
Cold Kitty

A few hours after you've returned from the restaurant where you saw Adrien, and you thought everyone had gone to bed, your bedroom door opens, and in walks s/n.

"Why aren't you asleep?" You ask, needing them to go away so they're not around when Cat arrives.

"I wanted some water. And I remembered something."


"Wasn't that Adrien at the restaurant? He was right across from us."

"Ok, so?"

"So did you go to see him when you left? He was gone too."

"I went outside, what's it to you?"

"Well I wanted to see him too. He has a cute little kitty!"

You think before you answer.

"He might not have brought Plagg with him, because he's a secret. Remember?"

"Yeah, that's why I can do this!" They say, then demonstrate the bubble effect.

"Yep. Well it's too late to see him now, so you better get to bed!" You continue your efforts to get rid of them.

"Doesn't he come to see you at night?"

"He already saw me today, so he doesn't need to."

Of course, he is going to, but that's just because he wants to.

"Okay but I told some of my friends that I know him and they want to meet him."


"Hey!! Don't wake up Mom and Dad!!! They'll be mad I'm still awake!!"

"Yeah, exactly! So go to bed! And stop telling people you know Adrien!"

"I didn't."

"You just said you did!"

"Nu-uh! I told them I know Cat Noir!"

"Same difference!"

"Can he come to my school?"

"No! He goes to school enough!"

"But he wouldn't have to do any work! Just talk to my friends! I guess you could come too, but they don't wanna see you."

"I'm interesting too!"

"You're not a superhero though."

"Right, whatever, I'll ask him if he'd want to. But no promises!"

"Ok but can he do it in a few days? Cause it's a career day and I want his career! Career means job!"

"I know. And you want to be a model?"

"No, silly! I want to be a superhero!" They say, standing in the stereotypical superhero pose.

"Good luck. Maybe he'd do it, but don't count on it!"

"Well ask him! And tell him you'll kiss him five hundred times if he does! But don't do it around me, cause that's gross."

"I'm not going to say that! Besides, what makes you think we kiss?" You ask, not wanting them to mention anything to your father.

You're sure your face is a bit red, but you hope they won't notice, and if they do, not understand why.

"Because I've seen you! And I wish I hadn't! It's bad enough with Mom and Dad!"

"Right, no kissing. Now get out and go to bed! I've got things I gotta do!"

"Like what?"

"Like none of your business!"

"Ugh! You're so mean! I don't know why Cat wants to kiss a meanie like you!"

"Because I'm not mean to him!"

"I'm leaving!"

"Good! That's what I've been trying to get you to do for the past 10 minutes!" You grumble as they leave.

And not a moment too soon, as Plagg zips inside.

"Uh, hey, Plagg? Did you come without Adrien?" You ask in confusion.

"Nah, he's outside. But could I get some cheese?"

"Um, yeah. I just got you some, it's in the fridge. But it's hidden in the back so nobody will notice if its gone. Oh! And be careful! S/n was just in here, so they might be lurking!" You warn.

He shudders at the memory of being held hostage by them and phases through the bedroom door that you'd just closed, after you were able to shoo s/n out.

You went to the balcony door and opened it, finding a shivering Adrien.

"H-hi Angel!" He stutters from his chattering teeth.

"Adrien, what are you doing?! Get in here!" You pull him inside and close the door.

"Why did you detransform, it's too cold to be outside in your pajamas!"

"W-well, Plagg said I needed to start detransforming before I came in so he didn't have to hear us 'smooching'. His words, not mine. Anyway, I underestimated how warm my suit keeps me." He explains, rubbing his arms.

"Well if you're going to do that you at least have to wear a coat!" You insist, grabbing him a hoodie.

"Oh, thank you, I love you so much!" He says as he puts it on.

"It'll be better next time, because I'll bring him cheese and knock immediately, and so he won't be talking to you."

"Or we could just wait until you get inside to 'smooch'." You giggle.

"Ahh, that's no fun!"

"Well it takes even longer this way, because I think it'd be kinda hard with chattering teeth."

"Yeah, but it'd warm my lips up!" He winks.

"I think that might be needed, they're looking kinda blue."


"Faintly." You grimace.

He does the duck face to try and look at them, but you take the opportunity to surprise kiss him.

"Jeez! You really are cold!"

"I think that might work though, could you pawsibly help me?" He grins slyly.

"Hmm, maybe."

You let him pull you close, then wrap your arms around him.

He leans down to meet your lips, and the cold surprises you at first, but he starts to defrost.

"Better?" You ask once you've pulled away."


"Come on, my snow leopard. Let's warm you up to jungle leopard temperature." You say, pulling the covers back on your bed.

"How many blankets is on there?" He asks.

"I don't know, three or four."

"Could we get another?" He asks meekly.

"Yes, Kitty. Go ahead and climb in, I'll go get one. Oh, and if you hear my dad, hide!"

"Will do!" He salutes, then piles the covers onto himself.

You close the door behind you, so nobody can see him, then slip downstairs.

Once you've gotten the blanket, you see Plagg on the counter.

"Hey! You can't just leave him out there in the winter! He's freezing!"  You scold him in a whisper.

"I'm sure you'll warm him right up." He says, showing his disgust.

"Don't eat all our cheese!" You say, then make you way back to your room.

Adrien is curled up under the blankets, half asleep when you open the door.

"Oooh you beautiful human! You're the best!" He says as you add another quilt to his pile.

"I just don't want you getting hypothermia." You giggle, joining him in the cocoon.

"Hey, can I show you something?" He asks, pulling you close to his chest.

"What?" You ask suspiciously.

"This!" He says mischievously, putting his cold hand on your cheek.

"Gah! You're rude!" You push his hand away, while he laughs.

"I couldn't resist!"

"I'm gonna take my blankets back!" You tease.

"Oh no, please! I won't do it again!" He says, pulling a quilt up over his chin.

"Kitty, I'm just kidding. I wouldnt actually do that, you're freezing!"

"Right, sorry. I know you wouldn't. You're ameowzing."

"You don't need to apologize, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

"It's ok! I guess I'm still getting used to someone actually caring. And having good blankets."

"What do you mean? You have good blankets?" You don't touch on the previous statement, knowing he's talking about his dad, but from your Eiffel Tower date you know he's got some soft quilts.

"Yeah, but my father usually kept them on his bed, and I was just borrowing the one we used last night."

"Well you need to get some better ones! I'll find out where we got ours, and maybe you can get one like it?"

"Yeah. But I think I'll still prefer this one." He says, snuggling into the blanket he's clutching.


"Because even though it'll be at my house, it won't smell like my home." He says, and you're happy to see his face turning red, but you're confused as to what he means.

"But that's the same thing, isn't it?"

"Not really. The house where you live isn't always your home. The place you're most comfortable and feel happiest is your home. And for me, that's wherever you are." He explains, letting go of the blanket and instead starts to hold you.

"Awwww, Adrien! That's the sweetest thing ever!" You wrap your arms around him tightly and  let his head rest in the crook of your neck.

"You're my home too." You say, kissing his head.

"Thanks for warming me up, Angel."

"No purroblem, my jungle leopard."