

Keon stopped running and faced his brother. He pulled an ordinary dagger from his belt, reinforced it with his black aura and attacked Ahrin head on. His eyebrows creased, wondering why his brother won't summon his powerful rune beast to attack. He summoned his black aura blade and fended Keon's attacks with ease. When it's finally his turn to attack, Keon couldn't do anything but hold his ground. Since then, he never had a chance to counter.

In just a few minutes, Keon fell with bad bruises and a few broken bones. Gritting his teeth, Keon forced himself to stand. "Tsk." Ahrin clicked his tongue. He found it both surprising and disgusting that his little brother was showing emotions he believe, an Aethlmaer son should not be having. Ahrin continued attacking, delivering fatal blows that almost ripped his brother into two. Luckily for Keon, he is still skilled enough to barely dodge them.

"I see." He finally figured what his brother was doing. "You are conserving your aura, for that girl. Right now, she must by flying away on your rune beast." He got it right. Keon smirked, while he kicked him in the stomach. Keon fell down, completely defeated.

"You are just like your mother... useless. I never had hopes on you anyway." Ahrin stepped on his brother's body, walking past through him without a single sweat. However, before he could leave the room, a dagger made of pure black aura came flying towards him. He barely dodged it, scratching his shoulder.

Kirin stepped in.

"I never thought you'd bully Keon, Ahrin." Kirin's black aura sword in his hand. "Where is she?" Kirin asked, but Keon just gave an arrogant smirk.

Looking at Keon, Kirin could tell what just happened. And it relieved him. While Kirin is not at all fond of Keon, at this moment, he is an ally. He charged at Ahrin, who managed to block his attack but still earned a scratch on his pale face.

"Not bad Kirin." He mumbled while avoiding Kirin's attacks. "Tsh, can't even hit him." Kirin cursed as sweat rolled through his pale cheeks. After all, Ahrin was the one who taught Kirin's swordsmanship. Ahrin is, without a doubt, the more skilled hand-to-hand fighter among the brothers.

Kirin was smart enough to realize his edge over him. Reinforcing his black aura sword with more aura, Kirin delivered one extremely fatal blow. Ahrin barely dodged it, he had no choice but face the attack head on. The strong impact of Kirin's attack caused a shockwave that brutally threw Ahrin across the hallway. "Just die, damn you." Kirin has definitely the strongest aura among them.

"Just die, goddammit." Kirin used a large amount of aura in his last attack, that having Ahrin stand up again will be disadvantageous to him. For a while, Kirin thought Ahrin wasn't moving anymore, but to his dismay, Ahrin stood up, and wiped blood off his face. "How ruthless." Ahrin's emotionless remark made Kirin more nervous. Ahrin was preparing to retaliate, when Kirin suddenly fell onto his knees, feeling his heart pump faster and faster for some reason. He shed buckets of sweat and his veins bulged. "AH!" He fell onto his knees while crouching. "Wh-What is this?" He felt extremely hot inside, as if something is burning inside of him. It's the same feeling as when his soul orb is still inside of him. But no, Freyja already destroyed it. This time, it's something else.

Even Ahrin could not understand what's going on. Until, a heavy presence filled the air, stopping the brothers from fighting at once.

"Silence!" A loud, strong voice stood out. On the hallway, like a king's entrance, the patriarch of the Aethelmaer family marched towards them. He is six foot tall, pale, muscular, and his long black hair tied in a low ponytail. His presence so intimidating, his three sons were paralyzed instantly.

"So Kirin, how does it feel? To have your real aura awaken?" He peered into his emerald green eyes.

"Real aura? What- do – you mean?" Kirin felt the pain slowly fade away.

"Being with that girl isn't bad after all." Aneurin nodded, convinced with a plan only he knew. "Now, all that's left is for Freyja to die. This should be enough, now that I've seen it myself." Aneurin spoke with so much certainty, but it confused the brothers even more. Aneurin peered into Kirin's eyes. He can't bring himself to move an inch, caught by his father's onyx eyes.

"Listen son, you and Lenfiare cannot exist in the same world. Never." He whispered, a chill ran through Kirin's spine.

