
STAGE TEN: An Age Old Legend

"Power... I want power... more power..."

Freyja's lust for power lingers deep within her subconscious. She's blank—no memories, no nothing except for the need to be strong. "More! More! Make me strong!"

"That's right. I want to be the strongest of all!" A voice joined her.

"Stronger than everyone!" She added.

"So that no one, can go against me." They chorused.

Freyja remained unconscious for an entire week, and Kirin never left her side. While Kirin did have considerable injuries, he completely recovered in three days. Freyja on the other hand, suffered a deadly hemorrhage. If she was in her own world, the doctors might not be able to save her anymore. Fortunately for Freyja, the medical system in Kirin's world was more than capable of treating such injuries. And even luckier for her, the Runemaster's guild's hospital is one of the best in the world.

At the eight day, in the middle of the night, Freyja finally opened her eyes. She found herself on a hospital bed, injected into her are tubes of different sizes connected to a group of unfamiliar machines. Kirin is right beside her, his usually straight face, warped in worry. "Don't move, stay in bed. How are you feeling?"

Freyja nodded, "I'm okay. But, I'm dizzy."

"We're still in the Runemaster's guild. You've been sleeping for a week now."

"How about you Kirin? How's your injury?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm totally healed. But..." Kirin looked down, unable to continue. He's dying to ask what happened to her, but feels it's inappropriate at this time. Since she collapsed, her 'white aura' hasn't appeared, even for a second.

"What happened? How did we end up here? Did the runemasters rescue us?" Her questions surprised him. "Wait, you don't remember what happened?"

"You were stabbed. Then..." Freyja tried as hard as she could to remember, but really can't. "...that's all."

Kirin decided he'd stop training her. He decided that he'd hide her to some village and that she should live a normal life while he search for Astrid. But after what happened, that plan is impossible to do anymore. She released a kind of aura that they never thought existed. It's a kind of aura he only heard about in legends. And she used that aura. But, a more appropriate description of what happened, for Kirin, is that the aura used her. After seeing that, he is now positive, without a trace of doubt, that the Freyja in front of her is the same 'Lenfiare' his father is trying to kill. The only path left for the two of them, is to fight. Kirin took a deep breath. "Listen to me very well Freyja. We have this external energy called aura. I told you this before, didn't I?"

Freyja nodded. "Yes, the one I have no talent for?"

"Everything possesses its own aura. But only a select few can actually use it to materialize different kinds of things. Rune masters, for example, use their aura to materialize fire, water or lightning. After doing so, it quickly dissipates and whatever's left goes back to their master's body. That is a spell."

Freyja nodded as she listened carefully.

"Others use their aura to summon swords and to strengthen their attacks. I belong to that class. I use my aura to summon a blade and I wrap my body with it as protection. That's why I don't get wounded that easily. The strangest of abilities exist too, such as being able to understand animal languages, and healing wounds."

Freyja nodded again.

"The kind of techniques you should use will depend on the nature of your aura. Usually, we call it 'colors.' My aura is color black. It means I can easily use it to wrap around my body and summon weapons. But the nature of my aura is short-ranged. That's why I can't conjure a runemaster's spell." Kirin conjured a short dagger to demonstrate. "My aura color is unique to the Aethelmaer clan. Which means that your aura color is decided upon birth."

"Why are you suddenly telling me this, Kirin?" Freyja sensed something is wrong. He never had such detailed explanation before. And he's telling her this now, after he decided to stop her training.

"The black aura by far, is known to be the strongest. Hence, the power and prestige of the Aethelmaer clan. But there is this age old legend that a 'white' aura exists."

"Sounds cool."

Kirin nodded. "The white aura was once the strongest and most powerful of all. And as the legend goes, there is a dragon named Astrid, sealed somewhere in this world, who is the sole possessor of such aura. That is the reason why my father, wanted to find him so much."

"And? What about Astrid then? Have you discovered something about him?" Freyja sat up.

"Why hesitate?" All of a sudden, Alaric came through the door, holding a basket of fruits. "I'm glad you're awake now." He smiled.

"You shouldn't stop with your story halfway." Alaric interrupted. "Freyja, the one who killed the Aethelmaer sorcerer and crushed this guy's soul orb is you. You're the one who possess the white aura."

Freyja was speechless. She doesn't even know if she should believe him, until Kirin affirmed to it.

"Yes, it was you. You were suddenly engulfed by a white aura. And you killed him. Now I finally understand why my father is after you.

There was a moment of silence after that. Neither of them tried to break the silence, until Alaric's assistant knocked and went to get his master. "My Lord, the guild master is calling for you."

"Anyway Freyja," Alaric placed the basket on her bedside table. "You eat this and get well. We'll talk later." With a refreshing smile on his face, he left. After the disturbing white aura talk, seeing him act like it was nothing did lift her spirits.

"Kirin, is that wrong? Will I be strong? Or is it something that will hurt everyone? Tell me Kirin, what should I do?"

"It doesn't seem to manifest all the time, so you are alright for the time being. Controlling aura takes a lot of training and strength. If you can't control it, it will end up controlling you instead. So you pretty much don't have a choice but start training."

