
Made For Us

After fencing, piano, Chinese, and stopping for some food, I start today's homework.

I know that I could stop some of the things father made me do, but I actually enjoy it to some extent.

Especially fencing, plus that helps with superheroing, if I ever need to do that again.

But one thing I don't always enjoy, is homework.

At least I can listen to some music while I work.

I select a playlist and put it on shuffle, then get to reading.

Only partially listening, zoning in and out helps me to not get bored to death, but I also miss some of the songs.

I'm only half paying attention to the one playing, but as it goes on I start listening more closely, as a few lines caught my attention.

Too bad for me, the song was almost over, so I quickly try to turn my phone back on, but by the time I get there something else is already playing.

I know that I have to find it, and listen more clearly, so I go to Google and search all the words I remember.

After a little digging, I find it.

I find a lyric video, and just listen, moments playing in my head like a music video.

Immediately the time with y/n's parents pops into my head, when her dad said I'm too young to say anything about being with y/n forever.

That's basically why I announced our relationship on Nadjia's show.

The first time y/n and I ever said we love each other comes to mind, and I laugh at how we both played it off as we meant it in a friendship way.

Ladybug trying to flirt.

Didn't I tell someone I wanted to love someone like I do y/n?

Though I told everyone, they don't really know anything.

That time in the store when I touched her hand for the first time.

Really does seem that way, like every time we kiss I get sparks.

How her parents never knew about me.

When we got together, and I told her being away from her made me realize how much I love her.

The time in the hospital Felix was mad I sent her away so she wouldn't raise suspicion.

We stay up super late almost every night.

How none of my friends know who y/n is.

That random akuma wanting me with Ladybug.

Nadjia's show quickly runs through my head.

Our entire relationship was a secret for the longest time.

How Felix just automatically assumed I like Kagami, I really wanted to shout it from the rooftops, to be honest.

How we quickly said it as I left the night we got together.

Felix pretending to be me.

Still pretty mad about that.

I definitely said that, or thought it, anyway.

Just the image of y/n's little sibling wondering why I was on her balcony comes up.

Our conversation the night everything happened with Felix.

I remember seeing comments on the video Alya posted about us saying they wanted Ladybug and I to be together, and even a few people saying they crushed on me themselves.

I love how well that describes how I feel.

Though plenty of people know I have a girlfriend, only y/n's family, Felix and Ladybug know who it is.

I guess André too.

Though I wish more people knew that Adrien has a girlfriend, because that's how I'm usually flirted with.

I can't wait to show this to y/n later, and find out if she thinks the same way about it as I do.

When it's finally late enough for me to sneak out, I quickly patrol and go to y/n's house.

Quietly knocking, she soon opens the door.

"Hey Kitty!" She greets.

"Hi Angel!" I say and hug her.

She returns it, and we just stay there for a minute or so.

"There's something I need to show you!!" I remember.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Do you have your phone?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I borrow it?"

"Sure." She says and unlocks it.

"Thanks." I quickly go to YouTube and type in the song.

I click one, and let her listen.

At different spots, she makes lots of expressions, and I can tell she's remembering things just like I did.

"Wow." She says once it's over.

"Right? I found it earlier, and couldn't stop thinking about us." I say a bit sheepishly.

"Yeah, me too. It's like it was,"

"Made for us." We say in unison.

"So is this like song?" She asks.

"I think so."

"That's so cool!"

"I know! What parts do you think fit best?"

We continue discussing the song, and what parts relate best to us, well into the night.

Just like the song says.