
Interviews And Investigations

You wake up and remember all that happened the night before, and smile.

Yes, it was pretty weird and scary.

But, you got to be a superhero, help get rid of Hawkmoth, and his accomplice!

Plus got a clarification on everything with Cat Noir.

That's probably your favorite part.

You get up and do your usual routine.

But, instead of getting started on schoolwork, you get online.

Of course, the top search is

But since you already know who it was, you ignore that and search for something else.

Quite a few links come up, including one that states him and Ladybug are space aliens.

You think, laughing.

You look at many of the outlandish ideas, none of them really making much sense.

Not even the alien one.

You think with determination.

Since that didn't work, you decide to look up your own lead.

is what you type into the search engine.

Pages upon pages come up for him, but most recent is

You click it, and start remembering how all the superheros last night was worried about him.

Except Cat.

He suggested they not check on him.

Feeling happy to get another clue, you continue the search.

After a while, you're tired of looking at the screen, so you turn off the phone.

Deciding you need everything to be more clear, you get a notepad and pencil.

You write at the top.

Underneath, you list all the reasons you think Cat could be Adrien.

That's all you can think of for now, so you close the pad and decide you need to actually do some school.

After doing some math, you feel as if your head is going to explode with numbers.

So you get some shoes, a jacket, your phone, and a book, then go out and head to the park.

When you arrive you scan the area, sizing up how many potential interruptions in your reading you may have.

There's not many people there, just a woman with who you assume to be her two young kids, and a teenage couple.

You go sit down in your favorite reading spot, a bench halfway under a tree, so if it's chilly you can sit in the sun, or if it's hot you can sit in the shade.

Since it's cooler out you sit in the sunny part.

You take out your book and start reading.

Before long, you get the odd feeling that you're being watched.

You look up, but don't see anyone else, other than the people who were already there, and the well know pigeon enthusiast who must've arrived during your reading.

But nobody is looking at you, so you go back to your book.

Unable to shake the feeling, you stand up and do a complete circle of your surroundings, but still see nobody.

Then you hear a muffled laugh.

Unable to tell where it came from, you look around again.

The laughter is louder now, and it sounds close.

But you still can't see anyone.

Before you can figure out what's happening, you're at the ground, not on it, an unseen force is holding you up.

Still unable to grasp what happened, you're pulled away from the ground and onto the bench.

You look beside you and finally understand what happened, because of who is sitting there.

Cat Noir, of course.

Because who else would've been in the tree, and laughing at your confusion?

"You're a real bother." You say while shaking your head.

"Oh bother, but surely I'm also sweet as honey, right, Pooh Bear?"

"If I'm Pooh then you must be Tigger, you're very bouncy."

"That's because bouncing is what Tiggers do best!"

You laugh at his quoting of the cartoon and playfully shove him.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? And with me?"

"Well, since Hawkmoth isn't around anymore, we can hang out in public without worrying about you getting taken as bait, since that failed anyway!"

"Ah yes, that was quite the wonderful experience." You say with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry Angel, I shouldn't have left you. I had promised I wouldn't let him get to you, and I broke it." He says while looking down sadly.

"Aw, it's ok! You didn't know that would happen, and besides, I can handle a creep." You reassure him with a wink.

He smiles and pulls you into a side hug.

You think you hear a gasp, but brush it off.

Until you see Cat's ears twitch, to which you immediately smile in happy surprise at.

"Did you hear that? And what?"

"First, yes, I heard a gasp or something, and second, your ears are just so cute!" You squeal while reaching to touch them.

"Hey, what did we say about petting me?"

"That you're not a real cat."


"And not to pet you, even if it is adorable." You say with a sigh, and pull your hand back.

"Thank you. I know you think it's cool, but I find it embarrassing."


"I dunno, it's just weird to me."

"What is?"

"Well, the fact that most humans don't have moving, working animal ears and tail, and they also don't purr."

"Ahh, but it's a cute, unique thing!"