Freyja's face lit up. She was worried, but strangely, hearing that she does have a potential to be strong elated her. If she can manage to control this white aura, she can protect herself and Kirin. She can find Astrid and know the reason why she's sent to that world. Just with that thought in mind, she can face the risk that goes with it. Without realizing, a wide grin appeared on her face. "Hey! Don't get excited! I told you it's going to be difficult!" Kirin scolded her. She laughed, relieved that he's back to the usual Kirin.

~ o 0 o ~

Despite being Alaric's official guests, the guild is still wary of Kirin and Freyja. Once Freyja was fully recovered, the guildmaster summoned them both. They were accompanied by elite runemaster guards, escorted them to the guildmaster's office.

When the doors were opened, an old man clad in white robes under a white cloak with golden linings greeted them. He looked frail, compared to the other runemasters. But, Kirin sensed the strong, blazing blue aura emanating from him. "He IS the guild master." He confirmed. Beside this man, is his son Alaric.

"You infiltrated the towers, read restricted archives. For that, you deserve a punishment. More than that, you are the son of Aethelmaer. Do you really expect I can let you go scot free?" Arphad glared at Kirin and Kirin smirked. "Then what's the point of tending to our injuries? I'm sure you're not that senile yet. You know you won't get anything but trouble by keeping us here."

"So, you've betrayed your father?"

"It's none of your business. But I'm telling you this. I'm no longer with them." Kirin was rather confident. Freyja is nervous on the other hand.

"Why are you looking for Astrid?"

"That's none of your business."

Arphad looked as if he's expecting Kirin to say that all along. "Cliff confessed to the conspiracy. He's now in prison and facing charges. You're right. It would be unwise to keep you here so I'm letting you go."

"Wait!" Alaric interrupted. "Kirin can go for all I care, but I made a deal with Freyja." He said with a smile. Freyja felt blood drain from her face. "Didn't we, Freyja?"

All eyes are now on her. Kirin, most especially, is giving her a demanding look. "That's..."

"She promised that she'd stay here in exchange for Kirin's freedom. Isn't that right, Freyja?"

"But... I...." Freyja looked down, obviously conflicted. While so, Alaric walked towards her and knelt before her, like a. He took her right hand and kissed it. "But I guess this payment will do."

Freyja's face is beet red. She pulled her hand back out of instinct. She felt her heart race.

"Father," Alaric knelt before Arphad humbly. "I'm begging you Father, please let them use the Archives. I will vouch for them with my life."

Arphad's eyes widened. He was speechless for a moment. Alaric has always been gentle, obedient and careful. He can't believe his son just said something so reckless. "Please Father." He looked at him, with his blue orbs. He looked serious and resolute. Arphad couldn't help but agree.

"Alright. But do it within the day. The next morning, the two of them should leave." Arphad sighed.

"Hear that Freyja? Hurry! We have no time to waste!" Alaric rushed to Freyja and pushed her out cheerfully. Kirin followed without a word.

"Master Arphad, are you sure about this?" A woman, Arphad's assistant, stepped out of hiding. Arphad smirked, looking at the three youngsters storm out of the room. "Yes. It's time for Alaric to go on his own."

~ o 0 o ~

Freyja and Kirin, with Alaric's help, searched through the most prized archives on the top floors of the tower. They passed layers and layers of security fully operated by runes. Even the guards, they could tell, are the most skilled and vigilant.

"I can't believe the Lenfiare is real." Alaric uttered, while Kirin and Freyja browse through the shelves. "My mother used to tell me a story about a winged celestial who possesses the white aura." He continued, earning Freyja's interest instantly. "Really? Your mother must know something then!"

"I can't say that for sure. It's a pretty common children's story in Runerich. But, only the inner council knows about the name 'Lenfiare'. Even she didn't know that. Its highly classified information. It's the result of centuries' worth of research by runemasters from all over the world." He explained, "Most runemasters in Runerich don't know that."

"Still, maybe your mother can give us a clue! Can't we ask her?"

"... unfortunately, she died when I was five." Alaric did not show a single trace of loneliness, or at least she thought so. "I'm sorry Alaric." Freyja felt guilty.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, it looks like you ARE the same Lenfiare in the legend. But according to your story, you're just a normal girl from... another world, right?" Freyja nodded. "Then, do the people in your world possess white aura?"

"Not at all!" Almost shouting, she answered. "No one's even flying or using aura. Everyone in my world is perfectly normal... compared to people here that is."

"Huh? We are normal."

Freyja and Alaric's little chat was interrupted when Kirin closed the book loudly. "There's nothing here." He groaned, Alaric a bit insulted.

"But look, these records said that there have been sightings of rays of lights in mount Tristiss. where on Earth is that?" Freyja showed them an old book of personal accounts of runemasters who went on research travels. Though Kirin and Alaric felt it lacked objectivity, as the accounts can't be verified to be true, Freyja found value in these reports.

