
The Darkness

After going home from y/n's house I detransform and give Plagg a stern look.

"What?" He asks.

"You know what." I reply

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says as he flies off for cheese.

"Yes, you do. Why did you tell y/n I never shut up about her? You make me sound like a creep!"

"Well, I thought she should know that you like her enough to bother me about her all the time."

"Wait, you were trying to help me?"

"Eh, sure."

"Why? I thought you found love stuff repulsive?"

"I do. But I was hoping that if you actually started dating her you'd stop complaining about not knowing if she likes you!"

"And what if I only talk about her more?" I tease.

"Then I'll take my cheese and leave!"

"Ha ha, good luck carrying it all!"

"Don't worry, I'll steal all your socks too."

"Plagg, you're a dork."

"Whatever kid, you need to sleep. You still have school, and unless you wanna stay home, which I'd suggest, you're gonna fall asleep."

"You're right." I say as I start getting ready for a shower.

"I know." He says.

After showering and getting in bed, I lay there and think about all that's happened in one night.

Found out my father has gone crazy.

My assistant is possibly crazy as well.

And my bodyguard is probably unaware.

At least, that's what father said, not that I really trust him anymore.

On the brighter side of the night, we got the miraculouses back.

They are safely with Fu.

And my favorite part, I finally confessed to y/n.

And she said she likes me back!

I'm very happy about that.

Though I thought she did, I wasn't sure.

I'm just glad it didn't make things weird with us.

I would've been happy to stay friends, but it wouldn't be the same.

I fall asleep with a smile, which is ironic because most of my life is falling apart.

When I wake up, I look at my phone and see I have tons of texts and missed calls.

I can assume they are mostly people who saw my father getting imprisoned and are checking on me, which I really appreciate.

I have such good friends.

But one notification seems more official, as it's from my school.


Well, that'll make Plagg happy.

I would have been fine to go, it probably would be better to keep my mind off of everything.

But, I'm not going to refuse a vacation.

I wonder if I'll get a vacation from modeling too?

Since father won't be making any designs for a while, I assume yes.

After checking and replying to all the other messages, which were friends seeing how I am, I get up and get dressed, then go downstairs for breakfast.

The table looks even lonelier than usual.

About to go tell the chef to get me the usual healthy, down to the calorie planned meal, I realize I can eat whatever I want now.

And what I want is the most unhealthy breakfast I've ever eaten.

So I quickly get Plagg and some money, then run out the door.

Didn't think that through.

Almost as soon as I leave the gates I'm bombarded by reporters.

"Adrien, Adrien, what are your thoughts on your father being Hawkmoth?!"

"Adrien, what does this mean for your modeling career?!"

So many questions, so little want to answer.

"I DON'T KNOW YET!" I yell at everyone then run into an alley.

They try to follow me, but I hide behind some trash cans.

"I think he went this way!" One of them shouts, and the whole mob runs off.

I sigh, and lean again the wall.

"Gee kid, who knew you'd get even more attention?"

"I know, right? I don't even know what I should tell them. All I know is I want some chocolate croissants."

"Ooh!! And get me some camembert ones!!"

"Will do. Claws out!"

I transform, then leap up to the rooftops and start jogging.

I pass the mob, but they don't even notice me.

That's crazy.

The freaking superhero gets less attention than the model.

Finally, I see my destination and jump to the alley behind it.

After checking I'm alone, I detransform and go into the Dupain Cheng bakery.

"Hello, what can I get you? Oh, hi dearie, how are you?" Mrs. Dupain Cheng asks once she realizes who I am.

"Hello Mrs. Dupain Cheng, I'm hanging in, I just came for some croissants."

"Ok, just croissants or with filling?"

"Chocolate and camembert please."

"Alright." She says then turns to get some put into a bag.

"You can just put them on a plate, if it's ok."

"Of course! But don't you have school?"

"They gave me the rest of the week off, I guess to sort things out."

"Oh. Well, here's your food, sit anywhere you like."

"Thank you!"

"You're very welcome."

I pay and go sit down, then start eating my croissants when I feel a poke from my bag.

After making sure nobody is looking, I slip Plagg his camembert bread.