
CEO Wei and His Contract Wife

“Do you have a minute?” Wei requested, his eyes avoiding hers. “Well, you have my attention,” Yulan responded as her eyes trailed over the man who just spoke. “I want you to pretend to be my fiancée.” Wei, The thirty-three-year-old CEO of Crest Aluminum Company, blurted out bluntly, his voice cold and distant. “Excuse me!” Yulan almost yelled, her eyes narrowing in disbelief. He continued, undeterred. “You need a job and I need someone…” “Well keep searching, you dimwit. Can my day be any worse than this?” She interrupted sharply, pushing her hair behind her ear. “How dare you call me that?” Wei snapped, his temper flaring. “And how dare you ask that of me?” Yulan scoffed, her voice rising in irritation. “How the hell did you know I needed a job? You pervert, were you spying on us?” She accused, her anger boiling over. Their friends quickly rushed to their sides, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. “Can you believe this, Yaya? This crazy man was eavesdropping on our conversation!” Yulan fumed, turning to her friend. “You were yelling your problems in the spa!” Wei retorted defensively. “And must you listen?” Yulan fired back. “Calm down, everyone is watching us.” Yao intervened, attempting to soothe her friend's rage. “He started it!” Yulan wouldn’t relent. “Pardon her, she’s going through some serious issues. She’s usually not like this.” Yao pleaded on her behalf, but Yulan continued to vent her frustration while Fu Yao ushered her toward a waiting taxi. ************** Guo Yulan, a twenty-five-year-old who resigned from her job, and Wei Wang, the thirty-three-year-old CEO of Crest Aluminium, decided to enter into a contract. While the contract stated that Miss. Guo was obligated to portray the role of Mr. Wang's fiancée in various public and social settings, including but not limited to events, gatherings, and meetings with business associates, Mr. Wang agreed to compensate Miss. Guo for her services by paying her the sum agreed upon, in the execution of the Agreement. In addition, Mr. Wang agreed to either hire Miss. Guo or assist her in finding a permanent employment opportunity after their engagement ended. Initially, Ms. Guo recoiled at the thought of signing the contract, finding it appalling. However, confronted with the looming threat of a lawsuit, she reluctantly signed her signature in a desperate bid to escape being sued by her former employer, even as it meant casting caution and her better judgment aside. A series of events leads him to blackmail her into marrying him and making her hate him more than she thinks she does. As they start to open up about their feelings for one another, the lingering shadow of his past starts to intrude on their blossoming romance, haunting what could be a beautiful love story.

Chrissie_Swift · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter Three

"Hello, darling! How are you?" The thirty-three-year-old CEO of Crest Aluminum company, Wei Wang's voice, smooth and warm, poured through the phone. "Work has been busy recently. I apologize for not being able to spend more time with you. How about tonight?"

Zhu Ming's response was curt, her tone tinged with an edge of irritation. "Wei, I can't meet you tonight. I'm swamped with work as well."

Though her words stung, Wei was unfazed. He had grown accustomed to Zhu's occasional sharpness. She was his fiancée. They had known each other for two years now.

Wei, ever the gentle soul, took Zhu's rebuff in stride. It was one of the qualities he admired most about her – her drive, her passion, her dedication to her goals.

As he recalled the first time he saw Zhu at the gym, her presence sparked something in him, an awareness of something familiar yet untapped. He was drawn to her because of her love for sports, as well as her grace and poise, and they fell in love.

She always knew when to call. When work was bad and things were unbearable at the workplace, she'd call and offer him words of comfort, as if she knew he needed them.

With each passing day, Wei found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Zhu. Her kindness, her compassion, her loyalty – all of it stirred something within him. She had asked that they get married and he didn't mind giving her that.

However, Wei recently got caught up in the rigorous pressures of work. The roofing sheet warehouses faced a troubling shortage despite soaring demand.

It became clear that they needed to grow their personnel to satisfy production needs and alleviate the burden on their operations. He was busy doing that.

"Come on, love. I've just been swamped with work this week. But everything's under control now. You'll have my undivided attention," he pleaded, his voice a desperate plea for understanding.

But Wei's response was met with silence, a heavy pause that hung between them like a veil of uncertainty.

"Sweetheart, I have to travel for work… tonight," she finally murmured, her words laden with resignation. "It's just for a day or two. If all goes well, I'll be back tomorrow evening. And when I return, I promise, I'll be all yours. We can discuss changing the wedding planner. I've already informed her about my dissatisfaction with the flower arrangements, and she's not taking it well."

"You know she's the best in town," He gently reminded her, a hint of concern creeping into his tone.

"Well, it's my big day, and I want everything to be perfect. I've found someone else whose services are truly exceptional," Zhu declared, her tone firm and resolute.

"Okay, if that will make you happy," Wei acquiesced, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips as he awaited her response.

"I knew you'd agree. That's why I love you!" She exclaimed loudly.

"I love you too, safe travels," he replied, his voice tinged with affection as he wished her well.

"Hmm, my king," she playfully addressed him, a chuckle escaping her lips, coaxing a smile from his own.

As Wei said goodbye to Zhu over the phone, her joyous pronouncement resonated in his ears, warming him up.

Before he knew it, darkness had fallen over the city, signaling the end of another long day. With his secretary on leave, there was no one to remind him of the time, and he remained engrossed in his work until long after closing time.

He exhaled a breath of relief and scanned his now-empty desk, a sense of accomplishment flooding over him as he realized he had finally caught up on his tasks.

With his fiancée's return on his mind, an idea occurred to him: a tiny gesture to cheer her when she returned. Quickly, he dashed out of the office, intent on finding the perfect gift to surprise her.

As he drove to her apartment, the lights from her window beckoned him, casting a warm glow against the evening sky.

Wei stepped out of his car, his gaze still drawn to the warm glow emanating from her window. As he approached her apartment, a flicker of confusion crossed his mind. "Did she leave her lights on?" he mused aloud, his brow furrowing in thought. The drawn curtains suggested she had forgotten to switch them off.

A smile tugged at the corners of Wei's lips as he recalled her endearing clumsiness. It was one of the many quirks he adored about her – her tendency to prepare two cups of coffee, anticipating the possibility of spilling one. Her practicality, her foresight, it all added to her charm in his eyes.

Drawing closer to her door, the sound of laughter drifted through the air, unmistakably Zhu's voice. His heart skipped a beat, a surge of curiosity mingling with a hint of concern. Had she not mentioned her trip, or had her plans changed at the last minute? Or had something unexpected occurred to keep her home?

His senses tingled with unease as a violent earthquake rippled through the air, sending shivers down his spine. The hairs on his arms stood on point, a basic instinct alerting him to oncoming anguish. A knot grew in his stomach, and an unexplained sense of doom fell over him like a heavy veil.