
Caught in the Mafia world.

Akina was a quite girl that moved her life as it unfolded. The change to her life began when she witnessed a murder and she became the target of the Underworld lords as everyone wanted her dead and gone and forgotten to protect their selves. Everyone except... Sergio, the son of a notorious Underworld don. Will they be able to conquer all odds?

Writing_Butterfly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


**An hour later**

Sergio meets Ricardo smiling.

"You seem to be in a good mood brother, what's the good news?" Ricardo asked.

"The news is, you don't have to continue searching for that girl," Sergio answered.

"Does that mean that you have forgiven her?" Ricardo asked.

"No, it means that she is already resting in heaven because my boys have found her and might have killed her." Sergio said and Ricardo stood up immediately.

"What! No, you can't kill her." Ricardo yelled.

"Wait, why overeating, I thought we were in this together?" Sergio asked.

"Oh yeah, I mean I was just excited." Ricardo lied defeated that he couldn't save her, he felt bad and guilty.

Just then Alfredo took the cake to the house with his boys.

"Just tell me the news, she is dead right? Where is her body?" Sergio asked.

"They will be back shortly; I'm also waiting for them." Alfredo replied.

Almost immediately, the black-dressed men arrived at the house.

Sergio, Alfredo and even Ricardo walked to them immediately.

"Where is she? You killed her right?" Alfredo asked.

They all look at each other.

"Talk to me you mother fuckers!" Alfredo shouted.

"Boss, we almost seized her but she escaped." Their leader said and Sergio slapped him hard.

"How can a girl, one girl escape from a bunch of stupid Mafia gangs? Tell me!"

Sergio yelled.

Ricardo was smiling, relieved that she was able to escape.

"You already know the deal, if you don't kill her, then you will die instead." Alfredo said and brought out his gun.

"No, no...No please, just one more day and we will find her, please don't kill us." The leader pleaded.

"Kill him!" Sergio said with no mercy in his black eye and Alfredo shot him on his forehead.

"Look at them in the dungeon, and don't give them food or water." Sergio ordered and other guards appeared and dragged them while they pleaded but they already knew the rule, now they would have to die of thirst and hunger.

"I can't believe we lose such a great opportunity, we need to find that girl." Sergio shouted.

"I told you I will help but I guess you both didn't trust me, attacking her at the market was the stupidest idea ever, you have to track her down slowly and kidnap her without anyone knowing, attacking her at the market will not kill one witness, but it will increase dozens of witnesses."

Ricardo said and climbed the stairs leaving them both.

They all poured themselves alcohol.

"Your brother is right, we have to change our ways now." Alfredo said.

"He is always smart. I wish he was among us, but he thinks he is a saint." Sergio replied.

"Now you have to watch him closely, make sure he is tracking her and not deceiving us." Alfredo said.

"And why will he do that?" Sergio asked.

"I know my reasons." Alfredo replied.



Akina managed to find her way home, but she looked so messy, and her leg had been twisted.

Her mum sighted her from far and she became scared seeing her daughter in that condition.

She rushed to her quickly.

"Akina, what's wrong with you my child? Does the snake attack you again?" She asked but Akira was so traumatized to say anything, she is having a high fever.

Her mother helped her to her room and placed a towel inside the cold water then placed the wet towel on her forehead, Akina got to sleep and her mom was watching her all this while.

"Please don't kill me!" Akina screamed and woke up trying to run but her mom grabbed her.

"My child, what's wrong with you?" She asked Akina, hugged her.

"I can't tell mom about it, she will be worried sick." Akina thought.

"While at the grocery store, some bad men attacked the market and a bullet almost hit me, I will have been dead by now." Akina said, crying.

Her mom was frightened.

"Thanks the Lord that saved you, you will have to use my phone till I get another one, you have to be informing me about everything through the house phone."

Her mother said and Akina nodded.

**A week later**

It has been a week since the grocery attack incident, and Akina isn't going anywhere, she decided that staying at home is the best and sometimes won't even go out of her room because they will keep on attacking her since she already knew their secrets, her mom kept assuring her that it won't happen again, but the worst of all that she couldn't open up to someone, not even her mom.

That week has been the worst week of her life as she kept having nightmares and constant unlimited life-threatening messages from her mother's phone, and no matter how much time she blocked the number, another new one will message her again.

She woke up in the morning feeling much better but her head hurts. She stretched her body and got down from the bed and started arranging the bed sheets. Her mother's phone which she is using now beeped and it was another message.

Her body shakes as she picks up the phone and it's another new number.

The message reads.

"You think you are smart to escape from us huh? Hahahaha, keep on hiding all your life, we are going to find you, and we will end your life, enjoy your remaining days breathing because we are watching you closely, we will kill you and feed you to our dogs, hide while it lasts." The message read and she slumped on the floor crying.

"God, I'm so tired, why is my life like this?" She soliloquies and cries.

Her mom entered the room and saw her crying.

"Akina, do you have a bad dream again?" She asked worriedly and Akina nodded.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go see a doctor?" Her mom asked.

"I'll be fine," Akina assured her mother.