
Don't Be Bemused!

I look at my baton, and see the caller ID.

Ladybug, calling me back.

I answer and say hello.

"Hi Cat. Why did you call me?" She asks.

"I have some... unfortunate news." I say, it's not really but neither of us want to do this.

"Oh no, what is it?"

"Nadjia Chamack wants us to come on her show."

"Ugh. Doesn't she remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, but she says it'll be ok now because Hawkmoth isn't around. That's actually why she wants us to, so we can talk about that."

"Did she say how long it would take?"

"I made her promise no more than thirty minutes."

"That's good at least. When is it?"

I sigh, and tell her tomorrow.

"Tomorrow?! That's so last minute though!"

"I know, I told her that too. But she wants to as soon as possible."

"Did you tell her we definitely would?"

"No, I said I had to ask you. But I doubt it'll make much difference what you say. They're already making the commercials for it."


"Yeah that's what they were talking about as they left."

"Wow. I guess we do owe it to the Parisians to assure them that they are completely safe."

"Mmhhmm." As I say this, y/n opens the door, but doesn't say anything.

"Ok, well I'm supposed to call them back soon. What do I say?" I ask.

"That we'll do it, I guess."

"Alright. Want me to text you the time?"

"Nah, I'll probably see it."

"K. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you then."

I hang up, and turn to y/n.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"Ladybug. I called her earlier and she didn't answer, so she was seeing what I wanted."

"Oh. Who are you supposed to call back soon?"

"The news station. Ladybug and I were asked to do a segment tomorrow about finding Hawkmoth." I say and rub my eyes.

"Are you going to be ok with that? It won't be too upsetting for you?" She asks with a worried look.

I smile and her concern and reassure her I'll be fine.

"Because if it'll be bad for you I won't let you go." She says with a definitive nod.

"And what would you do to stop me?" I laugh.

"I would catnap you!" She says.

"I don't think that'll be necessary." I say, still laughing.

"It might be!"

"Either way, thanks for looking out for me. What would I do without you?"

"Gosh, I don't know. You'd be in a real mess."

"That's for sure." I say and chuckle.

We both laugh, and decide to stay outside so her parents won't hear us.

"Oh! I have to call those news people!" I exclaim.

"You better get on that before it's too late."

"Yeah!" I say and call them.

"TV75 studio. How can I direct your call?" A voice answers.

"Hello, this is Cat Noir. I need to speak to Nadjia Chamack."

"Ok. Please hold." They say and I pull y/n from her spot beside me into my arms.

She looks at me with a confused look, so I say, "What? They told me to hold, but didn't say what. So, I'll hold you!"

She laughs, and Nadjia comes on.

"Yes, Cat Noir?" She asks.

"Yeah, I was just calling to say Ladybug and I accept. We'll be there tomorrow. What time?"

"Great! The show will go live at seven, so be here by 6:55."

"Will do. And no questions that could reveal our identities, ok?"

"Of course. Thank you!" She says and hangs up.

"Well that's settled." I say.

"Yep. So, what time will you become a TV star?" Y/n teases.

"7 o'clock, be there or be square!"

"I definitely don't wanna be square, so I guess I'll watch."

"You better. How would it look if my favorite fan didn't watch my interviews?"

"Absolutely preposterous!"

"I'll say!"

"I can't believe you're doing this. Last time was a disaster! We had to work!" Plagg complains.

"I don't exactly want to."

"How about we just not show up?" He suggests.

"That would be rude." I reprimand.

"Who cares?"

"Everyone who wanted to see it."

"I guess, but they'd get over it."

"Whatever Plagg. It's time to go, claws out!"

Fully transformed, I take off through the window.

Making my way to the studio, I arrive just before 6:55.

I go in, and ask where I'm supposed to be.

"Through that door, on the left." A man at what I assume to the be the services desk tells me.

I follow the directions and see it's the same room as last time.

Hopefully that's the only similarity.

I think as I see the refreshments cart has made a reappearance.

I get there while Nadjia is looking away, so I help myself to quite a few chouquettes.

"When did you get here?!" She suddenly exclaims.

I look up, mouth full of food, trying to quickly chew and swallow.

"A minute or so ago. These are good, by the way." I say, gesturing to the considerably less full plate.

"Um, glad you like them! Where's Ladybug?" Nadjia asks.

"Don't know. She'll be here soon, I'm sure." I say and and get a few more chouquettes.

Just then, at almost time to start, Ladybug hurries in and sits on the couch beside me.