
School Life

By lunch you're pretty sure the whole school has somehow approached you about the rumors.

You'd denied it for a while, then just started ignoring most of them.

"Is this basically how you live?" You ask Adrien in exasperation on the way to class after a not at all quiet meal.

"Yeah, pretty much. Though it's not as bad here, and different questions of course."

"Oh you poor, poor kitty." You say sympathetically, after glancing around to make sure nobody is listening.

When you get to the classroom, Lila is already there, in her new seat.

Smirking when you come in, you shoot her a glare and sit down.

As the lesson starts you notice Adrien frantically rummaging through his bag.

"Did you lose something?" You whisper to him.

"Plagg isn't in here!" He whispers back, clearly panicking.

Quickly you bring your own bag up and look in.

Tilting it so Adrien can see, you discreetly try to wake the sleeping kwami, so he'll get in the correct bag.

He just waves your hand away, so you glance at Adrien. 

Turning back to his own bag, he grabs a paper and pencil and writes. 

You try to pay attention, but it's hard when you can feel Lila shooting daggers into you.

Your turn back quickly, and she holds your gaze in a steady glare.

Rolling your eyes, you turn back to the teacher.

Finally, the class is over and you're lucky enough to not have Lila in the next one.

On the way, you and Adrien duck into the locker rooms to get the books you'll need, and to get Plagg situated.

Thankfully, nobody else is in the area.

You reach into your bag and carefully pick him up.

Laughing when he grabs onto your hand, you give him to Adrien.

"Plagg, buddy, you can't stay there, what if I need you?" He says, looking for some cheese.

"It's not like you won't be right next to each other!" Plagg exclaims.

"But you ate all the cheese I had." You say.

At this, Plagg quickly phases into Adrien's bag.

You laugh and get the books you need.

Walking quickly to the next class, you don't even pay attention to the whisperings around you.

Since you get to class just before the teacher, nobody comes up to say anything.

You'd already covered this topic in your homeschool lessons, so you don't really pay much attention.

Adrien notices, and writes you a note.

Is how you respond.

You write back and smile.

He returns it, and looks back to the teacher.

When the class is finished, you tell Adrien to go ahead to the next class, because you need to stop at the bathroom.

Wanting to go now, so hopefully Lila won't come in.

You almost think you've gotten away with it, since you're drying your hands, when she opens the door.

"I thought you said I wouldn't get any attention today." You smirk.

"You're not getting any positive."

"Oh, I think I am. Adrien has been plenty nice."

"Don't worry. By the end of the week, he isn't even going to want to look at you." She hisses.

"Ok, Lila." You say, and try to brush past her, as the first bell is chiming.

She stands in front of the door, blocking your way.

"You don't believe me? You should."

"Whatever. I don't want to be late, so let's just go." You say, and shove past her.

Arriving to the class isn't too hard, since it wasn't far from the restrooms, but Adrien still gives you a worried look.

"I thought you might've gotten lost!" He whispers.

"Nope. Just held up by Lila." You explain.

He rolls his eyes, and looks to the door, where the teacher is coming in.

"Hello class. Please get out your notebooks." They say, and you reach into your bag to find that your notebook isn't there.

You look through the entire bag, but you can't find it.

Adrien gives you some paper, so you don't need it, but it still worries you because it hadn't occurred to you when you'd gotten it, but now you realize that it was the same notebook which held the paper you'd used to find out Cat Noir's identity.

Terrified that Lila or someone just as bad had found it, you worry all through the rest of the day.

When classes are over, you thoroughly search your locker.

"Missing something?" Adrien asks.

Worried that you'll upset him, you bite your lip.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks again.

"Well..." You check to make sure nobody is listening, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around, so you continue,

"I accidentally brought the wrong notebook, and the one I brought had a very important paper in it."

"Don't worry, I'm sure someone has found it." He tries to reassure you, not knowing that you're worried someone actually has found it.

"That's the problem, the paper that was in it can't be found!"

"Why not?"

"Because that's where I wrote down my clues to find your identity!" You whisper.

His eyes get wide, and he quickly starts helping you search your locker.

"It's not in here!" You say in exasperation, after searching what little was inside.

"What isn't?" Someone asks from behind you.

You quickly turn to find Marinette standing there.

"Um, just my notebook. I can't find it."

"Is it this one?" She asks, pulling something out of her bag.

"I found it earlier, in your seat. I figured it was yours, so I got it before Lila could." She says, venom in the last part.

You sigh in relief, as you see that it is your notebook.