
Caught Between the Red Flag and the Green Flag.

Xia222002 · Masa Muda
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2 Chs

Meet the characters

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Patricia P.O.V

In a bustling arena, the unmistakable sound of rubber shoes squeaking on the polished court fills the air. The crowd erupts in a symphony of cheers, their excitement palpable. Time seems to stand still as the game unfolds.

Amidst the electrifying atmosphere, Mr. Gerion, a skilled basketball player, finds himself in a pivotal moment. With the ball in his hands, he confidently approaches the hoop, his eyes locked on the target. The announcer's voice booms through the speakers, amplifying the anticipation.

"Mr. Gerion for 3 points!" the announcer exclaims, his voice filled with enthusiasm. The crowd holds its breath, their gazes fixated on the player. As the seconds tick away, Mr. Gerion leaps into the air, executing a flawless shooting form.

"SHOOOTT!" the crowd roars in unison, their voices blending together in a harmonious chant. The ball soars through the air, guided by Mr. Gerion's skillful hands. With impeccable precision, it finds its mark, effortlessly gliding through the net.

The arena explodes with an eruption of cheers, applause, and jubilation. The spectators rise to their feet, their applause thunderous. Mr. Gerion basks in the glory of his incredible shot, a triumphant smile lighting up his face.

Izekiel Gerion, a name that resonates through the halls of our school, a name synonymous with athleticism and charm. Standing at a modest height of 160 cm, he carries an aura of magnetism that is impossible to ignore. His handsome features, coupled with his cool demeanor, make him the talk of the town. He's not just another pretty face, though. Izekiel is the most valuable player on our school's basketball team, a title he's earned through sweat, determination, and an unyielding will to win. His skillful maneuvers on the basketball court have led our section to numerous victories, making him a beacon of hope and pride for us all.

After a grueling game, Izekiel strides off the court, his forehead glistening with beads of sweat that reflect his hard work and dedication. The air around him buzzes with excitement and admiration as he makes his way through the crowd.

The girls around him erupt in a chorus of joyous shouts, his name echoing in the air like a melodious hymn. Some extend their water bottles towards him, hoping to quench his thirst, while others offer him face towels, wanting to wipe away the evidence of his strenuous endeavor.

But Izekiel, in his usual cool demeanor, seems oblivious to the fanfare. He walks with a purpose, his eyes focused, and his path clear. Ignoring the clamor around him, he continues his stride, heading towards one direction, one person - me.

"Did you see that? Did you see how I shot that three-pointer?" Izekiel's voice was brimming with excitement as he stood in front of me, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of the game. I was seated in the VIP section, a privilege I had because of him.

Izekiel and I share a bond that stretches back to our infancy. Our parents were best friends, and so, we were destined to be inseparable. We've been together since the days of diapers and baby formula, growing and learning side by side. Unlike the other girls who admired him from afar, I knew Izekiel intimately. He was not just the school's heartthrob, but a kind and supportive friend. He excelled in every sport he tried his hand at, but basketball was his first love.

Izekiel's family included his younger sister, Ivy, who looked up to her big brother. Izekiel and I shared the same age, 19 years old. However, his birth date, February 29, was a rarity, appearing on the calendar only every four years. To ensure he had a yearly celebration, his family decided to celebrate his birthday on March 1, which coincidentally, was my birthday.

Izekiel was lean, his body honed by countless hours spent on the basketball court. His abs were firm, a testament to his dedication and discipline. His hair, a rich brown, would magically turn blond under the sunlight, adding to his allure. His long lashes framed his hazel eyes, which held a warmth that could melt hearts.

Izekiel was more than a friend; he was my partner in crime. We had each other's backs, always ready to step in when the other needed support. Our bond was unique, a language that only we understood. It was us against the world, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

"Of course, who wouldn't?" I replied, a wide smile spreading across my face as I happily gave Izekiel a thumbs up. The pride in his eyes was evident, knowing that I had witnessed his incredible three-point shot.

Amidst the chaos of adoring fans, the girls around us clamored for Izekiel's attention. "Izekiel, accept my water bottle!" "Izekiel, take some pictures with me!" "Izekiel, accept my face towel!" Their shouts reverberated through the air, threatening to explode my eardrums.