Ahrin pulled a knife from his robe. That knife is coated with a strong neurotoxin that will cause temporary hallucinations, fevers, weakening, and for normal people, death. Without batting an eye, he threw it straight at Kirin! Kirin winced, unable to dodge. However, just before the knife hit, a rune-barrier appeared in front of him, deflecting the knife instantly.

From behind him, Freyja and Alaric rushed to his aid. "Kirin! Keon!" Freyja shouted, standing in between Kirin and Anuerin. No one expected that. "Kirin, are you alright?" Alaric shook him hard.

"Why are you here?" Keon shouted, tears flowing. "You're stupid! You're stupid! You're stupid!" He shouted, over and over. Keon knows that Freyja just wasted her one and only chance to live. He felt so bad, he's certain she will die any minute and in front of him too. A puddle of tears formed on the floor. Keon recalled how his mother was killed before him. And now, it's about to happen again.

"Keon, snap out of it!" Freyja slapped Keon. "It's alright, we'll get out of here." She reassured him, helping him stand.

Ahrin was about to stop Freyja when Alaric conjured bolts of lighting, aimed straight at him. Ahrin didn't move a step, knowing that his spells are weaker than his defenses. A pillar of fire emerged from under him next, grazing his cheek as he evaded. Ahrin clicked his tongue, seeing how much the rune master has improved since they last fought.

Aneurin bursted into laughter all of a sudden, stopping them on their tracks in an instant. His laugh echoed in the hallway, as he slowly walked closer and closer to Freyja. "So, you are Lenfiare. I didn't quite expect that."

Freyja trembled in fear, she's trembled so bad, she had to bite her now bleeding lip just to keep her calm. She glared at him, intensely. "Yes, I am Freyja Lenfiare of Celestia!" She announced, with an equally loud voice. She pulled out a short sword from her belt, the one Alaric brought with him.

Aneurin smiled and brought his face down to hers. "You're afraid of me." Aneurin grabbed her trembling hand in one swift move. "See, you're trembling." Freyja dropped her sword. She struggled, but she just couldn't match up to Aneurin's strength. "He's... even stronger than Kirin..." She thought while desperately struggling from his grasp, sweating.

"I am not afraid of you!" Freyja's struggle amused the Aethelmaer master. He suddenly let go of her hand and smiled. "So you are the infamous heir to the throne. I never expected you'd be like this. I wonder what Kirin saw in you? Is it your face?" He pulled her chin up with a strong grip, "Or, is it that loud mouth of yours?" Freyja slapped his hand and quickly distanced herself from him. "Or perhaps that stubborn attitude?" He's playing with her.

"Please Freyja, run away!" Kirin begged, knowing that he can't protect her from his father in his state. His father did something to his body and he's yet to know what. Alaric and Keon in their current state, can only beat Ahrin if they work together. Aneurin, the biggest problem, is out of the question. No one can fight him right now.

Not even Freyja, who will die either way, without her celestial guardians.

Kirin surrendered to frustration. He's desperate to save her no matter what. "The only one who can stop him is Freyja. She must live, and grow strong, at all costs." He decided. Kirin voluntarily went to his father.

"I will receive your punishment. I will do what you want. But please, allow me to see her one more time after that. Alive." Kirin got onto his knees and lowered his head to the floor. "I'm begging you., father."

Aneurin fell speechless. He knew that Kirin is protecting Freyja, but he never expected him to go through such lengths. He knows his son would rather die than bow before him. He looked at the fiercely glaring Freyja one more time, before answering Kirin's request.

"These two are my guests. They are to be treated with respect!" Aneurin shouted his orders loud and clear. Even Ahrin, could only nod. "Come, Kirin." Aneurin turned his back and left, with Kirin and Ahrin following him.

"Kirin, wait!" Freyja tried to run after him, but Alaric stopped her. Kirin didn't even look at her.

Servants came rushing to them the moment Aneurin and Ahrin left. They helped Keon stand and they led Freyja and Alaric to their rooms. "Lady Lenfiare, Lord rune master, we will lead you to your rooms." The servants did exactly as they are told. They treated them well and served them the best they could. They brought them trays and trays of luxurious food and drinks, but kept a close watch on both.

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