
Don't Take it

When Master Fu opens the door he looks surprised to see me.

"Hello, Adrien. Is there something I can help you with?"


"Come in."

I follow him inside, and we sit down on the mat.

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. I'm just, concerned?"

"What about?"

"My mom."

"Is she not doing well?"

"No, it's not that, but she's very observant."

"Ah. You're worried she'll find you out?"


"So what would you like me to do? Retrieve your miraculous? I won't lie, it has crossed my mind a few times."

"Not exactly, but why? Am I bad at it?"

This went sour real fast.

"No, you do nicely, but with Hawkmoth and Ladybug gone, there's really no purpose."

"Oh. But what about my patrols?" I really hope he doesn't take it, I want to keep Paris safe.

"How often do you really do them?"

"Every night!"

"And how many crimes do you prevent?"

"As many as I can."

"There's just the issue of how many people know your identity already. "

"But we've given them all something to keep from telling."

"Have we? What if some people already know, and we aren't aware?"

I think about Nino, I never told Master about him.

What if Mom already knows?

"But, I shall wait and let the new Guardian know who you are, and that you are a great candidate if needed."

"Have you found someone yet?"

"No. So you will keep it, at least until I find someone, and train them. Then we can revisit the issue."

Well this didn't solve any problems, just created them.

"But what should I do about my mom?"

"Just be careful. Transform as little as possible, and maybe ration how much cheese you buy."

"Hey! None of this conversation has been good! But especially that part!!" Plagg flies out of my bag, looking ready to destroy something.

"You know I'm duty bound to do what's best for the safety of the miraculous."

"Yeah, well I'm part of the miraculous and I don't feel very safe with you telling him to not give me cheese!"

"I didn't say that, just to not get so much."

"Still, that's not a good idea!"

"Plagg, this is serious. We can't let anyone else know."

"Why not?! You know as well as I do that eventually, people always find out!"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Once the dangers are mostly gone, identities are always revealed!"

"Plagg, that's enough!"

"Whatever. Come on, kid. Let's go get some cheese." Plagg starts pulling on my arm.

"Uhh?" I can't really stop myself from being pulled away, even though he's tiny, he's strong.

"Go ahead. And be more careful!"


I follow Plagg outside, where he hides in my bag.

I try to talk to him but he won't respond, and when I look in, he refuses to look at me.

What am I going to do?

I almost go straight home, but then I realize I should probably get something to make it look like I found the thing I forgot.

So I just run into a store and buy a toothbrush.

Some cheese too, of course.

I put them into my bag, but once again, Plagg doesn't say anything.

Hopefully he's not mad at me, but I guess I shouldn't have went there.

"I'm still gonna make sure you have cheese."

No response.

I just sigh and go home.

Mom asks if I found whatever I forgot, I tell her I did and continue to my room.

After dinner, I try and look out my windows to see a meteor shower that was supposed to happen tonight, but I don't see anything.

I thought about taking y/n to the Eiffel to watch it, but maybe I'm not even supposed to do stuff like that anymore.

I do still want to see her though.

But do I not transform?

I guess it doesn't matter, because I probably shouldn't go anyway, since I was there so long earlier.

Wouldn't want to make myself a pest who's always bothering her.

She says I'm not, but sometimes I wonder.

So that's why it surprises me to find a text from her when I get out of the shower, asking if I'm busy.

At least there's one issue solved.

I quickly check to make sure nobody is awake, transform as quietly as possible, and sneak out my window.

As I rush through the streets, I watch for crime, just like I said I do.

If I lose this ability, what if Paris gets more dangerous?

I don't want to be selfish, but I'll also really miss being able to do whatever I want, like run across the rooftops at night, or take y/n to the Eiffel Tower.

There's not much happening, so I continue on my way.

Before long, I can see y/n on her balcony, and I hope she hasn't been out here long, its pretty chilly.

"Hi, Angel!"

"H-hey Kitty!" She says, quickly hugging me, muttering about how I'm warm.

"Jeez! Why are you so cold?!"