Izekiel glanced at the girls for a brief moment, a gentle smile gracing his lips, before his gaze returned to me. I sat there, composed, holding my own water bottle and a handkerchief, observing the scene unfold.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Izekiel snatched my belongings from my grasp. "Hey, give it back! Those are mine, not yours," I protested, my voice filled with a mix of surprise and indignation.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Izekiel replied, "Thanks for this," as he took a sip from my water bottle. The audacity of his actions left me momentarily speechless.

"Hey, I didn't give it to you! It was mine, mine!" I exclaimed, attempting to snatch back my water bottle and handkerchief. But Izekiel held them tightly, his grip unyielding, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"Oh, come on! Why would you do that?" I pouted, my disappointment evident in my voice.

I couldn't help but question him further, "You have plenty of girls offering you a drink and a face towel, so why mine?"

Izekiel's expression softened, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I appreciate their gestures, but I have to be careful. We never know what they might put in the water bottle or on their face towels," he explained, his voice laced with caution.

Without hesitation, he began wiping the sweat from his forehead using my handkerchief. I understood Izekiel's reasoning behind his actions. He had a deep-rooted trauma that made him cautious about accepting things from others, especially when it came to his personal well-being.

As childhood friends, I was aware of the incident that had left a lasting impact on him. It was a time when his trust had been shattered, when someone had tampered with his water bottle, unknowingly causing him harm. Since then, Izekiel had become vigilant, always wary of what others might do.

In that moment, as he wiped his sweat with my handkerchief, I couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy towards him. I understood the weight he carried, the burden of past experiences that influenced his actions. It was a reminder of the vulnerability that lay beneath his confident exterior.

Our bond, forged through years of shared memories and unspoken understanding, was a sanctuary for both of us. We were each other's refuge, a safe haven in a world that could sometimes be filled with uncertainty and betrayal.

"Oh, come on!, Its already in a past," I said, my voice tinged with a touch of frustration. I understood Izekiel's concerns, but I wanted to remind him that not a girls were like the one who had caused him harm.

"That girl is in jail now, probably facing the consequences of her actions," I continued, my tone firm yet reassuring. "But it's important to rwmember that not all girla are like her. There are countless kind-hearted and genuine individuals out there who would never dream of betraying your trust."

Izekiel gives me a silent replied. I guess in the end, I couldn't force him to let go his past or trust again. It was a decision only he could make. But I would be there, standing by his side, ready to help him mend the broken pieces of his heart and believe in the goodness that still exister within the world as his girl bestfriend.

"Topic changed. Because you won and became the MVP today, you have to treat me to Jollibee," I playfully teased, a mischievous glint in my eyes. Izekiel's gave met mine, and playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Fine," he said with a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I will treat you to Jollibee."

My heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. Jollibee, the fast-food restaurant we both loved, was the perfect place for a casual yet enjoyable meal together. "Awesome," I replied, unable to hide my enthusiasm. A wave of anticipation washed over me, imagining the delicious food and the delightful company I was about to enjoy.

Leaving the gym behind, we strolled down the street, our conversation filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. The cool breeze brushed against our faces, adding a touch of freshness to the already delightful afternoon. With each step, the excitement grew, and I couldn't help but steal glances at him, my heart fluttering with every shared moment.

As we approached the Jollibee restaurant, its vibrant red and yellow signage beckoned us inside. With a chivalrous gesture, he opened the door for me, his actions mirroring that of a gallant prince. I couldn't help but blush, feeling like the luckiest person in the world to be in his company.

Inside, the warm aroma of fried chicken and sweet spaghetti filled the air, instantly whetting my appetite. He gently placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards a cozy corner booth. "Find a seat," he said softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "And I will be the one to order our food."

I nodded, my heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and gratitude. I scanned the restaurant, searching for the perfect spot to settle in. Finally, I spotted a booth by the window, offering a view of the bustling street outside. I made my way towards it, feeling a sense of comfort and anticipation settle over me.

