
Arming Security

After leaving the cathouse I quickly run to the outskirts of town to get to my command center which I hid nearby and right as I find it I see a group of scrappers are trying to find a way inside to take my stuff so I shout " what the hell are you doing to my stuff"

"Your stuff ha finders keepers asswipe now fuck off before we kick your ass" the leader of the scrappers says while pulling out a club that looks like part of a table leg " besides there is five of us and one of you "

I sigh and rub my forehead before saying" could I simply pay you to go away"

The leader of the scrappers who I notice is wearing a filthy leather jacket and sunglasses says " Ha how about you give us all your shit and maybe just maybe we won't kill you" after he says that the other four scrappers slowly surround me while pulling out crowbars and one of them grabs a rusty chainsaw and revs it up

While observing the terrain for an advantage I ask them while slowly drawing my Cobray "you fellas sure you wanna do this"

The scrap leader laughs and says " Yeah we ....." But he doesn't finish because I shot him with a beanbag shell knocking him to the ground

After knocking down the leader I say "Now fellas that was just a beanbag next I'm just gonna kill you so do you still wanna do this"

The scrappers look at each other and run away after grabbing their boss and running off

After they run off I hop in my command center and drive into town and park in the scrap yard behind the Pretty Kitty and right as I walk down the rear ramp I see Eve and Tina looking at me with a very surprised expression which are hilarious to look at so I say " Oh hi ladies what you staring at you see something"

Eve look straight at me sighs and says " You're fucking kidding me right you said you had to get some gear for the security team not a goddamn tank like really is all this necessary"

I laugh and say " No I definitely don't need all of this to be your security but this has been my home since the war and there is a lot of good stuff here plus this mobile command center has the most advanced medical technology from the war but I digress the stuff for security is these crates here with [PROPERTY OF NYPD ] on them don't touch anything else okay ladies some of this stuff is really dangerous"

Eve nods and says"Got it Holt. Boys take this stuff inside but don't touch nothing until Holt comes in okay"

Eve's thugs nod and the biggest one says" got it ma'am c'mon fellas let's unload"

After Eve's security guys finished unloading the gear Eve walks up and asks me "So what exactly is this thing it doesn't look like any military vehicles I've ever seen or heard of and my grandpa served in the war as a tanker so he knew his vehicles"

I look at her and say " Oh I'm not surprised you don't this is an m100 enhanced commando mobile command center designation 54117 or Sally as my squad called it these were designed so super soldiers could deploy in hostile territory and keep on the move and stay fully autonomous which really means it has a Medbey , toilets,vehicle bays for light vehicles, and gun pods that can mount anything from howitzers to rocket artillery and anti air guns"

Eve goes wide eyed and asks " what do you have set in there weapon wise Holt"

"I have a two Dragonfire 120mm automated mortars one avenger surface to air missile system and several heavy and light machine guns for anti personal purposes along with some small stuff in crates" I list off all the gear hoping I don't forget anything although I notice Eve looks terrified but Tina doesn't strangely

"Holt why did you bother accept my job offer with all this firepower you could be a warlord and take over this whole territory" Eve asks while panicking a little

"First and foremost Eve I am an American Soldier and a Soldiers job is to protect his homeland and innocent people within not turn into a tyrant and oppress people also you ladies are beautiful , were nice and polite when asking,and I'm bored of traveling the road and driftwood seems like a nice place to live" I say with conviction

" I guess I understand and that makes me feel much better to be honest but wait a second Tina why are you so calm with all of this" Eve asks

Tina writes on her tablet "In case you haven't noticed Eve Holt is extremely nice and uses non-lethal gear most of the time which confirms in my heart that he's a true blue good guy so I know I never should be scared of him"

After writing that we all go inside after I close the rear ramp of Sally and I see the security team is surprisingly waiting for me politely for us so I say " Okay gather around guys" which they all do quickly without a peep "Okay guys who here can use a rifle at ranges over 200 meters" the smallest of the security guards raises his hand so I give him an Knight's Armament M110 with an ACOG scope and bipod and and 250 rounds in ammo pouches along with a bulletproof vest and radio with a whisper sensitive mic and say " Now you are overwatch your job is to chill on the roof and keep an eye out for trouble and eliminate it if it's necessary and a quick warning if you damage that rifle or if I catch you sleeping while you're working I'll give you an ass beating you won't ever forget and that goes for everyone am understood"

They respond as a group " SIR YES SIR"

" Good now the rest of you are getting Benelli M4 combat shotguns and stab vests now these can take handgun rounds but they're meant for knives and the shells on you vests work like this red is buckshot , blue are slugs,and black are beanbags plus these batons. Now listen because this is important you will only use lethal when I tell you or if you are in serious danger and by that I mean bullets are flying and our radios have earpieces so we can stay in touch easier any questions" nobody raises their hands so I wave them off so they can start working

"So Holt how ready are we for trouble" Eve asks

I answer " well we have twelve people total including me and the sniper plus I'll chill near the bar so I can deal with things directly plus we have good gear and loyal people so we should be fine"