

You were at the Louvre, just looking around. You come here often, it inspires you.

Suddenly, four big guys wearing all black with ski masks came in with guns and giant bags.

"Everybody down! Get on the floor!"

Everyone does as they're told, but as you do you sneak your phone from your pocket into your shirt, where it's hidden.

Lucky thing too, since the criminals go around asking for phones.

When they get to you, you just shake your head at them.

"No? You WILL give up your phone, and you'll do it now!"

"I mean, I don't have it on me! It needed a charge so I left it home!"

"You better not be lying!"

You remain silent.

As two guys go around collecting phones and grabbing anything valuable off people, the other two start grabbing paintings, probably to sell on the dark web.

You sneak your phone out and quickly find Cat Noir's number, hoping he's able to come, or at least send the police.

You only dare send one word.

I was sitting on the couch playing video games, when my ring starts to flash.

That usually means I have a message, or there's an akuma.

I flip the TV to the news, but there's nothing about an akuma, and Nadjia Chamack always broadcasts the akumas.

But what is on the news is a picture of the Louvre, surrounded by police cars.

"Just in, there's been a break in at the Louvre! We don't know how many perpetrators there are for sure, but we do know there's hostages. The police are handling the situation."

"Plagg! We gotta go help them!"

"Didn't you hear? The police are handling it. Besides, this isn't our area."

"Plagg! I wouldn't have gotten an alert about a robbery unless it was serious, so we have to go! Claws out!"

"But-" he doesn't have to time to argue as he's sucked into the ring.

Before I can jump out the window my baton beeps. So it's not just an alert, it's a message.

It's from y/n, hopefully it's not too serious.

But there's just one word.

I start panicking and immediately text her back.

I wait a few seconds, but it feels like hours.

Then finally, a new message appears.

I rush out the window and go as fast as I can, calling Ladybug in the process.

But it goes to voicemail.

"Ladybug, there's been a break-in at the Louvre, I'm on my way there now, you should probably come to help. I know it's not an akuma, but there's hostages!"

That should do it.

Hopefully she gets there soon.

I arrive in time to see an officer get out a megaphone and yell "We have you surrounded! Come out easily, or else we'll have to use force!"

Then I see three people run to the door of the Louvre and set what looks like cans down, then run back inside.

Then a different guy comes out with his own megaphone and yells to the police, "My friends here just set out bombs that will explode and bring down the entire building, and anyone in it will be severely injured. Or worse." he says the last part with a snicker that makes my blood boil.

"Deactivate them immediately!"

The criminal doesn't even bother to answer and just goes back inside.

I quickly walk to the police chief and say, "I can get in there! I'll be able to jump up and get in through vents or something!"

"Listen, Cat Noir, this isn't a crazy person messed up by an evil butterfly. Let the police handle this."

"No, you listen, officer! I can get in there easily, and I'm more equipped to take these guys out. After all, how many times have I single handedly been able to take out your entire force?"

I can't help it, it's like I'm so upset I can't even control my words, but somehow I get through to the officer, and he agrees to let me try.

So I sneak up to the top of the building, on the point, and look for a way in.

I find a loose glass tile and pull it away, then drop into the building.

I survey my surroundings and there's nobody in sight, so I take out my baton to find out where they all are.

I see that they're in the back so I quickly and quietly make my way there.

I peek around a big table containing some different artifacts and see four big guys all in black, with ski masks.

They don't pull it off as well as I do.

But on the floor, sitting in a circle is what I'm concerned about.

There's a total of ten people sitting there, tied up, including y/n.

Just seeing her look so scared and helpless, it turns my blood to fire.

Which is a feeling I'm used to, but it usually only happens when Ladybug is in trouble.

It's all I can do to not run out and start attacking.

But I know from all my time with Ladybug that I need to come up with a plan.

Hopefully, that plan comes soon.