
Walking A Cat?

"Ok, Shadow. Are you ready to go?" You ask the cat, getting out his carrier.

His elderly owners would always take him out on their walks, so you were told he'd enjoy going out.

It seems the statement was correct, as he climbs right into the little compartment, gets settled, and meows with impatience.

"Jeez, I'm hurrying!" You laugh as you shut the door and start out.

You say goodbye to your mother and begin your walk.

It was around the time school was letting out, so while you didn't want to be around for the crowds, you expected it would be best to not have Shadow home when s/n arrived, full of energy not to be exerted on the cat.

You walk for a while, until Shadow starts meowing and reaching through the door towards something.

"What is it?" You ask him, looking in the direction he's focused on.

You realize it's Francois Dupont and wonder why Shadow is so interested in the school.

Did he actually like Adrien?

You figure it can't hurt to stop by and see what Shadow is so concerned with.

"Hey A-y/n!" You hear as you walk past.

You turn to Adrien, and smile at his red face, embarrassed that he almost called you Angel.

"Hey guys!" You greet the group he was with, Nino, Alya, and Marinette.

"Sup dudette!" Nino says, clearly trying to keep from laughing at Adrien.

You can't help but notice Marinette looks a little annoyed.

"Awww who's that?!" Alya asks, looking at Shadow, who is still looking at something else.

"This is Shadow, my neighbor's cat, I'm watching him while they're away."

"Well it sure seems that you really like black cats, huh?" Alya grins.

"I suppose so." You laugh and glance at Adrien.

He's looking uncertainly at Shadow.

"Did I hear you say that you're watching a cat named Shadow?" You hear a voice behind you.

You turn to find the redhead who hangs out with Chloe all the time.

"Uh, yeah. He belongs to my neighbors."

"Can I see him?"

"I guess." You turn the carrier to where she can see in well, and Shadow purrs at her.

"He seems to like you." You say in surprise.

"Oh yeah, your neighbors must be my grandparents! I go over there sometimes and I'll play with him.

"I see."

"I would watch him while they go on their trips, but my dad is allergic."

"Ahh. I guess you're the reason he wanted to come over here."

"Yeah, maybe!"

The girl seems nice, you wonder why she's always with Chloe, who seems mean.

Speaking of, that's when you hear a screech.

"Sabrina!! Why are you talking to these losers?! Except for you, Adrikins!" Chloe says, rushing up and grabbing onto Adrien.

You try to keep your facial expressions in check, but you kinda want to pull him away from her really fast.

"Uh, Chloe. I told you not to do that, please." He says uncomfortably, trying to get her to loosen her grip.

"But Adrikins! Someone needs to keep you from talking to individuals who want to run others over!" She says, looking you over.

"For the last time, I didn't mean to!" You say, watching Adrien clenching his hands.

"Whatever! Come on, Sabrina!" Chloe says, walking away.

"See you guys later. Bye Shadow!" Sabrina says, and trails after Chloe.

"Sorry about her." Adrien says.

"It's fine. She's not the worst one I've seen here."

"Yeah, no kidding! I should have believed you guys about Lila! It's crazy that she's actually in juvenile detention!"

"She deserved it." You, Adrien, and even Marinette say in unison.

"Wow, you really didn't like her, huh?"

"Well, she stab me, so yeah. That was a fun experience."

"I don't know if would be a good word for something like that." Adrien says.

"I'm sorry, she did WHAT?!" Alya hollers.

"Yeah, she totally flipped."

"I knew she partnered up with Hawkmoth, but that's worse than that! Why would she do that?!"

"I don't know. She was still mad at me and Cat for exposing her, so she woke up and chose violence."

"That's nuts. I wonder if I could get an interview with her?" Alya questions.

"I heard she's being kept in solitary because she's such a liar." Marinette pipes up.

"Oh, wow. What's she saying to get her in there?"

"The secret identities of all the superheros."

"Well that really makes me want one!" Alya laughs.

"Of course, it all must be lies though, I'd guess." You say.

"Yeah, nothing truthful." Adrien backs you up.

"You're probably right. Oh well. I better get going. Bye everyone!" Alya says and walks off with a wave.

"She sure gets excited about her reporting business." Nino chuckles.

"Yeah. I better get going too. Bye." Marinette says and walks towards her bakery.

As soon as she's out of earshot Nino bursts out laughing.

"DUDE! I thought you were both gonna attack Chloe!"

"I kinda felt like it." You admit, joining his laughing fit.

"Yeah, me too." Adrien chuckles.

"You dudes are obviously a thing. I don't know how the others didn't notice."

"I'm just glad they didn't!" Adrien says, trying to talk over Shadow's meowing.

"What's up with this little dude?" Nino asks, trying to reach in and pet the cat.

"He's super rude, that's what." Adrien mutters, making you and Nino laugh again.

"Bro, do you not like cats? That's kinda ironic, isn't it?"

"Nino, dude, you haven't seen anything! He got sooo jealous last night!" You try to speak through the laughter.

"Dude, really?! Of a cat?!"

"He was in my spot!" Adrien tries to defend himself.

"Hey, y/n! You haven't been giving him my cheese, right?!" Plagg suddenly asks from Adrien's bag.

"No, Plagg. Don't worry." You say.

"You guys are hilarious. I hate to leave this comedy gold, but I gotta get home. See you dudes later! And Adrien, don't freak out on Sabrina's favorite little kitty!" Nino teases as he starts off.

"We'll see." Adrien mutters.

"You're hissterical, Kitty." You giggle.

"I'm glad you think so, Angel."

Before you can say any more, his car pulls up.

"I gotta go, see you later!" He says, and goes down the stairs.

"Bye!" You call and turn towards your house.

Shadow sounds like he's ready for dinner, and is very loudly hurrying you along, anyway.