
Celebrity System In The DC Universe

An actor with a failing career from our Earth named Aeric does a good deed for the first time in his life and then shortly after dies. After dying he meets a god who gives him 3 random lotto's. Over time his cold heart opens up to the people around him and he becomes the peoples Hero/King and also a famous Celebrity. If you wish to support me and this work, feel free to donate. I'll try to pump out some extra chapters on the story that you want. paypal.me/OnlyMeToday

Level1Goblin · Komik
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140 Chs

Masquerade (Final)

Dancing with Hila, felt complicated. When I had first met Hila she acted like a spoiled brat and was a pain in my ass, but today I could really feel how much she had changed since I had last seen her. She carried herself like royalty should and her usual immature air was nowhere to be seen as we danced with each other. 

"What are you thinking about?" Asked Hila

I moved her around the dancefloor to the beat of the song, to no specific or planned dance, just feeling it all in the moment. "I was just wondering how and why you changed so much in such little time".

Hila scoffed lightly at my words "You act as though you saw me within the last year, it's been a little while you know? People do change, why can't I?" 

I nodded at her words as I twirled her around in my arms. "You are right, I guess I was just surprised about how much you had changed.". 

She looked a little sad. "Do you not like it?" 

I paused a second to think about it before responding. "Before you were just a cute and annoying brat, but now you have blossomed into a beautiful and mature woman. How could I see fault?" 

Hila laughed a little wickedly. "Good, otherwise all of my plans till now would have gone to waste". 

As I was wondering if I should be worried, the song ended and King Arthur stood up from his throne. Everybody in attendance stopped what they were doing and looked up as he began to speak. 

"Many of you know that this Ball was hosted for my wife's sister Hila who over the last year has helped our Kingdom greatly in many ways on her own. She not only used her power, influence, and wealth to help everyday Atlanteans in need, but she was also one of the leading people that has started to greatly alter and improve our music culture".

At this time everyone clapped and showed their respect as they looked at Hila who was still standing next to me. After a small applause, King Arthur continued where he left off. 

"Some may think that this is just a late welcome home party for Hila, but you are mistaken. Hila had asked me to arrange this herself. She has found a man she cherishes and wants to spend her time with. A man who had inspired her to better herself and come back to Atlantis to be with family. The man in question not only is a King like myself, but also a friend to Atlantis who had warned me of my brothers plot before it had happened. That man is here tonight and is none other then King Moonlight".

Another round of applause rang out as everyone looked at both me and Hila. All of the previously hateful Atlanteans had started to realize they made a big mistake at not making us feel welcome earlier and clapped their hands with more glee than needed as if to correct their earlier mistakes. I received the applause gracefully but upon hearing Aquaman's words, I was a little uneasy. I had heard nothing of this before I came today, I was under the impression I was just going to be a guest that was invited, nothing more. The attention on me was sudden and unexpected.

After the applause stopped, King Arthur continued again. "King Moonlight, I have invited you here today in hopes for a political marriage between Atlantis and your Kingdom. Hila has already given her okay and although we would usually discuss political marriages in private, after seeing you two dance, I could no longer wait. Atlantis nor I will take any offense if you refuse, please feel free to speak your mind". 

The word 'Sidelined' would be an understatement in this situation I found myself in. I had been absolutely tricked and bamboozled. In this moment I was absolutely flabbergasted to the point I didn't know what to say. A marriage? What use would I have for marriage? Sure Hila seemed great and she was a beauty amongst beauties, but so what? I saw only downsides to such a thing as marriage. Not only that, I barely even knew Hila outside of spending a day with her and the knowledge of my past life.. 



Royalty Title sub title acquisition available if host accepts royal marriage proposal. 


Looking at the new notification, I suddenly found myself a bit more interested. A sub title? Would it possibly come with a perk like a regular title? If so, that alone would be enough to consider it. Not only that, but it would be my kingdoms first ever real political tie and did I really have much of a Kingdom if other Kingdoms didn't even recognize me? Other kingdoms existed in this world, King Arthur was the first to recognize me though. 

King Arthur still waiting for my answer was about to say something, but I had already made up my mind as I spoke to Hila quietly to where only she could hear. "I am cold and at times uncaring, I don't think I would make a good husband and if I accept this I will probably have more wives or lovers in the future when my goals are fulfilled, if you can accept that I do not mind having you as a wife". 

"I have long ago already made up my mind to make you mine, I don't mind sharing a little" She said as she eyed the girls I had brought with me in the distance. She was aware that some royalty had a number of wives and this was nothing new to her. 

Nodding my head, I spoke up to King Arthur. "A political marriage sounds like a great idea, we can discuss the detail later in private I hope?". 

King Arthur laughed loudly. "Sure, I understand. I hope this day is the start of a long and strong relationship between our two Kingdoms in the future. We are now brothers, it is great to have you in the family!". 



Royalty Sub title: Royal Marriage unlocked

Official wives will receive a special wedding ring

Official concubines will receive a basic ring

For every wife added host will receive a random technique from the Saiyan's original universe on the first day of marriage. Limit of five techniques. 

99% of children birthed by official wives will automatically have the best of both parents hereditary traits. 1% of children will be born without the ability to sense and control Ki, will be as weak as a human, and also have a chance for mild or severe deformity, All children birthed have a 5% chance to awaken one unique power on their fifteenth birthday. 


I completely dismissed the thought of children, but the title perks were not bad otherwise. Almost any dragon ball technique would come in handy, so this was the most eye catching of the perks listed to me of the perks listed. Titles in my opinion were the best things the system offered me and allowed me to gain things I could otherwise not get with the celebrity system. Sub titles seemed to be just as good as regular titles by the looks of it, so I did not regret my decision on the marriage. 

I will consider the title perk as part of her dowry. Wait... does this mean she will be living on land from here on out? Or is this a long distance marriage? To Hila's surprise, at this moment a silver ring with a beautiful green gem appeared on her ring finger, but I hadn't noticed this because I was too focused on the bloodlust I felt coming from the group of girls I had brought here along with me.