
Celestial Devotion

An unknown God suddenly appeared, showering people with blessings and gifted abilities. People started to be followers of the strange God, calling her the sun Goddess. This resulted in a new era for humans to evolve. Unfortunately, some people got greedy; instead of giving them blessings, they were cursed for all eternity. War broke out between the cursed and the gifted to maintain peace. The Empress tasked three agencies to maintain harmony within the city. Hiroji Toress, the first person to be gifted with the power to nullify others' abilities, was the target of the curses. Join Hiroji's journey and unravel the secrets in the mysterious world.

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4 Chs

Woman in Red

[Investigation Room- 1:30 pm]

Kaguya Murakami

The folder read that the curse targets specifically couples, I guess unfaithful ones or those who have abusive relationships. I took Amelia by the hand and led her to the room. The poor girl was still shaking nervously. I glanced at Kaito, hoping he would get the message. He nodded and sat beside her, making small talk. Kaito is very good with children. He may look cold and distant, but he's a pretty nice guy once you know him. While he calms her down, I should read the other file case. Hopefully, the curse wouldn't look so disgusting to look at. 'The curse targets unfaithful couples and focuses mostly on men than women' Oh, this reminds me of cupid but a darker version. I checked the recent victims and was shocked to find most of the victims appear to have red-haired men and short black-haired women. This doesn't look like an average curse to me. This curse must have fed on the couple's negative emotions, especially unfaithfulness. "Kaguya," Kaito called, motioning me to start the meeting. I turned on my earpiece in case Zak and Hiro wanted to listen. "Hi, Amelia. I'm just going to ask you some questions," I said. She nodded in reply. Kaito held her hand for comfort. I began the questioning. "Did your parents fight every day?" I asked. Amelia's eyes widened, and she shook her head.

"They fight rarely, but they always manage to make up," Amelia said. Only rarely, huh? I shook my head. "Are there any problems at home?" I asked, hoping there could be something that could lead us to the curse. "We are just a normal family. We were happy until that thing..." Amelia's hands clenched into a fist. Tears were forming in her eyes. "There was a hideous beast with chains coming out of her dress," Amelia cried. A beast with chains coming out. I already imagine the demonic form. More importantly, Amelia says her parents hardly fought. They could only fight when Amelia was not around or one cheated. I felt slightly sorry for making her remember the traumatic incident, but it's needed. "The woman was scary," Amelia said. Wait, hold on, what did she mean by 'woman'?

"Wait, Amelia, what do you mean by 'woman'?" I asked. Amelia looked up. "The one who murdered my parents was a woman," Amelia replied. What?! Could we be dealing with a high ranker? Cursed humans are rare to find. We label them as S-tier curses. Kaito's eyes widened. He looked at me with worry. This is code red. Curses only focus on feeding emotions to grow stronger. They grow more extensive, and they look more monster-like. "Amelia, can you tell me what happened?" I pleaded. Amelia looked at me for a minute "I-I heard a crash from the kitchen. I went downstairs to check what it was then...I-I" tears were spilling down Amelia's face. Kaito rubbed her back as comfort. She took a deep breath. "I heard my father scream. I peeked from the corner and saw my mother. She stabbed dad in the chest, then the woman in red also killed my mother" Amelia burst into tears. Kaito hugged Amelia stroking her hair for comfort while she continued to cry loudly. I thought they had a good relationship. What exactly made the curse target them? "Amelia, if it's not too much, could you tell me what she looked like?"

I asked. I wanted to capture this curse and end this. "S-She had long black hair and wore a red dress and a hat. The woman had red eyes and wore an evil smile," Amelia sobbed. I'm going to contact the others about this. "Excuse me for a minute" I left the room and reached the other agents. "Calling all S rankers of the abyss, we will take on an S tier curse. Please head to this location." I sent them the location and information about the curse "Hiro, you must go home with Kaito. I'm sorry, but you guys are under-leveled for this." I spoke through the earpiece, "I see. I hope to see you guys return safely," Hiro said. For some odd reason, the curse is not targeting couples. While checking the files of the victims, I saw a pattern. All men had red hair, while the woman had short black hair. "Kaguya, we should start searching for clues around the houses," Zak said. I called Kaito to escort Amelia with Sir Crawford and accompany Hiroji to go home. Hiro has red hair though he does not have a lover. Still, we want to be safe. "Kaguya, I got your message. I'm going there now" I received Miko's message. I hope things will go well.