As I settled into the booth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of enchantment in the air. The soft glow of the restaurant's lights, the cheerful chatter of families and friends, and the anticipation of the delicious meal to come created an ambiance that was both cozy and inviting. I eagerly awaited his return, eager to embark on this culinary adventure together.

"What's your order, sir?" the counter lady asked, her voice slightly trembling as she couldn't help but blush at the sight of Izekiel. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade, and her eyes sparkled with admiration.

"I want two orders of C1, please," Izekiel replied with a confident yet polite tone. He seemed unfazed by the effect he had on the lady, his attention solely focused on satisfying his craving for Jollibee's delectable offerings.

As Izekiel completed his order, he turned his back to the counter and scanned the restaurant, searching for me. His eyes met mine, and a warm smile spread across his face. With each step he took towards me, my heart skipped a beat, my pout slowly transforming into a shy smile.

"Why are you pouting like that?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. He leaned in closer, his eyes glancing at my phone screen, where an advertisement for a new item in the game I played was playing. "Just a stupid advertisement of a new item in the game I played," I sighed, my voice tinged with disappointment. "It's so frustrating because I can't afford it. It's ridiculously expensive."

Izekiel's eyes softened as he listened, his empathy shining through. He reached out and gently took my hand, his touch comforting and reassuring. "I understand how you feel," he said, his voice filled with understanding. "Sometimes, it seems like the world is conspiring against us, teasing us with things we desire but can't have. But remember, there are other joys in life, things that bring us happiness without draining our wallets."

His words resonated with me, reminding me of the importance of appreciating the simple pleasures and not letting materialistic desires overshadow the true essence of joy. With a newfound sense of contentment, I closed the game advertisement, placing my phone aside, and focused on the delightful company I was in.

"Well, you are right," I replied, a soft smile playing on my lips. Izekiel's words had struck a chord within me, reminding me of the importance of finding joy in the simple things and not getting caught up in materialistic desires.

As we sat at our booth, waiting for our orders to arrive, our conversation effortlessly flowed. We delved into the topic of the basketball show that had aired the previous night. Izekiel, being a passionate basketball fan, eagerly shared his thoughts and insights, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

To be honest, basketball wasn't exactly my cup of tea. But for my one and only boy best friend, Izekiel, I was willing to immerse myself in the world of sports to support him. The thought of him becoming a famous basketball player filled my heart with a sense of wonder and pride. I could envision him standing in the spotlight, his talent captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impact on the game.

On the other hand, my dreams lay in a different realm altogether. I aspired to become a renowned makeup artist, creating stunning looks that would enhance the beauty of others. However, I couldn't help but doubt my own abilities. Memories of our highschool days resurfaced, where Izekiel had been my willing model for countless makeup experiments. I had practiced my skills on him, striving to perfect my techniques. But unfortunately, one incident had left him with a rash due to an excessive amount of foundation, triggering an allergic reaction. It was a turning point that had led me to abandon using him as my canvas, despite his pleas for me to continue. I had lied, telling him that I no longer desired to pursue a career in makeup artistry.

Yet, deep down, the passion still burned within me. If I couldn't achieve my dreams as a makeup artist, perhaps I could find solace and fulfillment in the culinary arts. The idea of becoming a chef had always intrigued me, the thought of creating delectable dishes that would tantalize taste buds and bring joy to people's lives.

As we sat there, lost in conversation and contemplating our dreams, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Izekiel's unwavering support and understanding. In his presence, I felt encouraged to pursue my aspirations, knowing that he would always be there, cheering me on every step of the way.

By the way, I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Patricia Seraphina Vale, but most people simply call me Patricia. At the age of 18, I find myself on the precipice of adulthood, ready to embark on new adventures and discover the world around me.

If you were to catch a glimpse of me, you'd notice my dark brown wavy hair cascading down my shoulders, framing my face with a touch of natural beauty. My hazel eyes hold a glimmer of curiosity, always eager to explore and learn. One unique feature that often catches people's attention is my small tongue and fingers, which have become a defining characteristic of mine. Standing at a modest height of 152 cm, my petite frame adds to my charm, complemented by my warm brown skin that carries the sun-kissed glow of my heritage.

