
An Invitation

You get to the school, relieved that  you won't be dealing with any stupid rumors from Lila for the last two days of the program.

When you get to the room for the first class, you see that Adrien has already arrived, as well as Nino, Alya, and Marinette, who are all crowded around one desk, the one you've been sitting at.

"Hey, y/n!" Alya says, noticing you first.

"Hi, everyone." You respond.

"We were just telling Adrien how he totally missed everything yesterday!" Alya informs you.

"Oh yeah?" You say, trying to conceal a grin.

"Yeah. Too bad I had to leave, huh? I missed all the action!" Adrien says, clearly enjoying this.

"Totally, dude! Cat Noir totally showed up Lila! Wonder why she'd said all that?" Nino inputs.

"Because she's a liar! I've tried to tell you guys, but you won't believe me!" Marinette says in exasperation.

"I always thought it was just because of that thing she did that you didn't like!" Alya says in defense.

"Well, partially, but she really is a pathological liar!"

"Marinette is right. I was here for like a day, and she spread so much about me, for whatever reason. I'd never even met her until then!"

"She was probably mad that she had to move seats." Adrien says.

"Did she move next to someone she doesn't like, or what?" You ask.

"I don't think so." Alya responds, looking thoughtful.

Before you can discuss it further, the girl with pink hair comes in.

"Hey, y/n. Sorry for accusing you of lying the other day. It's just, Lila is my friend, so I didn't expect her to lie." She says.

"That's ok, I understand." You reply.

A few other kids come in, and all the ones that outright accused you of lying apologize, with the exception of Lila, of course.

She just walks in, still looking angry, and goes to her seat right as the bell rings.

The little group breaks up to their own desks, and you sit.

You write to Adrien.

During the class, Miss Bustier tells you that you will have to write a report on how homeschool is different from public school, as well as your experiences during the week.

She also mentions that the student who'd been homeschooled for the week will do something similar.

When class is over and you're walking with Adrien to the next one, you wonder aloud if you should talk about Lila.

"I probably won't, it'll just end in more drama from her, which I don't need."

"Yeah, I guess. It's your call, just choose your words wisely."

"Oh I will, don't I always?"

"Yeah yeah, you're the wisest person I know." He teases.

His bag visibly shakes, and he grabs it, while sharply whispering, "I said person!".

You laugh, and continue to the next class, with Marinette entering just behind you.

After getting a few more apologies, the class starts.

You pass a few notes with Adrien, but mostly just listen to the teacher.

When it's time for lunch, you and Adrien make you way to the cafeteria together, and sit with the usual trio.

"Hey, so I was thinking. My parents will be taking my younger sisters on a school thing over the weekend, and my older sister will be out of town for a wrestling thing. Would you guys want to come over for a party?" Alya asks.

Nino and Marinette agree quickly, and Adrien thinks for a minute.

"Yeah. I've never really been able to go to a party, so I'll come."

"What about you, y/n?" Alya asks.

"Oh, uh, I don't know, parties aren't really my thing..." You say, unsure of spending a few hours with who knows how many people.

"You went to that Halloween party." Marinette points out.

You think dryly.

"Well that was different!" You protests.

"Different why?" Alya asks.

"Wasn't Cat Noir and Ladybug there?" Adrien speaks up, and you can almost him smirking.

You shoot him the quickest of glares, before saying, "Yeah, Cat begged me to come. He said he didn't wanna be lonely."

"So that was YOU I saw with him! I was wondering if he was dancing like that with some random person!" Alya exclaims.

"Yep. Anyway, that's the only reason I went."

"Well hey, I wouldn't mind having a superhero turn up at my party!" Alya jokes.

At least, you think she's joking.

"Alya, I'm sure Cat Noir has more important things to do than come to your party." Marinette says, and you notice she glances at Adrien.

When you think about it, she's been watching both you and Adrien quite closely.

You realize that she could've looked through your notebook, and found the paper with your clues on it.

But you can't think about that now, because Alya is looking expectantly at you, wanting your answer.

"Fine, I guess I'll come. But I probably won't stay long!" You give in.

"That's OK! And just so you know, I'll be inviting a few other people from class."

"Ughh, what did I agree to?" You groan.

"Oh dont worry! It'll be fun!" Alya says, and gets up to go invite more people.

By the time lunch is finished, you're sure that at least half the school will be coming, and you're getting worried.

"Why did I agree? I don't like being in large crowds!" You complain to Adrien on the way to the next class.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone bother you!"

"Thanks, but don't too far into your Protective Boyfriend Mode." You tease, after quickly checking that nobody is listening.

"Oh please, I don't do that!"

"Yeah, and I'm sure Lila and Felix both agree."

"They don't count!"

You laugh and continue to the classroom, sitting down and glaring right back at Lila when she comes in, immediately glowering at you.

When the day has finished, you go outside and stand around for a minute with the little friend group, and are surrounded by people asking Alya about her party.

"What time is it?" "What should I wear?" "Will there be food?"

The last one, of course, was an input by you.

Adrien laughs, to which you respond, "Hey, I might as well have a good reason to come!"

When you finally get to go home, and you ask your mother if you're even allowed to go, you hope she says no.

"Who is having it?" She asks.

"A friend I made at school. Adrien knows her pretty well, I think."

"Will there be boys?"

"I guess." You think.


"Not that I know of."


"Again, not that I know of. I try not to associate with people who use those things." You respond, and hope that your unsureness about such things prompts her to say no, but you're not so lucky.

"I guess you can go. As long as you don't use any drugs or alcohol, and don't do anything you'll regret." She says pointedly.

"Ok. Thanks." You say, though you don't really mean it.