

After fencing, Adrien went to his room so Felix went to his temporary one.

He quickly got oh his phone and went to Google.

After searching for a while, he found what he was looking for.

The Ladyblog video that was just posted after a statue had been found.

It was a video explaining about how the miraculous were special jewels, and how they got their power.

Little things called kwamis, apparently.

Felix thinks about the raspy voice Adrien was talking to, and assumed that was his kwami.

He thinks.

He thinks for a while, until coming up with a plan.

Later, when Adrien has went downstairs for dinner along with Amile, Felix sneaks into Adrien's room.

After snooping around for a bit, he finds what he's looking for.

A set of Adrien's clothes.

He quickly takes them to his guest room, and hides them in the bed.

When he's done, he goes downstairs as if nothing's happened.

================================You were sitting with your family, having dinner, when your little sister/brother says something very unexpected.

"Y/n, when can I meet Cat Noir?"

It almost causes you to choke on the bite you'd just taken.

"W-what?!" You splutter.

"Cat Noir. Your friend."

"What are you talking about s/n?!"

"Yeah, why would you think y/n is friends with Cat Noir?" Your mom interrupts.

"Well, last night I was up getting water, when I heard y/n talking to somebody, so I opened the door, and saw you talking to Cat Noir on your balcony. But then I was too sleepy to meet him, so I went to bed. I'm not sleepy now though!" She/he explains.

"Really? And why exactly was Cat Noir, on your balcony, y/n?" Your father asks.

"I, um, he was just saying hello." You falter.

"How come? Why would he want to say hello to you?" He presses on.

"And why was he hugging you if he just wanted to say hello?" S/n asks.

"you?" Your dad continues, raising his eyebrows.

"W-well, I was on m-my balcony, and he was going by so he said hello."

"And he thought a hug was a good was to say hello?"

"Was he the reason you went to that dance? You were dressed as him." Your mother inputs.

"And more importantly, was he your date?!" Your dad asks sternly.

"No! No, we were only friends!" You protest.


"Uh, umm, yeah."

"Does that mean you're not friends anymore?" Your mom asks.

"You could say that." You try not to give anything away.

S/n has really done it this time.

"So why was he saying hello if you're not friends anymore?" Dad continues.

"I know why!" S/n pipes up.

You think.

"He's not your ! He's your !!"

You inwardly cringe.

"Y/n? Is that true?" Your dad asks.

You decide you can't lie.

"Yes. He is." You whisper.

"Y/n, you know the rules! We have to meet any boy you want to date."

"But he's a superhero! He's not going to do anything bad!"

"How do you know that?"

"Because, I know him, and it'd ruin his reputation and he wouldn't be able to be a super anymore."

"Either way, we need to meet him. Invite him here for dinner tomorrow." Your mom offers.

"Fine." You say and quickly finish eating.

After putting your things away, you go to your room.

When Cat finally arrives late that night, he knocks as usual.

You bite your lip nervously, and open the door.

Before he can say anything, you push him out, and close the door behind you.

He looks at you, concerned, and asks "Y/n? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry." You whisper.

"Angel, what are you sorry for? You haven't done anything!" He tries to reassure you, wrapping you in his arms.

"My family knows."

"Knows what?"

"About you. About us."

"Aw, Angel. It's ok! Hawkmoth is gone, and that's what I was mostly worried about." He says softly.

"Are you sure?"

"Pawsitive." He puns, trying to make you laugh.

He succeeds, earning a small giggle.

"Hey, there we go. No need to be upset about it. Besides, what would they be able to do about us?"

"I don't know... Make us break up?"

"Do you really think that would work?" He asks, raising a brow.

"No." You say with a small smile.

"They haven't even known I was coming here, any of the time. And I've been doing it for months." He laughs.

"I know, but they might be more vigilant!"

"Doesn't matter. Nobody could keep me away from you." He says and kisses the top of your head.

You blush, and hug him tightly.

Which he returns, strengthening his grip around you.

"So how did they find out?" He asks.

"My sister/brother saw us last night.

"What exactly did she/he see?"

"Us talking out here, then hugging."

"Oh. And did she/he tell your parents or what?"

"Well, she/he just asked when they could meet you, because she/he was too tired last night."

He chuckles, and asks what you said.

"Well first I tried to say you were just saying hello, but then comes the mentioning of hugging, then my mom remembers the dance, and how I dressed as you, my dad asks if you were my date, I said no, because we were just friends, they picked up in the were, and I didn't want to lie, so I just came clean."

"Huh. And are they ok with it?"

"Not really. They want you to come for dinner tomorrow."

"So what I'm hearing is, free food?" He jokes.

"You nerd! This is important!" You scold, but are laughing all the same.

"Kidding! At least I'll be able to see you early! What time should I be here?"

"I dunno. 6ish?"

"Will do. And don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior!"

"You better." You say with an amused grin.


"And let loose on the puns. Might help to win over my dad."


"You're a dork."

"I know. But I'm your dork."

"That you are."