
Dance Fever

"Are you going to the dance?" "What are you going as?" "I'm going to ask so and so to be my date!"

That's basically all the talk around school. Dance, dance, dance.

I've had multiple fans come up to me in the streets and ask me to go with them.

I wouldn't go with them, even if I could.

Which I obviously can't.

Chloe asked me to go, of course, and so did Lila. Kagami also asked if I was going.

I politely told them my father wouldn't let me go, even though I haven't asked him.

In case for some crazy reason he actually lets me go, which is a 0.1 chance, but still wouldn't want to lose my excuse. And if he thought I wanted to go, he'd keep a check on me all night.

Besides, if I was going to ask anybody to the dance it'd be Ladybug.

Or maybe y/n, but not as my date of course, just as my friend.

I'm still deciding what I want to go as, I originally thought of being Ladybug, but there's going to be a ton of Ladybugs already, and that's just what I know from school.

I haven't heard anyone say anything about being Cat Noir though.

Not that I'm upset about it, but a little recognition would be nice.

I sit in class pondering what to be, when the lunch bell rings.

We all file out and head to the cafeteria and after I get my lunch and start eating I hear Rose squeal,

"Ooh!! What a cute kitty!"

She's sitting with Juleka and looking at her phone, I guess a picture of a cat was in her Instagram feed or something.

Her cry reminds me of something.

Y/n is always calling me Kitty, and I call her Angel, so that'd be a fun idea, to go as an angel!

I think to myself.

I asked her last night about it, via text since I was too tired to go see her, and she just said it was a surprise, and that my friend was making the dress.

So I'll have to wait.

Lucky for me, my father has made sure I can sew and everything, so I'll be able to make my own costume, so nobody will find out my identity.

I'll have to get started as soon as I can!

I can't believe that y/n girl is going as Cat Noir! It's like she people to know she's friends- or whatever they are - with him.

Maybe she does, maybe she wants publicity.

I don't know, but I assume they'll be trying to hang out together, so it may end up disastrous.

I think back to when she came to the bakery yesterday, I hadn't been home long and was working on Alya's costume, she's going as Carapace and Nino is being Rena Rouge, it's so cute!

Anyway, when Mom told me someone wanted to see me for a dress, I assumed it would be one of my friends, but nope.

Y/n, the girl who almost blew it during that akuma attack.

I didn't really want to make her dress, but hey, extra money is always nice.

It's not like it's going to be that hard anyway.

When I took her to my room she started asking questions about my Adrien pictures, for some reason.

She said she thinks she might know him?

Probably because he's famous.


Speaking of Adrien, I wish he could come, but I overhead him say to one of his fans that his father wouldn't let him.

It's too bad, I might have been able to dance with him.

But, it's not like I'd be dancing as Marinette anyway, since I have to be a 'special guest'.

I roll my eyes, I bet Cat only wanted me to agree so he could party, and dance with me.

Or maybe y/n?

I don't know.

I just hope they have good food.

You were sitting at your desk, doing physics work when Cat knocks.

You tell him to come in so he does.

"Heyyy Angel!"

"Heyyy Kitty!" You say in a teasingly mock way.

He chuckles at you and walks over to your desk, bringing a chair with him.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Physics, you wanna help?"

"Uh, sure."

He helps you do it, again, you feel bad for asking him to help you, he already does his own schoolwork, he doesn't need to do yours as well.

So you decide that you probably won't ask for his help, unless you absolutely need it.

"So, Cat, have you decided what to be for this dance yet?"

"Yep. But it's a surprise."

"Course it is."

He laughs and you join in.

You get a text from Marinette, a day before the dance, saying that your dress was ready.

You have to admit, you'd been worried when you hadn't heard anything about it, but she had said she was making other costumes.

It had been an uneventful week, only a couple akuma attacks, which you had managed to refrain from throwing yourself into the battle every time Cat Noir got kicked or something.

To make up for worrying you he'd even brought you more of your favorite candy, and taken you to the Eiffel tower on Tuesday night.

But you think it was probably bribery to make sure you'd go to the dance, and stay away during akumas.

You pondered this as you walked to the Dupain-Cheng's bakery and went inside.

Marinette is at the register, she must work there sometimes.

"Hi! I'm here for my dress!"

"Just gimme a second, I have to get one of my parents to work the register."


When she comes back the nice lady from before is with her.

"Oh, hello again! Here for that dress?"

"Yes ma'am!"

She smiles at you and tells you to go on up for it.

You go with Marinette to her room and see the dress, it's standing on a mannequin, she must have set it out for you.

Your mouth falls open, it looks so good.

"Marinette, this, this is, !"

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it!" she says professionally.

"Ok, so how much do I owe you?"

"It'll be €117.72."

"Alrighty," You say and hand her the money.

"Do you want to try it on? Make sure it fits before you take it home?"

"Oh yeah, that'd be great!"

"Ok, you can over there." she points to the folding screen set up in front of the sink.

You take the dress over and put it on, it fits perfectly!

You step out from behind the screen and twirl.

"What do you think?" You ask her.

"It looks great on you!"

"Thanks!" You say smiling.

You go back to the screen and put your normal clothes back on, as Marinette carefully puts the dress in a box and hands it to you.

"Thanks again for making this, I love it!"

"You're welcome! Have fun at the dance!"

"You too!"

She smiles at you, and you walk away with a grin and go back downstairs and into the bakery.

"What did you think?" The baker lady asks.

"I love it! Your daughter is really talented!"

"Ah, thank you. Glad you like it, dear!"

You smile at her and leave, the dress box tucked safely under your arm.

When you get home you hide the dress in the closet and get ready for dinner.

At just past 10:30 PM Cat Noir knocks on the door.

You let him in and say hello.

"Ok, so I know I didn't want to go to the dance, but I got my dress today and it looks amazing! Your friend is really good at designing!"

"Yeah, she's made the costumes for half the class."

"I can see why!"

"So. Can I see your dress?"

"Nope. You gotta wait until tomorrow."


"Because I haven't seen your costume yet. Duh."

"Fine. Bet you'll love mine!" He says with a wink.

You laugh and say, "Maybe. But you'll like mine even more!"

"We'll see..." He gives you a side eyed look and you both laugh.

The two of you have gotten very close in the three weeks since you'd first met.

You just hang out for a while, until Cat has a giant yawn.

You giggle and tell him he should get home, or he won't be able to party.

"I guess you're right. Night Angel!"

"G'night Kitty!"

He leaps away, and you get ready for bed, actually feeling excited for the party.