

"Hi Angel!" Cat Noir says as he drops onto your balcony behind you, Ladybug soon following.

"Hey! What's up?" You ask, wondering why Ladybug has tagged along again.

"Master Fu got the concoction made, so we're going to take it to Lila and Hawkmoth. Plus I have to give them the recording." Ladybug explains.

"Ok, so why do you need me?"

"Same reason. He really did about go crazy."

"I did not! What I said was a perfectly reasonable response!" Cat protests.

"Yeah yeah, just give her the dang glasses."

You laugh and happily take the glasses Cat hands you, then greet Kaalki warmly.

"Hello darling!" She says.

You start to talk with her for a minute, until Ladybug clears her throat, indicating you should hurry.

"Right. Sorry Kaalki, maybe we can talk later. Full gallop!"

"Wanna race?" You ask slyly.

"If you agree to not teleport!" Cat retorts.

"I won't, if you don't use your baton!"

"That's not the same!"

"It's still cheating!"

"HA! So you admit you cheated!" He says triumphantly.

"OH MY GOSH YOU TWO ARE LIKE CHILDREN!" Ladybug says in exasperation.

So of course after she turns around to swing away, you and Cat both stick your tongues out at her.

"First one to pass Ladybug wins! No batons or portals!" You call out as you jump to the next roof.

"You're on!" Cat responds, quickly following you.

"Winner kisses the loser!" You say with a laugh.

But you end up both going at the same speed, and Ladybug just stops at the police station, so neither of you pass her.

Until you take a little step ahead of her.

"Ha! I win! Now, may I claim my prize?" You ask smugly, moving to stand in front of Cat.

"I suppose." He playfully rolls his eyes, giving you a mock remorseful look, before moving to where you can kiss him better.

"Ugh, you two! I'm not third wheeling a date with you, we're on a mission!" Ladybug breaks in, making you move away.

"To be continued?" He whispers in your ear, which causes a quick shiver to run down your spine.

But you don't let on, and just hit right back with "You can bet on it!"

You follow Ladybug inside the police station, where she leaves the recording at the front desk, then continue into the same interrogation room.

"How nice to see you again!" Lila says in her falsely nice tone.

"The feeling isn't mutual!" You respond in an equally falsely nice tone.

"We have you something." Ladybug says, pulling two vials out of her yo-yo.

"Oh? A present? How kind!" Lila continues using the innocent tone.

"What is that, exactly?" Hawkmoth asks with an unsure look at the mixture.

"It's a special drink for you!" Cat says, clearly trying to keep from growling.

"Is it erm- gluten free?" Lila asks.

"Totally." Ladybug replies.

"Good." Lila says, worry creeping into her voice as she picks up a bottle.

"Is this poison?" Hawkmoth asks, glancing at Cat.

"No. Because unlike you, I wouldn't kill someone. Especially someone I'm related to." Cat responds, glaring at him.

"Ahem, yes. Well. Hand it over." Hawkmoth says awkwardly.

"You can get it yourself!" You roll your eyes.

He glowers at you and reaches for the vial.

They both drink it, smacking their lips.

"So what's it for?" Lila asks.

"It's to keep you quiet." You smirk.

"What?! I thought he said-" Lila starts, but you cut her off.

"Yeah, he said. Not me!"

A look of panic passes between them, causing the three of you to laugh.

"It's not really a poison or anything, it's just a special drink to keep you from spilling any secrets!" Ladybug clears it up.

"Uh-huh." Lila says, clearly already trying to formulate a plan.

"You can stop whatever you're thinking, it won't work." Cat says.

Ladybug takes the now empty glass containers and puts them back in her yo-yo.

"Well, I think that's all. Have fun in prison!" She says, turning and leading the way to the door.

You and Cat decide against hitting Lila this time, but from the shared look, you can tell you both want to.

Ladybug has you follow her to an alleyway, and checks for creeps luckily finding none, but that doesn't stop you from laughing with Cat at the thought of the guy you sent to a random horse pasture.

Ladybug rolls her eyes since she doesn't get the joke, and asks for your miraculous back.

"Awww, already?" You groan.

"Yes. I have to return the bottles back to Master Fu, so I might as well take them."


You detransform, then say goodbye to Kaalki.

She gives you a little hug and allows Ladybug to take her.

"I wish I could keep her." You say sadly to Cat, watching Ladybug swing away.

"I know, Angel. I'm sorry." He says sympathetically.

You sigh, then say "I better get home. I didn't tell my parents we were leaving."

"Right. So I suppose I shall take you, since it'll be faster?" He asks.

"Well, if you insist!" You grin.

He picks you up and uses his baton to get to the rooftops, then changes your position to bridal style, and takes off.

He's barely gotten stopped and set you down when your bedroom door starts to open.

"Hide!" You hiss, gesturing to the roof.

He quickly gets up there before your mother steps out onto your balcony.

"Your father and I have to go to s/n's school, she/he's coming with us, so do you want to stay or do you want to come?"

"I'll just stay. Have fun!" You tease, to which she makes a face.

"Your father says to tell you not to invite any boys over." She says,  giving you clear indications that she already knows Adrien is there, but doesn't mind.

"I won't." You respond with a conspiratorial tone.

She winks and leaves, then you hear them getting ready to leave.

"So should I go?" Cat asks from his perch.

"Nah. I'm not breaking the rules, I didn't invite you over, you're already here. Plus Mom is cool with it." You laugh, watching the car pull away.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, totally. So are you just gonna stay up there or what?"

"No, I'll think I'll stay rigghht here!" He says, jumping down and sticking himself to your side.

"I'm so glad!" You giggle, walking through your open balcony doors, to be more concealed, Cat following your every step.

"I believe my prize for beating you with no help was cut short. Might I get the rest of it?" You ask smugly.

"If you must!" He teases as he wraps his arms around your waist.

You lean up to kiss him, happy to claim your winnings.