In the Vale household, I am the only girl, surrounded by the protective presence of my three brothers. Growing up, they were always there to watch over me, ensuring my safety and happiness. Our family is known for our culinary talents, particularly when it comes to pastries. Both my mom and dad have a knack for creating mouthwatering delights, and together, we own a small pastry shop that has become a beloved part of our community.

As I prepare to enter my second year of college, I find solace and joy in my hobbies. One of my greatest passions is immersing myself in the world of online gaming. Whether it's exploring virtual realms or engaging in thrilling battles, the online gaming world offers me a sense of adventure and camaraderie. Additionally, I have a deep love for cosplaying, transforming into beloved characters from various realms of fiction. The art of bringing these characters to life through costumes and makeup fills me with a sense of creativity and self-expression. But because my make up skills is so poor and cant afford good quality costume I cant let people show my cosplay except for Izekiel.

Among the many people who have touched my life, Izekiel holds a special place in my heart. He has been my best friend since childhood, a constant companion through both laughter and tears. Our bond is unbreakable, and he has always supported me in all my endeavors. We've shared countless memories together, from our mischievous adventures as children to the dreams we've nurtured as we've grown older.

Lastly, when it comes to matters of the heart, I must admit that I have yet to experience the world of dating. While some may find it surprising, I have been content focusing on my personal growth and the friendships that have shaped me into the person I am today. The future holds endless possibilities, and I am excited to see what lies ahead. Although I have someone I like, but I wont tell you yet.

And also, I forgot to tell you one important thing about me, I continued with a playful smile. Food has a special place in my heart, and there's one particular dish that never fails to bring me joy.

As we sat at the table, immersed in conversation and anticipation, the waiter approached us with a tray of steaming hot plates. "Hello, ma'am and sir," the waiter greeted us warmly. "Here's your order: two C1 meals."

My eyes lit up with delight as the aroma of freshly fried chicken wafted through the air. It was as if the universe had conspired to fulfill my deepest culinary desires. The waiter carefully placed the plates before us, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement ripple through me.

The food that brings me immense happiness is none other than fried chicken. Only Izekiel and our families truly understand the depth of my love for this crispy and succulent delight. The mere thought of sinking my teeth into the tender, juicy meat, encased in a perfectly seasoned and golden-brown crust, sends my taste buds into a frenzy.

With a sense of anticipation, I picked up a piece of fried chicken, its warmth seeping through my fingertips. As I took my first bite, a symphony of flavors danced on my tongue, creating a harmonious blend of savory and slightly tangy notes. The chicken was cooked to perfection, its texture both tender and satisfying. Each bite brought me closer to a state of pure bliss, as if I had been transported to a realm of culinary ecstasy.

As I savored each mouthful, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life. The joy that food brings, the way it nourishes not only our bodies but also our souls, is a testament to the beauty of the human experience. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting presence of Izekiel and the tantalizing aroma of fried chicken, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.

"You look so cute when you're enjoying eating the fried chicken," he said, his voice filled with affection and a hint of playfulness. Those words, spoken by Izekiel, had become a familiar refrain whenever we shared a meal together, especially when it involved our beloved fried chicken.

The way his eyes twinkled with delight as he watched me savor each bite, the corners of his lips curling into a gentle smile, made my heart skip a beat. It was in these simple moments, surrounded by the comforting aroma of crispy chicken and the warmth of his presence, that I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment.

I couldn't help but giggle at his remark, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. "Thank you," I replied, my voice laced with genuine appreciation. His words had a way of making me feel special, as if my enjoyment of something as simple as fried chicken held a magical quality that could captivate his attention.

In that instant, our connection deepened, as if our shared love for this particular dish symbolized the bond we had nurtured over the years. It was a testament to the little moments that brought us closer, the inside jokes and playful banter that filled our conversations.

As we continued to enjoy our meal, the air filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated by the occasional sound of crunching chicken and shared laughter. In those moments, words seemed unnecessary, for our connection transcended the need for constant conversation. It was a silent understanding, a bond forged through years of friendship and shared experiences.

