

After giving y/n her notebook, I'd followed her and Adrien outside.

She got in his car and left with him.

I guess he could've been giving her a ride home, but they went in the direction of his house.

Saying goodbye to Alya, I go home and to my room, then look over the paper I'd copied from her notebook.

I only looked inside to see who it belonged to, and found something interesting.

Clues to Cat Noir's secret identity. And they all pointed straight to Adrien.

But that can't be!

Surely I would've figured it out!

All the time spent looking at his beautiful face, I would recognize if he'd put a mask on!

There's no way my flirty, joking partner could also be sweet, calm Adrien!?

But thinking about it, some things do begin to click.

Why Adrien is late alot, and how Cat never wants to check on Adrien if a battle happened at his house.

Not to mention how Adrien and y/n have been acting together.

When she first came and Adrien shook her hand, they held on just longer than normal.

Then, they kept their hands on the bench, and though I couldn't see, they might've been holding hands.

And they're always together, though that could be chalked up to Adrien being her guide.

Still, they act very friendly with each other.

And it would make sense that Adrien didn't tell me who his girlfriend is, if she's y/n.

But I'm not supposed to know all this, though neither is y/n. I wonder if I should tell Master Fu?

==========================Your third day of public school starts off pretty easy.

There's no Lila when you first go in, nor in the locker rooms.

With a few kids around, there's some whispering when you walk to your locker, but soon enough they leave, taking their gossip with them.

You say hello to Marinette when she comes in, followed soon after by Adrien.

"Hi y/n." He says, sounding formal.

"Hey, Adrien." You say, following his lead.

Marinette leaves after gathering some books, and since she was the last one in the aisle, you turn to Adrien and make a face.

"It's weird being so... distant. I wanna be normal with you!" You declare.

"I know, I do too! I wish it didn't have to be this way." He agrees.

"Yeah, same here. But it has to, for our protection, right?"

"Right." Adrien says.

You lean up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

You wish it could be more, but you think you hear a soft gasp.

"Uh oh..." You whisper, looking around.

Unable to see anybody, you ask Adrien if he heard too.

"I think so?" He says, walking to the other row of lockers and checking between them. 

The bell rings before you can finish, so you both go to class.

Seeing that Lila isn't in her seat worries you, but then again neither are some others, so maybe it's nothing.

At least, that's what you're hoping for.

Before the teacher comes in, everyone has arrived, including Lila and Marinette, who seem to be having some sort of glaring contest.

The classes don't seem to take long, and before you know it, it's lunchtime. But as you're walking to the cafeteria with Adrien, Marinette comes up and asks you to come with her.

You shrug and follow, telling Adrien to go ahead.

She takes you to the restrooms, and makes sure nobody is in there, before talking.

"I need to tell you something." She starts.

"Ok? What is it?" You question.

"I believe that you are dating Cat Noir, so that makes what I'm going to say not good. I saw you kiss Adrien on the cheek."

You can feel your eyes widen, and start to bite your lip.

"I was just thanking him! I do that sometimes, it's normal! I mean, that's how we greet people here!" You quickly try to worm out of the situation.

"Ok, I get that, but I'm not the only one who saw."

"Oh no, it wasn't Lila, was it?" You ask, dread seeping into your voice.

"Yeahhh. And she kind of took a picture. That's how I noticed her, I heard the camera on her phone click."

"She's going to blow this way out of proportion, isn't she?"

"Most likely."

"I swear that I am dating Cat Noir, and that I would never cheat on him! You've got to believe me!" You plead.

"I believe you, but I doubt will." Marinette replies, nodding to the door, where Lila saunters in.

"Hello ladies!" She says cheerfully.

"What do you want, Lila?" You growl.

"Oh! Don't be so mean about it! I just want to talk!" Lila says, feigning innocence.

"About what?" Marinette asks, not buying her act any more than you.

"Just about this!" She says, pulling out her phone and waving it around.

It's open to the picture of you giving Adrien a little kiss on the cheek.

"What is it you told me? Photos can be edited?" You state.

"Oh they definitely can, but this one isn't. Tell her Marinette."

"Well I, no, it's not edited, I saw you take it, but that doesn't mean this isn't innocent!" Marinette says.

"Thank you! For all you know, I could've been whispering something to him. There's a few possibilities to this photo." You say.

"Hmm, yes. But who do you think these people will believe? Me, who they've been listening to all week, or you, who they haven't listened to all week?"

"What do you want from me?! Why do you even care?!"

"I just don't want anyone coming in telling lies in my territory."

"Because lying is your thing?" Marinette asks rhetorically.

"But the thing is, I'm lying! Cat Noir really is my boyfriend! And I'm not cheating on him, if that's what you're trying to imply!"

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. It's your word against mine." Lila says, and turns and walks away.

"Or it could be Cat's word against yours!" You say, thinking it's time to let him help.

"What do you mean?"Marinette asks.

"I could get Cat Noir to come and tell her to back off. He's already offered, anyway."

"Well yeah, duh. That's probably the easiest solution."

"When should he come?"

"Probably the sooner the better."

"He could come after school, that way everyone would be around." You suggest.

"Just do that."

"Ok. I'll get a message to him."

So having decided that Cat should come settle things with Lila right after school, when most people would be outside, you finally get to go to lunch.

In the class that follows, you work it out with Adrien through notes.

He asks.

He replies and gives it to you.

You sneakily put it into your phone, and continue working out the details for your "big show" as he decided to call it.

Gotta credit and for giving me the ideas of this chapter!