
Celestial Watcher

Part of the { Tome of the Intoners, Curse of Time, And Slayer } Series, this follows Hikari whom raised by a dragon throughout her life, whom is known only as the First Dragonslayer and Celestial Watcher. A rewrite of the Story posted on Quotev, is going to be updated whenever. This is based on a Minecraft character I play as, as well as other roleplays I've been in this with this character. More information on the world is on the Aestridin Universe Quotev account.

Aestridin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapitre 3

Every single day was the same. 

Chores. Cleaning the yard, the rooms, and the items inside the church. Doing the laundry, preparing the food. 

Training. Sparring, the monks called it. It didn't matter what it was to Hikari. It was the same as she did while in the forest with Coelestis training her. It was enough to make her push onward to go towards her goal, killing the dragon who those humans worshipped and sent Coelestis' body to be sacrificed towards. Plus, it was a way for her to vent her frustrations out for the attitudes that some of the monks give her for her origins being unknown. This made her spar more often due to this reason, even against Cassideyiana with her handicap of being blindfolded and against Valentina and her brother tag-teaming against her, she still found a way to keep her frustrations going. 

And finally, learning the events, past and present, as well as the common knowledge of humans, those being math, writing and reading. She didn't know why she needed to know this skill, but it was better to learn what she could now to use later, if needed. 

During this time, she stuck around Valentina, Vincent and Cassideyiana, the three of them seeming to be useful towards her goal, and it wasn't like anyone else in the Church went near her. Over the years, they became allies in their own minds, each one thinking of using the group for a revenge or a goal of sorts, as the voices grew in number, accompanying Hikari throughout these years.


"And so, now the day has come for us to leave the Church on our own without being monitored by adults!" Valentina exclaimed, running around Hikari's room as Vincent sat in a chair and Cassideyiana laid in the bed.

Hikari was standing around tapping her foot, annoyed by the voices and the three twelve year olds, before shouting: "Then why celebrate it in here?!" 

Valentina chuckled and came behind Hikari, placing a hand on her shoulder before replying. "Because this is the only room we could celebrate it in since you would be holed up in here if we did celebrate elsewhere! Lighten up! Tomorrow we can go and find that dragon you so badly want to kill, but first, we need to relax! We've been so tense!" 

"You all. Not me." Hikari mutters, sitting on the rug, the voices seeming to be annoying her further.

"Don't mind her. I'm just here to discuss the plan, and Cassie is here for... emotional support," Vincent said, flipping through a journal Hikari had wrote in as she shoots back up and walks over to him. "You have some really bad handwriting, but still eligible to read. Have you been practicing?" 

Hikari snatches the book. "And how about you stop going through my stuff?"

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think this outcome would have changed even if people switched positions and attitudes," Cassideyiana states, looking at the ceiling as her blindfold was off to reveal blue eyes with what appears to be a clock in them. 

"Then why'd it have to be in my room that we are doing this?" Hikari groaned, sitting back down on the floor. 

"Because it's the only one with room for the four of us and further away from prying eyes and ears." Cassideyiana replies simply. "Also, it's the only place where I can take my blindfold off without the monks just staring at me." 

"Yeah, we are known as the freaks of the monk trainees by the rest, so there are places restricted to us that trainees go towards." Valentina replies before sitting next to Hikari on the rug. "So this is really the only place we can go to without there being eyes and ears everywhere just staring, as Cassie says."

"My name is Cassideyiana." 

"Then why does my brother and Hikari get to call you Cassie?" Valentina complained. 

"Because I actually asked to do so, as did Hikari." Vincent answered. "You never asked." 


"You never bothered to ask and just did it. If you had asked I would have given you permission. But then again, I have seen in each vision that you will never ask, so I will just keep saying 'My name is Cassideyiana'." Cassideyiana interrupts, closing her eyes.

"Wow. Buzzkill." Valentina pouts. "Do you actually have visions or are you just guessing?" 

"I guess it's up to you to watch and see then." Cassideyiana smirks. 

"So, why the hell are you three still in my fucking room?" Hikari stands up and places her hands on her waist. 

"Ah, language Hikari. And I'm here to help you plan for the fight against Calamitas. Like Cassie is too. Valentina just wants to relax, no idea why here though." Vincent answers, flipping through the other books. 

"All I just need to do is use magic on that thing, right?" 

"By the Aspects no! It's a lot harder to kill a dragon than you think. You know how all creatures have a core of sorts? You need to find that." He points out, flipping to another page. "Have you ever seen a dragon's core before?"

"I have seen Coelestis' cores. It was in her star and moon shaped things on her tail and back. Never touched them though." Hikari responded. "There was a total of 7." 

"Dragons usually have one. But it seems the stronger the dragon, the more cores it has. Last written records of an encounter with Calamitas states she has 6, so does that mean she is weaker than Coelestis, or is that just a guess for her cores?" Vincent questions, flipping through another page of the book he was reading. "Never the less, find those and the damned thing can be killed. Although you have to use magic taught by dragons to do so. As to how those humans killed Coelestis...it was through a human sacrifice's blood painted on a dragon-bone sword made from a naturally dead dragon corpse. That's how it happened, to which we don't have that, nor the ability to get it."

"And how did you find this out when I don't even know why the hell they killed her?" Hikari grinds her teeth. 

"I have my own tricks. Cassie did help too." Vincent replies with a smile. 

"He used his magic to see into the past. Something that is the opposite of my visions of the future, his are the visions of the past and present. If trained properly, then he can see the future as well." Cassideyiana lies on the bed, covering her face. 

"And how do you know of this?" Valentina questions, standing up. 

"My visions. Not like you would believe that anyways." Cassideyiana removes a hand from her face, glancing a look at Valentina. "Isn't that right, Valentina Evercros?" 

"Gah! Don't do that! That's creepy when you say my full name like that!" Valentina exclaims, sighing before standing up. "Well, it seems that the plan is to, so far, find and kill that Dragon, so what's stopping us?" 

"We don't know where the fuck it is that's what. Surprised that that's what Vincent and Cassie are purposely leaving out." Hikari states, staring at the two. 

"Purposely? Oh how you hurt me-" 

"Vincent, I would suggest you watch your next few words very carefully." Hikari warned, glancing over at Vincent. "I could very easily go back on our deal dealing with the dragon."

"Fine. All we have are clues. The Village of Konoro is our best bet." Vincent sighs. 

Silence enveloped the room before laughter broke out from Hikari, the other three seeming to be confused as to why she started to laugh. 

With a worried look on her face, Cassideyiana sat up. "What's so funny?" 

"After all this time, it's finally happening! Although...what should happen after we kill the dragon?" Hikari grins, letting her thoughts get the better of her, those thoughts of which she was taught were impure, and impulsive, the very ones that called for bloodshed.

"That is up to each and every person here. So. Are you sure about this, Hikari?" Cassideyiana questions. 

"Why of course! They are why Coelestis is gone. So, might as well make them go through what she did!" 

Cassideyiana sighs before glancing at Valentina and Vincent, the two of them appearing to be unchanged in their decision. "Very well then. I...I guess we will go our separate ways, you absolute mad person." 

"Before then though, why don't we sleep this off, why don't we?" Valentina suggested, grabbing her brother's arm. "We'll discuss this in the morning." 

"Agreed." Hikari muttered, holding herself back from leaving the room to go after her plan in the first place as the others left the room, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

Those thoughts continued their madness, yelling and screeching in her head the rest of the evening, as she slept.