And so, we savored each bite, relishing not only the flavors that danced on our tongues but also the joy that radiated from within. The fried chicken became more than just a dish; it became a symbol of our friendship, a reminder of the simple pleasures that brought us together.

As we sat down to enjoy our meal of crispy fried chicken, the silence between us was broken by Izekiel's curious inquiry, his words cutting through the air like a sharp knife. "So, did you play a game with him last night?" he asked, his tone laden with intrigue.

With my mouth still full of delectable fried chicken, I managed to respond promptly, my excitement evident in my voice. "Yes," I replied eagerly, trying to convey my enthusiasm despite the mouthful of food.

As I reached into my pocket, I retrieved my phone, the screen illuminating with a vibrant image of a newly acquired and expensive in-game skin. I held it out for Izekiel to see, a glimmer of pride shining in my eyes. "We played together last night, and he surprised me with this," I explained, my voice tinged with awe.

Izekiel's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the exquisite skin. "Wow, that's absolutely stunning," he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and disbelief. "But wait, isn't it incredibly expensive? It's worth a fortune, enough to sell both our kidneys!" His concern was palpable, his gaze shifting from the screen to me, searching for answers. "Is this for real? How much did it cost? Or did he expect something in return, something inappropriate, perhaps?" His words spilled out in a rush, his agitation evident.

Sensing Izekiel's growing unease, I reached out to calm his fears, my voice soothing and reassuring. "Calm down, Izekiel," I said gently, placing a hand on his arm. "There's no need to worry. He gave it to me as a gift, no strings attached. You know we've been gaming buddies since high school, right? He's always been generous, showering me with skins and never asking for anything in return. He's a genuinely good-hearted person."

Izekiel's tense expression softened as he absorbed my explanation, his worry gradually dissipating. He nodded slowly, a hint of relief flickering in his eyes. "I see," he murmured, his voice laced with understanding. "It's reassuring to know that he's a true friend and not someone with ulterior motives."

As I savored the last succulent bite of the fried chicken, a wave of curiosity washed over me, prompting me to vocalize my thoughts. "Oh yeah, I wonder who he really is, how he looks like, and what his true name is," I mused, my voice filled with a mix of intrigue and longing.

Izekiel's eyes widened in astonishment, his disbelief evident in his voice. "You mean to tell me that after four years of knowing him, you still don't know who he is?" he exclaimed, his tone laced with disbelief.

A wistful smile graced my lips as I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "No, I don't. He's never revealed his true identity, and I've stopped pressing him for it. I've learned to be patient and wait for the right time when he's ready to share it with me," I explained, my gaze drifting towards the paper cup of soft drinks in my hand.

My mind wandered back to my freshman year in high school, where fate had intertwined my path with that of a mysterious boy in the vast realm of the online gaming world. His IGN name, •CrimsonBlaze♤•, and his online alias, Kiro, were the only identifiers I had. The enigma surrounding him only fueled my curiosity, yet it was his qualities that captivated me. I knew he was the same age as me, possessed an angelic voice that resonated through our virtual conversations, had long, elegant hands, and came from a well-to-do background. But beyond those fragments of information, his true essence remained shrouded in mystery.

With each passing day, my connection with Kiro grew stronger. Our shared adventures and heartfelt conversations forged a bond that transcended the digital realm. Despite not knowing his true identity, I found myself drawn to him, captivated by his kindness and genuine nature. It was an inexplicable connection, a deep affection that blossomed within me.

And so, I patiently waited, hoping that one day the veil of anonymity would be lifted, and I would come face to face with the person behind the screen. Whoever this Kiro truly was, I couldn't deny the feelings that had taken root in my heart. Yes, I liked him, deeply and sincerely. For now, all I could do was cherish the moments we shared, eagerly awaiting the day when our paths would converge, and the mystery of Kiro would be unraveled.

With a voice that resonated through the air like a familiar melody, a boy approached the counter and uttered the words, "One spaghetti only, please." My heart skipped a beat as I turned my gaze towards him, for his voice held a familiarity that stirred something deep within me. And there he stood, Kaiden Elsher, the epitome of fame and popularity in our campus.

