
Celestial body

A world where only body cultivation was practiced. Training the fleshly body till it became unparalleled and unrivaled became the goal of many. Cross was like every normal body cultivator who didn't aspire for much. His story changed when he accidentally swallowed a strange seed that began to grow in his body. This suprisingly granted him divine strength. This new found strength gave him the hope of climbing the top of the ladder ascending the skies like a celestial.

Blessedcreation · Fantasi Timur
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5 Chs

Black seed

Goldsea school. An institute of learning which was founded for, depositing knowledge to body cultivators who were willing to train under them.

It was among the three top schools that ruled Xi city.

Goldsea school had three factions which were;Gold, magma and water.

These three factions taught and practiced different styles and techniques of body cultivation but nevertheless they were still regarded as a single school.

In the outer court of the Gold Faction. Two young men with elated expressions could be seen excitedly walking towards a Pavillion.

"Finally you have enough money to buy a good weapon!" One the young men uttered as he chuckled. Although his facial features were average, he exuded an aura of camaraderie.

The other individual who was named Cross, responded with a nod. He seemed to be a man of few words.

His eyes were bright like the sun and his face chiseled like a work of art. He wore a black robe that complimented his enigmatic aura.

Strapped to his back was a rusty and blunt axe that appeared to have endured the test of time.

They were just about to enter the Pavillion that had the words 'Weapon Pavillion' boldy inscribed on it, when they were suddenly surrounded by a group of individuals who had mocking smiles on their faces.

"You guys must have made some huge profits from your hunt" A burly lad who appeared to be the leader, spoke as licked his lips with a satisfied grin.

The previous exictment in the eyes of the lads were immediately replaced with fear and panic.

"Cross you shouldn't have a problem with giving me your share, right?" The burly lad uttered as he stared at the stilly young man.

The words of the burly lad made Cross fidget. He had been working tirelessly for months, risking his live to kill demonic beasts so he could get enough money to purchase a new weapon.

Now he was about to get robbed, he was angry and furstrated. He wasn't like the others who had parents that could provide their cultivation needs. He was an orphan who had lost his parents when he was ten.

He found his way to Goldsea school when he was twelve, the age when body cultivation started and for the three years that he had spent In the school his life had been lived in misery.

"Riverdawn, this is unfair!" The other lad with Cross yelled in anger as he glared fiercely at the burly figure.

"It's fine Firefall, I would just kill few more beasts" Cross said with a bitter smile has he stuffed his hands into his robe and brought out a sack of coins which he handed to Riverdawn who happily recieved it.

"I would be taking my leave now" Cross said as he raised his feet, they didn't bother to stop him, as they had gotten what they wanted.

Firefall clenched his fist in anger as he stared at the lonely and dejected figure of Cross, he wished he could beat Riverdawn up, but he knew was looking for a beating if he dared to.

"I'm reporting this to my father!" Firefall stomped his feet in anger as he then dashed towards another direction.

"You never grow" Riverdawn chuckled, as he then walked towards the Weapon Pavillion.

Cross walked to his quarters in the school with a gloomy expression on his face. As soon as he stepped into his room, he sat on the ground and immediately broke into tears.

He might appear to the others as indifferent and calm, but deep down he was a weak, furstrated and pained young boy.

Ever since the death of his parents, everything seemed to just work against him.

His talent towards cultivation was nothing worth any attention, he had been cultivating for three years in the school, and he was only able to unlock four out of his body starpoints.

This made him one of the weakest talents among the outer disciples. One could only spend five years in the outer court, if you failed to unlock nine of your body star points before that time, you would be chased out the school. With his progress, he would surely be expelled from the school.

He didn't have access to any resources, the system in the school was survival of the fittest, even the little he managed to get were always forcefully snatched.

It took a long time before he regained his calm. He took in a deep breath and then rose up.

He put down his axe and placed it on the table, his room was so empty, that the only thing filling the space was a table and bed.

He brought out few fruits from his robe which he had plucked while he was hunting for demonic beasts.

He sat on his bed and began to consume the fruits like as though his life depended on it, he didn't know when he swallowed a lump of an unknown substance. But he didn't seem notice or rather he didn't care, he was too hungry to bother about it.

After eating to his satisfaction, he exhaled in relief.

He then procedded to cultivate. He sat cross legged on the bed and began to perform strange movements, this continued for a while until he could no longer endure.

The fastest way to cultivate the body asides from talents was to find enough resources to strengthen and hasten the speed of your cultivation.

He sighed at his misfortune, he didn't have enough talent rather did he have enough resources.

With nothing else to do he immediately hit the hay.

While he was asleep, he was oblivious of the strange things occurring in his body.

The unknown mass of substance he had accidentally swallowed was precisely a black seed.

The seed was shocking attached to one of his veins greedily absorbing his blood.

This went for a while till the seed absorbed to it's satisfaction. A rutilant light enveloped the seed as black roots suddenly began to grow rapidly.

The black roots began to spread around Cross internals like spider webs.

Cross was heavily asleep like as though he was sedated. He was having a queer dream, where he sat on a throne and several powerful cultivators were bowing towards him.

The feeling was very exciting. But, little did he know the dream was going to come to reality.

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