning the crimson stains into a grotesque smear across the mud. The girl's face was barely discernible through the violence inflicted upon her; her eyes were closed, her tiny form utterly still.

His aura flared violently around him, the black flames now a raging inferno that lit up the night sky with an eerie, hellish glow. The bandits who had once laughed and jeered now fell silent, their faces etched with a dawning horror as they saw the full extent of Kaelen's wrath.

He gathered Lily's small, battered form into his arms, her blood soaking into his clothes and mingling with his own. As he looked at her, his throat erupted in a scream so intense it felt as though it might tear him apart. His scream echoed through the storm, a primal sound of anguish and rage that seemed to drown out the storm's fury.

Then, without warning, a blast from a mighty horn shattered the night, tearing through the very storm itself. The sound was immense and powerful, a reverberating blast that cut through the chaos like a thunderclap. The air seemed to pulse with the force of the horn, its resonance echoing through the village and shaking the earth beneath Kaelen's feet.