
Hands Off

The school day is over, and you go outside to wait for Lila, along with Marinette, Alya, and Nino, who had been told to come along to watch.

Adrien, of course, couldn't be there, and had made the excuse of having to go home.

Standing in front of the door, keeping off to the side where Cat Noir would have enough room to jump down from the roof, because he said it would be more believable if he did.

Lila comes out, followed by a few classmates that she probably has wrapped around her finger.

"Well well well, if it isn't little miss superhero's girlfriend!" She says, sauntering over to you.

"It sure is." You respond, standing straighter.

"As if." She says, poking you in the chest.

"You're nothing more than an attention seeking b-" "Hey!" She starts, but is cut off.

You grin smugly, immediately knowing who it is.

Lila looks around, surprise all over her face.

Cat slams his staff into the ground beside you so hard, you almost expect the cement to crack.

He slips down it and stands next to you, everyone around watching in shock.

"If you would kindly keep your hands her, I'm sure we'd both appreciate that." He says, putting an arm around your shoulders.

"But I- how?! You can't be dating this nobody!?" Lila sputters.

"I think he can date anyone he wants, if they both want to. Which, last time I checked, is the situation here." You say, feeling extremely smug.

"Oh it definitely is on my side." Cat says.

"Lila, why would you tell us they weren't dating? I thought you had proof!" The smart kid with the robot, Max, you remember his name to be, says.

"Well I- um- he's probably just being paid! There's nothing really going on!" Lila begins to make up excuses.

"Isn't there? They why would this be a normal thing for us to do?" Cat says, and takes you into a low, gentle dip and kisses you.

You hear Alya, of course taking a picture.

When you pull apart and stand upright, you look at Lila's face, you see shock and what seems like a bit of disgust.

"Wow Lila, definitely seems to have something going on there." Alya remarks.

"Well um, this might not even be Cat Noir!" Lila says, still unable to give up on her lies.

"What does it take for you to give up?!" Marinette exclaims.

"Am I wrong?! There is a possibility that he's just a cosplayer!" Lila snaps.

Cat rolls his eyes and holds his hand up.

"Cataclysm. There, you happy?" He asks when the ball of magic appears.

"Ok, so maybe you the real Cat Noir, and maybe you dating her. But she's cheating on you!" Lila starts again.

"No I'm not!" You protest.

Lila quickly takes out her phone, and goes to the picture she took.

"Look! Here she is, kissing a boy in our class!"

Cat looks it over, and raises a masked eyebrow.

"Maybe she was just saying hello. That is how we greet people here."

"Usually that's only for close friends and family!"

"Or maybe she was telling him something."

"Why would she have whispered?!"

"It could've been a secret, or, she could've been thanking him for something. I know that y/n wouldn't cheat on me, and I trust her. Definitely more than I trust you." Cat says, and you grin smugly again, though you really want to bust out laughing.

'Fuming' is an understatement to what Lila looks like as she storms away, making you laugh.

"Now what do I do with this?" Cat wonders, looking around.

"Ah!" He says, and walks over to the trash bin, turning one of the bags to dust.

"Cat Noir! A quick interview for the Ladyblog?" Alya asks as he returns.

"Well, I only have five minutes..." He says, putting his arm back around your shoulders.

"It'll be fast! Don't worry!" Alya insists.

"Just a minute!"

"Yeah yeah, why did you come here today?" Alya starts.

"Because that girl was bothering y/n?" He says, looking puzzled.

The reasoning is pretty clear.

"So you definitely are together, and Lila was just making everything up?"

"Was the whole kiss thing not enough?" You ask.

"This is for the people who didn't see that, and had believed Lila!" Alya says.

Before she can ask anything else, Cat's ring beeps, signaling he should go.

"Well, I gotta go. You want me to take you home?" He asks, to which you respond with a nod.

"All right then. Shall we, my darling?" He says, removing his hand from your shoulder and putting it around your waist. 

You giggle, wrap your arms around his neck and say, "We shall."

He smiles, and takes out his staff, then leaps to the rooftops, with you shouting a goodbye.

"Now wasn't that fun?" Cat asks in sarcasm.

"Oh yeah, very. I especially liked your grand entrance."

"Ah, thank you. I've been working on that."

"It shows!"

He laughs, and you continue joking until reaching your house, where he drops down at the front door.

"Come to the balcony, we won't be spied on then." You say, and he nods then jumps to it.

You walk in, say hello to everyone, grab some snacks, including cheese, and go to your room, locking the door behind you and opening the balcony door.

Cat quickly steps in and detransforms, Plagg flying out.


"Here you go." You say, giving him the bit you'd gotten.

"Thank you!" He says, laying into it.

"And thank " You say, turning to Adrien.

"For what?" He asks.

"Duh, coming to shut Lila up!"

"Oh, of course! Nobody messes with my Angel!" He says and hugs you.

"She looked so mad! Hopefully she leaves me alone now."

"She better. If not, I might just have to come back!" He says, and makes a mock fist.

"Nah, I'll do that myself." You say, making him chuckle.

"I know you will." He replies, grinning.

"Now what was funny, is how she tried to upset me by saying you were cheating on me, with me. It was all I could do to not laugh!"

"Right? I wanted to laugh so badly!"

"At least now the rumors have been put to rest."