
Sad Days

My alarm goes off, signaling it's time to get ready for school.

I've barely slept any, and what little there was, wasn't good.

I just kept seeing y/n's teary face as I told her we shouldn't be friends.

At one point she'd just melted, into a puddle of crying goo.

That one was really weird.

I feel like a puppet as I get ready for school, just doing my usual routine.

I go downstairs and eat breakfast then get in the car, barely saying anything to Nathalie, or The Gorilla.

As usual I don't see my father.

When we arrive at school I get out and say thanks for the ride.

I go in and sit at my desk, just staring into space mostly.

"Hey dude! What's up?!" Nino's enthusiasm almost hurts, it's so different from how I'm feeling.

"Bleh. That's about it."

Nino quickly catches on, and asks what's wrong.

"Well, remember L and Y?"

"Of course!"

"Well, L rejected me, then Y did something that was super important she not do, so now, I can't hang out with her anymore."

"Whoa, dude. That sucks."


"What'd she do?"

"Uh, she told someone a secret that was really important, and shouldn't be told."

"Oh. That's bad."


"Ok class, settle down! It's time to start!" Miss Bustier says, interrupting any further conversation.

Which I'm not all that upset about, I don't really want to talk about it.

When class is over I sigh and stand up, then trudge to the next lesson.

I'm really worried about Adrien, he looks super upset!

"Alya, do you think Adrien looks sad?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"I wonder what's wrong with him?"

"No telling girl. Could be his dad again."

"Yeah... Oh! Let's ask Nino! They were talking before class!"

"Ok, whatever."

I grab her arm and pull her along to find Nino before the next class.

"Nino!! We need to talk to you!!" I say, running up to him.

"Wassup dudettes?"

"Um, I was just wondering, do you know what's wrong with Adrien?"

He glances at Alya, then to me, then back to Alya.

"Nino? Is something bad happening to Adrien?!" I immediately think the worst.

"Well uh, kinda but not really serious or anything."

"Nino! What. Is. Wrong. With. Adrien?!"

"Uhhh-" The bell rings, keeping him from answering.

"Oh look, there's the bell. Gotta go!"

Nino takes Alya's hand as he runs toward their next class, which I'm not in.

But I am in Adrien's class!

Maybe I could just ask him what's making him sad?

If I can talk to him.

After class Adrien stands up and starts shuffling to the next lesson. 

I have about five minutes to talk to him.

I walk quickly enough and catch him in the hall.

"Hey, Adrien!"

He turns and half smiles at me.

"Hi Marinette. What's up?"

"Uh, n-nothing. But I ask wanted you, er, I wanted to ask you if you were ok? You seem upset or something."

"Oh, I'm fine. It's nothing, really."

"Adrien, you know I'll listen if you need to talk?"

"Yeah, I know. Thanks. But really, I'm ok. And I gotta get to class. See ya."

He turns and walks away, the bell ringing again.

I wish he was telling the truth, but I'm pretty sure he's not.

He's probably alright, just problems with his dad, like Alya said.

At least, I hope it's that.

That was nice of Marinette, but I really can't talk to anyone about it.

Maybe Ladybug, but she probably doesn't want to listen to my problems.

Well, Marinette probably doesn't either, but was just being considerate.

I've had like ten people ask if I'm ok, I must be looking really down.

Better fix that.

I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

First off I have dark circles under my eyes. 

My hair is somewhat disheveled, so I quickly make it look normal, since that's how it looks when I'm Cat Noir.

Hopefully no one noticed that.

Once I look semi normal I go back out and head to the next class.

But still, I must just be acting depressed, since people continue to ask if I'm alright.

I'm so lucky to have such caring friends, but I really don't want to talk about it.

Not that I really could anyway.

Finally the day is over, but I still have photoshoots.

The Gorilla picks me up and we drive to a park.

I do not want to do this. =============================You've barely done anything, just your regular routine things.

Changed clothes, brushed hair, ate, school.

That's about it.

You know it's a bit of an overreaction, since Cat will come back when Hawkmoth is gone, but you're still sad that he won't be around for a while.

You called bff/n to tell her what happened, but she insisted on coming over first.

So now that's what you're doing, sitting on your bed talking with her about Cat Noir, and how you need Hawkmoth to be captured.