Kaiden, the name that echoed through the hallways, the boy who effortlessly captured the hearts of many. He was the embodiment of every girl's dreams, adorned with wealth, privilege, and an air of entitlement. His presence alone commanded attention, and every conversation seemed to revolve around him, the charismatic heartthrob who had stolen the spotlight. And there I stood, among the crowd, secretly harboring a crush that burned within me like an unquenchable flame.

As I observed the girls around me, their eyes fixated on Kaiden, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. He stood at a modest height of 157 cm, his black hair perfectly styled, his chocolate-colored eyes captivating all who dared to meet his gaze. His reddish lips held a mysterious allure, beckoning the hearts of those who longed for his affection. With his long, slender hands and fair complexion, he exuded an undeniable charm that left a trail of admiration in his wake. Clad in expensive attire, he was the epitome of elegance, his presence enhanced by the lingering scent of high-quality perfumes.

But beneath the surface of this enigmatic persona lay a red flag, a reputation that whispered cautionary tales. Kaiden was known for his ability to play with the hearts of girls, a master manipulator who reveled in the attention and adoration he received. Rumors swirled, suggesting that he had already lost his innocence, his conquests ever-changing. Yet, despite the warning signs, girls continued to flock to him, myself included. The allure of being his girlfriend, even if just for a day, consumed my thoughts. I yearned to feel his embrace, to taste the sweetness of his lips, and to have his long fingers caress my body. The fact that he was a red flag king did little to deter my desires.

But in the grand scheme of things, did he even notice me? Amidst the sea of pretty and popular girls, I felt like an insignificant nobody, a mere speck in his world of glamour and allure. And yet, my heart held onto a glimmer of hope, a flicker of longing that whispered, "Maybe, just maybe, he will see me one day."

As I sits there, lost in the depths of my infatuation, a voice broke through the haze of my thoughts. It was Izekiel, his words barely audible, but the meaning behind them struck a chord within me. "What's so good about him?" he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. It was a question that forced me to confront the reality of my fantasies surrounding Kaiden.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, my gaze shifting between Izekiel and Kaiden. With a sigh, I began to explain, my words laced with a mixture of admiration and self-awareness. "Well, Kaiden is undeniably handsome," I admitted, my voice trailing off as I struggled to find the right words. "I mean, Izekiel, you're handsome too, but there's something about Kaiden that sets him apart."

As I looked at Kaiden once again, my eyes lingered on his features, searching for the essence of his allure. "He's above," I finally managed to utter, my voice filled with a mixture of awe and longing. It was a simple phrase, yet it held a depth of meaning that transcended words. Kaiden possessed a magnetic charm that seemed to elevate him beyond the ordinary, captivating the hearts of those who dared to gaze upon him.

Izekiel's expression softened as he absorbed my words, his eyes filled with understanding. "I know what you mean," he replied, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and acceptance. "Sometimes, there's an intangible quality that sets certain individuals apart, making them shine brighter in our eyes."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I responded to Izekiel's remark. "You've known for years that my heart has belonged to Kaiden since our elementary days. He's always been the epitome of handsomeness, not just in my eyes, but in the eyes of everyone else. However, Izekiel, you hold a special place in my heart as my first best friend. That bond will never change, and you will always be my priority."

But as Izekiel's whispered words reached my ears, a pang of guilt and sadness washed over me. "In the end, I am always second. Especially to your heart," he murmured, his voice barely audible. His words pierced through my heart like a sharp arrow, causing a momentary pause in our conversation.

"What did you say, Izekiel? I couldn't quite hear you," I admitted, my voice filled with genuine confusion. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, and I desperately wanted to understand their meaning.

His response came as a single, cold word, devoid of the warmth and familiarity that had characterized our friendship. "Nothing," he replied, his tone distant and detached.

A sense of unease settled within me as I sensed the growing distance between us. I tried to brush it off, dismissing his words as a fleeting moment of misunderstanding. "Ah, okay," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. I turned my attention back to Kaiden, who sat next to his new girlfriend, Danica. The sight of them together stirred a mix of emotions within me, a bittersweet reminder of the unrequited love that resided within my heart.

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