"There was a mage on a pilgrimage to Tristiss mountain who said that he saw mysterious rays of light falling from the heavens. He recorded it in his crystals and studied it extensively afterwards. Apparently, none of his hypotheses worked." When Kirin and Alaric seemed unconvinced, Freyja continued. "And look. At different decades, they've been seeing the same thing. It's consistent."

"No it's not. Others also claim to have seen these lights on the other parts of the world." Kirin rebutted.

Alaric took the book from Freyja and flipped it, looking at the table of contents. "But Tristiss has the most occurrences." He joined in.

"Then, could it be that Astrid is in mount Tristiss?" Freyja energetically asked Alaric.

"Nice guess, but I don't think he is." Alaric replied, handing the book back to her. "You see, people had been going there for centuries, in search for him. And up until now, all mount Tristiss holds is that thick blanket of ice and nothing more." He explained, disappointing Freyja.

"The Aethelmaer family sent expeditions to mount Tristiss, as well as other possible locations since long ago, and just like what he said, they found nothing." Kirin sighed and closed the book. "And here I thought the Rune masters tower's secret archives could give us a clue."

Alaric grunted.

"Where is mount Tristiss?" Freyja asked, breaking the conflict building up between the two.

"It's way up north of Cewon." Alaric said, pointing to a big, framed world map on the library wall. "It's almost always winter in the country of Shimarar. Once you exit Runerich through the north gate, you can head to the next city and ride an airship straight to Shimarar and then to Mount Tristiss."

"I see, Kirin, let's go and check mount Tristiss out." Freyja suggested. "All of the accounts were pointing at mount Tristiss. We can at least try, can't we?"

"But all the people who went there saw nothing at all." Kirin argued. "NOTHING."

"But we are not them, and, as I remember, Astrid told me that he is sealed and needs to be freed... well, by me. So, I think it's worth checking it out." Freyja defended.

"Can't you really just ask Astrid where he is?" Kirin asked, although aware of the answer that she'll give him.

"I told you, he hasn't contacted me since the first time. And I remember him telling me that he doesn't know where he is sealed anyway. So we pretty much don't have a choice but to look for him like this, I guess." She explained.

"I guess you're right." Kirin patted her head before turning his back. "We have to leave this place before dawn, don't we? Let's start packing." Freyja followed him with a wide smile on her face. "Alright!"

Standing on the terrace in the third floor, Alaric is again, reading his favorite storybook. The princess with white aura and a pair of wings, who defeated the evil demon and protected the world may just be a character from a tale, but she is special to him. Before his mother died, the last thing she told him is this story. Alaric was never really close to his father who spent most of his time on guild matters. Her leaving him alone scared him so much. "Mother, please don't go! Don't go mother!" He cried over and over. But her mother said "The princess won't like you if you're like that. But if you grow big and strong and brave, she will definitely come for you." It was obviously a lie to calm him down, but to Alaric, those last words were his strength. "A world where people have wings and freely fly above the skies, a paradise of peace, prosperity and justice. A world protected by the brave princess. It's obviously a lie." A self-depreciating laugh escaped his lips. He couldn't sleep. He finally noticed it's almost sunrise. And from up there, he saw Freyja and Kirin walking out of the tower's doors. It was also from that terrace when he first saw a little girl running through the guild's traps, desperately trying to save a friend despite her apparent lack of skill. Alaric squeezed the terrace rails, before jumping down. He cushioned his fall using a wind spell. Then, he ran straight to them.

"Freyja!" He called.

"Alaric? There you are!" She ran to him with a bright smile. "We've been looking all over for you!"

Freyja, unlike the first time he met her, looked so happy and energetic. "I changed my mind about your promise to be my hostage." "WHAT!?" "It's a joke! I came to see you guys off." He laughed, and so did she. Alaric thought she's better this way.

"Kirin!" Alaric called, but he didn't even look at him. "Don't get into trouble again. I feel sorry for Freyja. You're lucky if you find another guy like me who'll help you!" He finds Kirin annoying, but is actually glad he met the two of them. He's never left the Tower or Runerich since he was born. So, meeting the both of them, fighting alongside them, arguing and laughing with them, made him forget for a while, the longing to go to that white winged princess' world.

"Thank you very much for everything Alaric. If it wasn't for your help, I might have been caught and punished and we might have been in a terrible situation right now. So, thank you. I hope I can repay your kindness someday." She bowed at him, her heartfelt gratitude went through him. Alaric's cheeks turned bright pink, as he looked away to hide his face. "Uh.. no, I mean... its fine." He stuttered.

"Let's go, we have no time to waste..." Kirin stomped to her and grabbed her hand. "Come on, we'll miss the airship!"

"We have to go Alaric. So... Until we meet again." Before turning her back, Alaric took a deep breath and pulled her hand other, which surprised both Freyja and Kirin. Alaric's eyes were straight and serious. And then, he smiled. "Thank you, Freyja."

Freyja's face turned beet red. Then, Alaric faced the wide-eyed Kirin and stuck his tongue out at him. To see his normally cool and straight 'I don't care' face with such a surprised, disturbed expression is surely a cool bonus. He burst into laughter, and waved his hand. "You both take care!"

~o 0 o~