
Merry Christmas!

After Cat had experienced that dream, you wanted to do something special with him for Christmas.

So you decide to go on a shopping trip.

You search through so many stores you lose count but still can't find anything.

Almost ready to give up, an idea comes to mind.

Quickly finding a store that would carry the things you plan to use, you gather everything and pay.

You also grab the usual favorite candies to share.

After arriving home, you get to work.

Taking all the things you'd purchased, aside from the candy, you arrange everything the way it should be.

After getting the frame ready, you gather paper and colored pencils to make what you hope will be your best drawing yet.

A portrait of you and Cat Noir together.

You work on it most of the evening, only stopping a few times for food and such, and well into the night.

Adrien had mentioned that he wouldn't be able to come over, because he had a ton of homework, so you weren't expecting him to drop by and see your work.

Because of that, it was surprising to hear a knock at the balcony.

Quickly hiding the most important things, you look out to make sure it's Cat.

Only making that mistake once.

Seeing that it is him, you open the door.

"Hey! I thought you weren't gonna make it? Not that I'm not happy to see you, of course!"

He doesn't really answer, just detransforms.

Plagg takes the cheese Adrien hands him and zips away, without a hello.

You're thoroughly confused, and hope Adrien is about to explain when he starts to speak.

"Um yeah, I'm sorry, I wasn't planning to. I wanted to get all my work done, but I fell asleep."

"Oh. Ok then." You respond, still pretty confused as to why he'd come over, he's clearly tired.

"Can I just- hug you for a minute?" He asks suddenly.

"Uh, yeah?" You ask, stepping closer and letting his arms wrap around your torso, with you doing the same to him.

Just standing there with his face in your shoulder, you hold him.

He must be upset about something, so you don't ask questions.

After a little while he pulls away, and you notice his eyes are watery.

"Thanks. I just, I don't know, needed to feel you with me. Make sure you're still here."

"Of course I'm here. Where else would I be?"

"Not dangling off the Eiffel Tower, I was hoping." He says quietly, making you even more confused.

"Kitty, why on earth would that be happening?" You ask softly.

"Because I had another nightmare, and it was happening."

"Oh, Adrien." You say sympathetically, pulling him into your arms again.

"Is it alright if I stay here for a little bit?" He asks.

"Of course it is! I'm not busy, and everybody is already asleep. So you can just come on over here if you want." You say, going over to the bed.

"That sounds great. If you're ok with it!"

"I'm the one who asked you, remember?" You say gently, pulling the blankets aside and climbing in.

"Uh-huh." He responds.

He must've been ready for bed anyway, as he's in pajamas.

You can't help but notice the fact that the pants are brown, with his shirt being white.

As he gets underneath the blankets beside you, you realize the reason he detransformed so quickly was because he's scared of hurting you again with the super strength.

And Plagg hid so quickly because he knew Adrien was upset.

When Adrien gets settled good, you put your arms around him and hold him.

His wrap around you, to hold you as well.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You ask, referring to his dream.

"Not really, but also yeah."

"Well just take your time. I'll listen.

"Thank you."

"Of course!" You say, giving him a light squeeze.

"No, seriously. Thank you! You're so amazing, and you let me just be myself and I'm really grateful for that, and that you just listen to anything, and you let me cuddle you, and you're so good to cuddle with and I really love you alot!" He starts ranting, while holding onto you tightly.

But not extremely tight, he's still being extra careful.

"Aww, Kitty. I'm really thankful for you, too! And you're good to cuddle with too. Very huggable!"

You think you can hear him crying a little, and wonder if it's the dream that's making him so emotional.

"Adrien, what's wrong? Was the nightmare this bad?"

"Yes! It was horrible! I just don't want to ever lose you!"

"Kitty, don't worry. I'm right here." You try to comfort him as you lay your head on his chest.

The next thing you know, Plagg is shaking you both.

"Guys! Wake up! Y/n's parents are getting up!"

"Huh? Wha-?" You say blearily, rubbing your eyes.

"Kid! Sorry to wake your beauty sleep, but I'd rather her dad not kill you!" Plagg whisper shouts, continuing to shake Adrien.

You gasp, realizing you must've fallen asleep and now it's morning.

"Hmm?" Adrien mumbles, pulling you closer.

"No!! Let her go! Move! Get up!"

"Kitty, I'm sorry but you've gotta get up. My dad will kill us both if he finds us." You say, patting his arm.