

Cat Noir and I are fighting another akuma, this one's called Round Trip, and we should be about finished, I've called for my Lucky Charm and Cat Noir is carrying out his part when the akuma kicks him back.

I look over worried but I can't check on him because I have to catch the akuma before it can multiply.

But before I can start I someone scream "Cat!!!!"

"Y/n! stay over there!" Cat Noir shouts back.

I'm puzzled but go on catching the akuma.

I look back to the pair and the girl who screamed, apparently named y/n is beside Cat and he is talking frantically and she looks somewhat embarrassed.

I remember this girl, it's the last akuma we fought, the one Cat Noir said he'd been talking to.

I watch while throwing the Lucky Charm and saying "Miraculous Ladybug!" as Cat and y/n talk and then he gets up and runs off and y/n walks away.

I'm gonna have to talk with Cat Noir about his civilian friend, she can't just run up during battle, Hawkmoth could see her and put the pieces together!

But I can't now, both of our kwamis need to rest.

I'm waiting for Cat Noir to show up at the Eiffel Tower, it's a joint patrol night.

I also have to talk to him.

When he finally arrives he makes himself know with a "Hey M'lady!"

"Hello Cat Noir." I don't mean to sound so, but I do.

"Hey, why so serious? Is something  wrong?!" he asks, concern clear in his voice and on his face.

I smile a little at his thoughtfulness, but right now I have to be stern.

"I'm fine, but we need to talk."

"What about? Did I upset you or something?"

"Oh no! It's just, your friend..."


"That y/n girl, she ran out while we were fighting earlier, that's not safe! She could've been hurt, or anything! And Hawkmoth could've seen her and put two and two together!"

"I know. I already mentioned it to her, and I'm going to see her later, after patrol to talk to her more deeply about the issue."

"Ok. Good. She needs to know that it puts her and her family and you in danger!"

"I know, I know. I'll tell her."

"Cat, maybe it's a bad idea..."


"You being friends with a civilian, it's dangerous!"

"What do you mean? We're careful! This was just one slip up! It won't happen again!"

"Still! Can't you just be friends as civilians?"

"Uhm, NO! We don't know each other like that, I've only talked to her as Cat Noir, and I'm not losing her as a friend."

I'm not sure he just likes her as a friend, he's really adamant about not stopping seeing her.

But whatever.

"Ok, whatever. Just be careful! Today could have ended up badly!"

"We will. Now I think it's time to patrol, don't you?"


So we patrol Paris for about an hour, then he says goodbye and jumps away.

Probably to see y/n.

Whatever. I just don't want either of them to get in trouble.