
Take That Moment Back

Bff/n had barely been gone two minutes when you hear a knock at the window.

You frantically think.

You quickly let him in and say hello.

He looks really upset, and kind of torn.

"Cat? Are you ok?"

"Well y/n, to tell you the truth, not really."

"What's wrong? Did that other girl turn you down?"

"What? Oh, no."


"But, I have a problem." He says.

"What's up?"

"Well, I just found out someone I thought I could trust has broken like, the most important rule I've ever had in a friendship."

"Oh. That's bad."

"Yeah, it is bad. It could put someone I really care about in danger!"

"Yikes." You don't know what else to say, so make a face.

"Y/n. Do you know who I'm talking about?"

"Uhh no?"

"I'm talking about you." He says quietly, and looks down.


"Y/n, I told you not to tell anybody!"

"I know, but one day she was here, and you texted me, and she saw it, and was wondering who I was calling Kitty, I really did try to get her to drop it, but she wouldn't!"

"Are you saying it's my fault for texting you?"

"Of course not! It's my fault, I shouldn't have let bff/n see the messages."

"No, you shouldn't have."

"I'm really sorry Cat, I never wanted to tell anyone!"

"I know. But still, you do realize that your friend could be working with Hawkmoth or something, right?"

"No way! She wouldn't! And besides, if she was she wouldn't tell him, she's my best friend! And has been for years!"

"You never truly know what people will do."

"I know that, but I trust her!"

"And I trusted you! But I guess I shouldn't have."

"Cat, no! You can trust me!"

"Y/n, I don't think we should be friends anymore."

That crushes you, and you start shaking your head.

"No, no! Please don't stop coming over! Cat, you're my best friend!"

"I thought this bff/n was your best friend?"

"I have two! But please, Kitty..."

"I'm sorry y/n. It's for your own good. I can't have you getting hurt by Hawkmoth. Maybe one day, when he's defeated, I can come back. But until then, goodbye."

He swiftly hugs you, and you hug back tightly.

You cling to him for a moment, not wanting to let go.

After pressing a kiss to your cheek he gently pushes you off him.

"I'm gonna miss you so much y/n. You really are an angel."

"Then don't go! We can still be friends, I already told bff/n not to tell anyone!"

You're confused, not really understanding why he has to stay away, and what could happen.

"I'm sure you did. But I can't chance your safety. Hopefully we take Hawkmoth down soon, and the minute we do I'll find you, and give you a giant hug. No matter who's watching. Because then, it won't matter."

You feel tears streaming down your face, and you can tell Cat has some of his own.

He brushes his thumb across your tear streaks so you wipe his away too.

He takes a deep breath and hugs you once more, and you whisper "I love you." into his ear.

"I love you too. I'll see you when Hawkmoth is gone."

"Ok... Goodbye my Kitty."

"Goodbye, my Angel." And with that, he's gone.

Rushing away into the night.

You fall into your bed and let it all out, just crying into the pillow for a while, before you finally get ready for bed.

This is definitely how you imagined this night going.

You think about when bff/n saw the text and just wish you could take that moment back.

Tears are flowing freely down my cheeks as I jump from building to building, I can feel them.

I was trying to be stern and all, so she'd know how serious this was, but I couldn't let our last time together in who knows how long end like that.

Maybe if I'd just stayed we could have talked and figured out a way to still be together?

I guess we'll never know what could happen, I'll just have to make sure Hawkmoth is gone.

Now I just have to go to the Eiffel Tower to get my things.

I pick up the blankets, pillows, and candy, then put them in the bag.

Not y/n's candy though.

I got this for her, and she's going to have it.

I'll just drop it by, before going home.

After retracing my steps I land quietly on her balcony and set the candy down in front of the door.

I can't help but stand there a minute, and remember the good times we've had on this balcony.

When we'd go for visits to the Eiffel, when I scared her and she punched me, making silly puns, just everything.

Smiling sadly, I jump away.

I hope we get Hawkmoth soon, I don't want everything to go back to the way it was.

I could talk to anyone about my cruddy modeling stuff, or how pushy my father is, but y/n is the only one I can talk to about superhero stuff.

Other than Plagg and Ladybug, but they're not big on talking about whatever.

But y/n would always listen.

I'd brought the bag with me, so I just go home.

After I throw the bag down and detransform, Plagg gives me a sympathetic look, and actually hugs me.

Well, as best as he can.

I hug back, mumbling a thanks.

Plagg flies off and gets some cheese, while I get ready for a shower.

As I eat my cheese I think about Adrien.

Yes, I tease him and act like I don't care most of the time, but I really do love the kid.

He's the best holder I've had in ages.

Most of them have just thrown a little cheese at me and used me to gain power.

But Adrien's not like that, he gives me however much food I want, and he even lets me go see Tikki sometimes, if it's really important.

I do hope things work out with him and this y/n, I can tell they really care for each other.

I know Fu thinks Marinette should be with Adrien, and they're meant for each other and all, but he's never seen Adrien with y/n.

That's where the real love is.

Adrien walks out of his bathroom in pajamas, lays down on his bed, tells me goodnight and closes his eyes.

I can hear soft cries coming from him.

I've never liked the sound humans make when they cry, because I've had too many holders die from battle or something, and have had to listen to that sound at their funeral.

So I float over to Adrien and lay on his head, and soon my goal is accomplished.

The rusty sound I usually try so hard to not make rumbles through me.

When Adrien hears it he stops crying, other than the occasional sniffle.

Eventually we both fall asleep, but I can guarantee that Adrien's isn't nearly as calm as mine, as he tosses and turns most of the night.