
STAGE ZERO: A Vivid Dream

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away,

There was a country, of creatures born of light.

Very much like humans, they had four limbs,

pale skin and white wings on their backs.

But one day,

their kingdom fell under a siege,

and the once bright, kingdom floating high up in the sky,

fell and crumbled into dust.

The king's consort gathered every last strength in her,

and in the last of her army,

to summon a gate

that will lead her one and only daughter to safety.

To a land where no harm could reach her

To a land, where her dear homeland does not exist.

She's been having this dream every night, for quite a while now.

In her dream, she's running. Pitch black, she couldn't see where to, or why. All she knew was that she needed to run. But no matter how fast she went, or how much she shouted for help, she can't escape the oblivion, trapped in an eternal cycle, cursed to run forever. With every step, she's growing more and more, weary.

Until, finally, she heard a voice.

"Freyja!" it said.

Was it calling her?

"What do you want to do?"