
Scared Straight

You were on your way to the park before you realized how crowded it would probably be at this time.

You think and continue walking.

When you get there you see your assumptions were correct, almost every bench is full.

The only one with an empty spot is one in the far corner, almost hidden from view.

There's only one person there, a boy.

You walk over and ask if you can sit.

The boy looks up, making you blink a couple times, recognizing him.

"Sure, I guess." He answers in a bored tone.


He nods curtly and you sit.

You open the book you'd brought, and start reading.

You'd only gotten a few pages when you felt someone looking at you.

You glance up, and see the boy watching you.

"Can I help you?" You say.

"Sorry, you just look familiar."

"Uh, I come here alot."

"No, it's not that. I haven't been here in years."


"I'm Felix."

"Y/n. Does that help?"

"No, I don't think I know anyone with that name."

"I guess I just have one of those faces."

He nods, accepting this answer.

You know that's probably not the actual reason, he may just recognize you from yesterday, as Equina.

Looking back at the book, you hope that answer satisfies him, as you don't want to continue talking.

In the hospital he kept flirting.

You found it sort of horrible, since Adrien and his mother were in the other room, learning who knows what about his aunt.

He didn't even seem to care.

"What're you reading?" He breaks into your train of thought.

You lift the book to show him the cover, to which he nods and says he's never read it.

"It's good." You say politely, not wanting to be rude.

"Maybe I'll have to try it sometime."

"Yeah." You hope he takes this as a signal that you want to be left alone, but no such luck.

"You said you come here alot, so I assume you live around here. Know any good places to eat?"

"Uh yeah, I guess."

You give him a few names, but none which are your favorites, because you hope he won't go there for you to run into.

"Maybe you'd accompany me to one of them sometime?"

"Uhh, I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"I don't even know you!"

"That's the point! We can get to know each other!"

"Still, it's a no."


"I have a boyfriend, for one."

"Oh yeah? And what's he got that I don't?"

"Respect for the word no, first of all."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

You think as you look at him incredulously.

"When I said no, you kept pushing. My boyfriend wouldn't have done that. And if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."

You pick up your book and walk away, not sparing him a glance.

You think as you leave.

You still want to read some, and you're a bit hungry, so you go to the nearest bakery.

The Dupain-Chengs.

You go in and order your favorite, and when you turn to go eat it, you do a double take.

You think in anger.

You march over to his table and smack your hand on it.

He looks up, startled, and only then do you realize your mistake.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else!" You explain.

"Ohh, it's OK. You probably mistook me for my cousin, Felix. We look very similar."

"Uh yeah, that's right. He was talking to me at the park a minute ago, and I thought he followed me. Again, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine! No problem. A simple misunderstanding."


"If you don't mind me asking, he wasn't bothering you too badly, was he? If he was I'll talk to him about it."

"Oh, it's nothing. He was just trying to flirt, but I have a boyfriend, so I told him no, but it seems he can't take a hint."

"Yeaahh, he's like that. Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize! It's not your fault!"

"I know, but still, he's my cousin."

"Eh, It's fine. Nothing I can't handle."

He laughs a laugh that sounds very, very familiar.

"Well, I should go. It's been nice talking to you!" He says, getting up.

"Uh yeah, you too!"

He smiles, and walks off to throw his trash away.

You go sit at a different table, and tuck into your pastry.

I can't believe that rotten cousin of mine.

First, he flirts with y/n as Equina, then as her civilian self?! Does he just flirt with everyone?

Probably does. Thinks he's some playboy.

Ugh, I wish I could do something about that.

Wonder how he'd react to an angry boyfriend?

I laugh at the thought, but then realize how interesting that would be.

"Hey, Plagg." I whisper, ducking into an alley.

"What? Do you got me some cheese?" He asks, floating out

"No, I just want to ask you something."

"Kid, I'm not giving you advice for your girlfriend again."

"It's not that, I was just wondering, you said Felix gave you a weird vibe, right?"

"Something like that."

"Well, how about we give him a little fright?"

"Ooh, sounds fun! Wait, why are you doing this? You're never this fun. What did he do?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Kid, I know you better than you think. He has to have done something. What was it?"

"Didn't you hear? He keeps flirting with y/n!"

"Ohh. Now I get it. You're jealous."

"I am not! I just want him to stop bothering her, and any other girl who doesn't want to be bothered."

"Sure, sure."

"Whatever, Plagg. Claws out!"

Before he can say anything else he gets sucked into the ring.

I go out of the alley, then jump to the roofs.

Y/n said he was in the park, so I go there.

I don't see him at first, but just as I'm about to leave and forget about this whole thing, I spot him.

He's leaving, looking annoyed.

Quietly, I follow him.

He's about to go through an alley filled area, so I jump to one of the alleys.

"Hey, you." I say as gruffly as possible without laughing.

He stops and looks around, then starts to walk off.

I jump to the next alley, just ahead of him.

"Blondie. C'mere." I call in the same gruff voice.

Still trying not to laugh.

"Me?" He says, sounding a little scared.

"Yeah, you."

He looks around then walks unsurely into the alley.

"So. I've been hearing things about you." I say, leaning against the wall.

"Like what?" He asks, nervously.

"Like you've been flirting with my girlfriend." I look at him expectantly.

"W-what? No, I-I didn't know! I swear!"

"Doesn't matter. You shouldn't be flirting with any pretty girl you see."


"My partner, Equina says you also flirted with her while she was helping your family on a mission yesterday. She has a boyfriend too, y'know."


"Uh-huh. So I'm actually warning you. You're just lucky they're nice, but one day you try flirting with someone and they'll knock you out. Or maybe their boyfriend. Or both."

"Y-yes sir. I'm sorry. I really didn't know she was girlfriend! If I had I wouldn't have said anything!"

"I'm sure you wouldn't. Now, remember what I said, and don't be bothering every girl you see. Especially not the ones who don't want to talk to you."

"Of course. I won't. Sorry, Mr. Noir."

"Yeah, I bet you are. And remember, you're lucky I'm a good guy."

He looks as if he doesn't understand, so I whisper "Cataclysm!" as I pass a bag of trash, and disintegrate it.

Good for the environment.

I look over my shoulder with a smirk, to see Felix looking pale.

I jump to the roof, and quickly run home, laughing hysterically.

As I climb in the window I detransform, still laughing.

"Oh, Plagg! You shoulda seen his face! Priceless!"

"Yeah yeah, gimme cheese."