
Betrayal Hurts

After I get home and detransform I think about what happened.

I have got to figure out why I'm acting so mean, so I can formally apologize to Cat Noir.

"Hey, Tikki?" Nobody better to ask than her.

"Yes Marinette?"

"Um, would there be any reason for me to be acting really mean?"

"Oh dear, it's been that long?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, for us kwamis we have one month of every four years that if we transform our holder, they act very rude. It's somewhat like what you human girls have once a month. Of course, different for kwamis, since we all go through it, but it's worse for a female kwami, not sure why though, since we don't have kids. And if it's your time as well, oh gosh, you might as well forget being nice that week."


A kwami period.

That's wonderful.

"So, kwamis have periods?"

"Basically. It does similarly to yours, but different."

"And I'm going to be mean all month?"

"Only if you're transformed, or thinking about something as Ladybug."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like, if you think about something you only do as Ladybug, such as a responsibility of Ladybug's, then you would get rude thoughts about whatever."


"So you should explain this all to Cat Noir, Plagg may have already went through it, but he's always a bit cynical."

I laugh and wonder how I should explain this all.

His kwami may have already done it, but I can only remember a few times when Cat Noir has acted mean.

To anyone.

Hopefully this kwami thing doesn't affect me much tonight, so I can actually tell Cat I'm sorry. =============================Around 4 in the afternoon you decide you need to vent, having already bottled up all your emotions for the day, so you call bff/n.

She comes over after you explain that you really need to talk to her.

"Hey gurl, wassup?" She says as she enters your room.

"Lots of things, actually."

"Well, spill it!"

"Ok..." You tell her of everything that happened last night, from seeing Cat Noir and Ladybug fighting, to you helping Ladybug figure out what to do, and kissing Cat.

Then you tell her what happened after he'd been turned back to normal, and you talked to him.

"Wooww. So he doesn't actually like you?! I never would have guessed... I really thought he did."

"Yeah, I was starting to believe it too. But, boys can be weird."

"Yup. I wonder if that was all a set up to make you think he doesn't like you when he actually does?"

"Why on earth would he do that?"

"I don't know, maybe he has an elaborate plan to ask you out!?"

"Seriously doubt that."

"But it's still a possibility! And better than the alternative."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am."

You laugh at her, and she quickly joins in.

"So, have you went on any dates or had one scheduled from the guys at the dance?" You ask.

"I haven't been on one, but I have gotten a few texts setting them up."

"Good. I'm glad one of us has a requited crush."

"Heh. Yeah. I still think he likes you though."

"Bff/n, how could he? He distinctly said he liked another girl."

"I know, but I just have a feeling."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"You could always ask him out, y'know."

"Of course I know! But do you really think I could actually ask?! No way! I'm too chicken!"

Bff/n laughs and says, "I betcha can. You gotta! Or else you may never find out!"

"But Cat could always ask me?"

"Yeah, but he sounds as chicken as you when it comes to this!"


"I'm telling you, y/n, just do it. Ask. And if he turns you down, at least you'll know."

"Yeah. I'll do it! I'm gonna tell him I like him! And, I'll do it tonight!"

"Atta girl!"

I've been thinking all day, and I'm going to ask y/n out tonight. I just need a good way to do it.

Should I get flowers?

Nah, that's too boring and cliche.

I could get her favorite candy, and take her to her favorite place, which she said was the Eiffel Tower after dark.

Yeah, that's what I can do!

I'll get her favorite candy, and put them at the Tower, on the balcony we usually go too.

And I'll bring blankets to sit on and cover up with, and it'll be a purrfect first date!

It will be a surprise too, I'll ask her if she wants to go to the Eiffel first, and when she says yes, as she always does, she'll see everything, and then hopefully she'll ask why everything is there, and I'll tell her I like her!

It's gonna be so romantic!

I quickly tell my plan to Plagg, but of course he just says "Whatever kid. Just don't stay out too long, and get me some more cheese when you buy the candy."

I agree to it, since I'd already promised him extra smelly stuff.

I put my piano recording on, and transform so I can get away.

But first I quickly text y/n and tell her I'll be later than usual tonight, since I have to talk with Ladybug.

She replies with an "Ok, see you later." and I head out.

When I reach the alley next to the store I detransform and give Plagg some cheese.

After he flies into my pocket I sneak inside the store, and go for the candy.

After I get mine and y/n's favorite candiesand the cheese I check out, and go back to the alley.

Once I get home I hide the candy and find some thick and fluffy blankets.

I take them to my room and throw them on the couch, then find a huge bag to carry it all, since I'm going to need at least one hand for my baton.

After I get everything fixed I transform, and grab the bag.