
Day 1 of Work

I wakeup to see that Tina left the bed before I woke up and left a note that says " I had a great time last night but I had to wake up and man the front desk today so take your time waking up because we don't get any business until about noon but Eve does want to talk to you at some point today so come on down whenever you feel like sincerely Tina"

After reading the note I put on my clothes which includes my reinforced cargo pants, my very worn in army boots and my camouflaged army jacket that has attachment points for armor plates which are always in place and I put on my custom riot vest with beanbag shells loaded in loops on the vest for my Cobray , and finish up by putting on my armoured combat gloves and strap my Cobray in it's holster on my right leg with the stock folded and head downstairs and see Eve the owner of the cathouse sitting at a table drinking tea with three huge dogs sitting next to her which growl at my approach

I stare down the dogs till they back off and sit down which makes Eve laugh and say "Pookie ,Nana,and Cuddles back off you know better than to growl at a person like that"

I chuckle and say " No big deal Eve and besides my scent does that to some animals because they smell a beast but see a human it's a side effect of the super serum they juiced me with but I digress what did you want to talk about boss"

"Wait are you telling me you..."

"Am a super soldier who served in the war yes I am and proud of it that's not gonna cause any problems is it because I could always leave " I say while turning towards the exit

Eve says while trying to not sound panicky " No wait please sit so we can talk" I do as she asks and sit after which she says " So what is you name, skills, and how do you want to run security mister"

I answer" I am Major Holt Lee of the 55th special operations unit and I was enhanced to be better at covert operations such as recon and sniping but I also specialised before my enhancement in anti-riot and crowd control tactics and urban pacification along with heavy assault tactics and I can use pretty much all vehicles, weapons, and equipment for both the Democratic Alliance and Iron Fist Collective forces plus you saw how effective and efficient I can be dealing with morons" I say rattling of my skills and qualifications and then say "I'll have your people watching the main levels while I patrol around and they'll call me on the radio before doing anything no hero stuff and don't worry I'll provide radios, shotguns loaded with beanbags but they can use lethal if necessary,and I also have stab vests with ceramic plates so they can survive long enough for me to come help do you have any issues with my plan Eve"

She says " No problem especially if you are going to provide the gear which brings us to the matter of your payment what do you think would be reasonable Holt"

"Hmm how about one hundred .308 shells a week plus room and meals in exchange I'll be your head of security keeping out the riff raff and I'll hunt for food when it's necessary plus I'd enforce a strict no weapons inside policy"

"Sounds good you have a deal" Eve says as she stands up and shakes my hand " Welcome to the family"

Right as we finish talking I hear someone yelling "hey Asshole you gotta pay me" and then I see shifty looking guy with greasy black hair running down the stairs while trying to stay ahead of the prostitute he was with last night but I head him off before he gets far which makes him fall over as he runs into me

After running into me and falling over he jumps up and swings at me which I let hit me to teach him a lesson in how fucked he is " ow fuck what the hell are you some kinda robot" as he holds his hurt hand

I grin and say " Nope not a robot of course I'm not exactly human either but hey we're not splitting hairs here now pay what you owe before I teach you a lesson" I say as I grab the collar of his shirt and drag him in close to me and backhand him slightly

As his head rocks back he says " ohhh pretty stars" and after shaking his head a bit he says " alright 12 .45acp shells "

After he say that I grab his whole bag of shells and hand it to Eve and afterwards she says " alright Ricky this is the third time you are banned for the next month, Holt could you show him out please"

I say "you got it boss" and toss him out of the open door and then say "Be back later Eve I have to go get the security gear okay see ya"