

It had been a few weeks, and Adrien's mother was fully trained to become the Guardian.

You and Adrien were ecstatic and couldn't wait to hang out with the kwamis and help take care of them.

Amilie and Felix had officially gone back to London, and weren't planning to come back for a few months, so there was no danger there.

Plus Emilie had worked out something with their staff, so they wouldn't be around today, or pose any danger otherwise.

Master Fu had called everyone together to perform the ceremony where Guardianship was transferred, and you watched hand in hand with Adrien as oaths were made and kwamis said goodbye.

The humans had already given their parting words, and the only thing left was the final ritual that would cause Master Fu to lose his memories.

He held the hand of the woman who had introduced herself as Marianne, and she would be helping Master Fu readjust.

"Thank you for everything." You hear Wayzz, the last of the kwamis to say goodbye whisper as the ritual is complete.

"We'll take good care of you." Adrien promises.

"I know. But I shall miss my friend."

"I'll give you cheese, it'll make you feel better." Plagg says sympathetically, surprising you.

But he must've gained a new perspective, after thinking he would have to leave Adrien.

"Thanks but no thanks." Wayzz chuckles.

"You are all so nice!" Master Fu says as everyone tries to make the transition easy.

Emilie gathers the box, and any potions and ingredients that hadn't already been taken to the Agreste house and prepares to leave.

A few more goodbyes are said, more tears are cried, and your small group walks away.

"I'm think I'm actually gonna miss that old kook." Plagg comments from Adrien's bag.

"We all will, Plagg." Adrien chuckles at his wording.

"So have you kids met them all?" Emilie asks.

"I met a bunch of them when I was training, but not all."

"And I've just heard about them, in case I needed them." Adrien explains.

"Well we can meet them all soon! They all need to get settled in and acquainted with the house!"

"It'll be super fun having tons of kwamis around. Even if they can be trouble." Adrien jokes, poking Plagg.

"You're more trouble!" Plagg retorts.

"You are both lots of trouble." You tease.

"Have I mentioned how much I like this girl?" Emilie says, putting an arm around you.

"Aww, I like you too!" You return her hug.

"So are you just gonna ignore me? I like hugs too!" Adrien complains, putting himself into the hug.

"I don't, leave me out of this!" Plagg quickly hides.

"OK, we're starting to get attention, we should hurry." Adrien mutters, glancing at some people who were pointing.

Your group rushes to the Agreste house and Emilie sets up the box in her room, while you stand with Adrien, sensing his discomfort at being in the room his father used to live in.

"Would it be OK for Nooroo in here?" He asks.

"Oh dear, I hadn't realized what this could mean for the poor little guy. When we met, there wasn't anything like that mentioned. I explained who I am, and how sorry I am for what Gabriel did, and that I wouldn't treat any of the kwamis the way he did."

"And were you guys cool?" You ask.

"It seemed like it. They must've realized what it meant when I told all of them I was becoming the Guardian. Surely they know?"

"Maybe we should open the box in my room, since they wouldn't have been in there?" Adrien suggests.

Emilie agrees, and picks the box up again.

You all walk into Adrien's room, and you still can't help but look around in awe.

"So are we just talking to Nooroo?" You ask, hoping to see Kaalki.

"Might as well let everyone get adjusted, right?" Emilie asks, taking out the peacock.

"As long as someone else gets Tikki."Adrien says, wiggling the fingers on his hand with the ring.

"Duh." You joke, looking for the familiar glasses.

"Hello, Darling!" Kaalki says as soon as she appears.


You chat with Kaalki and Pollen while Emilie catches up with Dusuu while Adrien hands out different miraculouses, trying to disperse them evenly so all the kwamis can get the tour at the same time.

"So who gets this?" Adrien asks, picking up the Butterfly.

"I like Nooroo, but I really don't want it." He confesses.

"It would just feel wrong for me..." Emilie says, holding her hands up.

"Guess that means it's my job." You say, holding your hand out.

"Thank you, but be careful, when I had to hold onto it after we got it back, I think it spoke to me?" Adrien warns, gently placing it in your hand.

"Nooroo said something about that, I won't let anything happen, and if I do, you can just yank it off, right?"

"I suppose. Just be careful!" Emilie says as you adjust the brooch.

"Hello?" Nooroo timidly says.

"Hi, little buddy! We just wanted to see you." You say gently.

"What are we doing?"

"Now that I'm the Guardian, I thought everyone might like a tour of the place." Emilie says, gesturing to the door.

"Oh, right. That could be nice, I guess."

"If it would be too much for you, you don't have to come." Adrien says.

"No, I'm ok."

So everyone walks, or in the kwamis case, flies, through the house, getting to know one another and where certain things are located.

After the tour, the people wearing the miraculouses are feeling drained, so everyone goes to take them off.

"Oh, Dusuu! You and I must talk!" Emilie says once most of the kwamis have been put away.

So the pair leaves while you and Adrien finish up.

"Bye Nooroo!" You say as you take off the brooch.

"It didn't tell you anything, right?"

"Not really. It was a little weird, but nothing I can't handle!"

"This thing sure has caused a lot of trouble." Adrien says, tucking the the miraculous away.

"Yeah. But there's also been some good things, right?" You take his hand.

"Very good things." He gives you a quick kiss.

"It's weird, I hate that he did all those bad things, but I'm also glad."

"Me too. I love you, Kitty."

"I love you too, Angel."