
Looking for a loophole

I feel my heart sink as y/n says that.

"Oh. Did he give you a reason?" I ask, feeling tears start to well up.

"He just said it wasn't very safe."

"So is-is this goodbye?" I manage to say.

"What?! No! No no no. No. I'm not taking the position."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure the new Guardian will be fine. Maybe they'll let me see Kaalki sometimes, or help out a little, but I'm not going to end our relationship. I don't think I could really even do it, anyway."

"You would be able to do it, and we wouldn't really have to end things, just put them on pause."

"Adrien, no. If I did choose the Guardianship I wouldn't want you to be waiting around for me to get too old and then not even have my memories of you. Plus we'd be so old there wouldn't be that much time left."

"I would wait forever on you, Angel. But the memory thing wouldn't be good either."

"Really? I would completely understand if you wanted to be with someone else, instead of some weird long distance type thing."

"No way. I'll take anything with you over Marinette trying to swoop in and take over."

"She wouldn't really do that, would she?"

"Seems like. She was asking earlier about you taking the Guardian position and I explained why you might not and I swear she got excited."

"Ugh. She told me there was another guy she liked. Why hasn't she moved on?"

"Who, Luka? I thought they were a thing for a while, but maybe not."

"I don't know who it was. Either way, I'm not going to take the position."

"If you're sure."


I laugh at her pun, and hug her a little tighter, before Master Fu's door bursts open with a shout of my name.

I immediately push y/n behind me, and am about to transform, until I see it's just Master Fu.

At first I thought it was an akuma, seems like I'm still on edge about them.

"What's going on?" I ask while Master Fu glares at me.

"If you can't take responsibility for your kwami I will be forced to reclaim that ring!"

"What are you talking about? Plagg's right here!" I say as I open my bag, but I find that he's not in there.

"No, he is not! He was just in here complaining to me!"

"Why? He has plenty of cheese?"

"Yeah, and we weren't even kissing!" Y/n mutters, peering inside to try and see Plagg.

"It seems that's what he was concerned about!"

"Huh?!" Y/n and I say in unison.

"Come inside!" Master Fu says, spotting someone walk past the alley entrance.

We do so, and find there's no sign of Plagg.

"He better not be in there yelling at the other kwamis." Master Fu grumbles, looking to the hiding place of the Miracle box.

"What on earth is going on?!" I ask.

"Plagg is apparently upset that I said you won't be able to remain together if y/n accepts the Guardian position!"

"Awww!" Y/n says, but I am somewhat speechless, yet it does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"It is exactly the reason it isn't safe to have a Guardian in a relationship! The people are too concerned with each other to notice the kwamis! If you can't even handle one, how could you take care of all of them?!" Master Fu says.

I guess it makes sense.

"So there's never been any Guardian to ever be in a relationship?" Y/n asks.

"Only a few times, if the Guardian was married before accepting the position."

"Well, I haven't accepted it yet, sooo."

We clearly have the exact same idea, as we both turn to each other and ask, "Will you marry me?"

But before either of us can answer, Master Fu butts in.

"You can't do that!"

"Why not? You said-" Y/n starts, but is interrupted.

"You're still children! You can't even legally get married!"

"We can, it would just require parental consent." I explain.

"And do you think your parents would go for it?"

"Our mothers probably would," Y/n says.

"But not our fathers." I finish.

"Yes. So you cannot do that!"

"Then I guess I'm not the right choice to be the next Guardian. But could I at least explain to Kaalki?" Y/n asks.

"Are you positive on this decision? You cannot just change your mind in a few days, I will be looking for new candidates."

"100% sure." Y/n says, squeezing my hand.

"Fine. But I hope you realize it's almost completely unprecedented for a Cat Noir to not end up with their Ladybug."

"Well not Cat Noir." I say definitely.

"If you say so. I suppose you may talk to Kaalki for a moment." Master Fu says, going to retrieve the glasses.

"Hey. My answer is yes." I whisper.

Y/n looks at me with a grin, before responding, "Mine too.".

We can't say anything else, because Master Fu has returned.

Y/n puts on the glasses, and Kaalki appears.

"Oh dear, Plagg has told me all about it! It's simply dreadful!" She says.

"I know!" Y/n replies.

"Please tell me you won't break up! You work so well together!" Kaalki exclaims.

"No, Kaalki. We're not breaking up, but that means I won't be able to take care of you." Y/n says sadly.

"Right. Well if whoever else becomes Guardian doesn't allow me to see you I'll just run away! I can find where you live!"

"That would not be a good idea!" Master Fu interrupts.

"Whatever. I for sure better be allowed to the wedding, though."

"Absolutely, you'll get the first invite!" Y/n laughs.

"And we'll have apples for refreshments!" I input.

"This will be a lovely occasion, indeed!"

"Why are you still talking about the wedding, we already established it can't happen!?" Master Fu apparently doesn't get planning ahead.

"Can't happen !" Y/n clarifies.

Plagg returns then, and though he's trying not to show it, I can see his relief that y/n and I are both here, holding hands.

As it should be.