[Outisde the Hospital- 2:20 pm]

Hiroji Toress

"Well, we don't wanna get in their way of fighting. We'll just be a burden to them," Kaito said. I can't argue that we are still under level for an S-ranked mission. "I'm going to call Maddison to pick us up. I believe they're somewhere near us," Kaito said. Taking out his phone, I nodded and looked around the area, enjoying the scenery "huh?" I saw a woman who seemed to be staring at me intensely with a grin on her face "Uhm...Kaito?" I turned around to see him still taking a call. A woman wearing red clothing and her black hair flowing through the wind. Wait a minute.

'S-She had long black hair and wore a red dress and a hat. The woman had red eyes and wore an evil smile' my eyes widened. The woman smiled a wicked grin. She looked around in her 30s, her head cocked to the side, and her eyes glowed red. "Hiroji, run for it!" Kaito screamed. I bolted right then. Why was the curse targeting us? I looked back and saw the woman chasing after us using her chains to catch up to us faster [Wind Blow]. Kaito released a powerful force making the woman lose her balance. "Hiro, call Kaguya!" Kaito caught up to me at inhumane speed perks of having wind attributes. "Kaguya, we are currently being chased by the cursed woman!" I called Kaguya through the earpiece, "Crap, you guys hold out. We're coming," Kaguya replied. "Hiro, watch out!"

[Wind Blow] The user releases a powerful force pushing back its opponents

One of the woman's chains was coming at me. [Wind blade] her chains were cut by Kaito's wind. I forgot Kaito was reaching the S rank level. "You'll pay for that!" I heard the woman screech, then suddenly, five chains came at us with great speed. [Ice wall] I knew that familiar voice. Kaito and I stopped in our tracks to look up to see who had saved us. "Are you guys alright?" Maddison asked, "What are you guys doing here?!" Kaito exclaimed.

[Wind blade] Like the name itself, the user can cut through anything

[Ice wall!] Users can create ice walls from nothing or by shaping the existing ice. They can shape these walls into any form they want, but afterward, they are often unchanging and immobile.

These two are not allowed to be here. The twins are more vulnerable than us. Those two still need to recover. "You suddenly cut us off in the call, and we got worried," Olivia explained. [Blazing arrow] Maddison pulled out her bow and got ready to shoot. "Olivia, shield your sister!" Kaito said, [Frosted Shield] Olivia made a shield surrounding her and Maddison. "Maddie, you're free to shoot," Olivia said. Maddison aimed for the woman. Kaito got ready. "You guys seem to underestimate me," [Pierce]. One of her chains went straight for the twins "Olivia! Maddison!" Kaito screeched. Olivia's shield broke [Blow] before the chains would pierce them. They were blown away by Kaito [Slitting Wind]. Kaito sliced off three of her chains and managed to cut the woman's cheek "Maddie! Oli! You guys alright?!" I ran up to them. "Wait, Hiro!" Kaito exclaimed. "Confine," the woman uttered, "Blow-ack!" the chains went past Kaito's wind wrapping themselves around Kaito and tightening around him. "Don't disturb me again." Suddenly at least 20 chains came out of her back. "Starting with you red-haired boy" What made you hate red hair?! This woman has red hair issues. I hope Kaguya and the rest get here.

[Blazing arrow] flames will accumulate on the arrowhead while aiming at the target

[Frosted Shield] Summons an igloo-like form shielding anyone inside of it

[Pierce] It deals excellent damage to the target

[Slitting Wind] Slices through multiple targets

Maddison Harada is an archer, while her sister uses a spear.

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