
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs


The weekend ran so fast before you knew it, it was already Monday. Time for the exams and starting of my cleaning duty.

The exams were done quickly and after exams were done I left for my cleaning duty. I was told to meet up with the cleaning staff to begin.

"Hello Mrs Mason" I greeted.

"Oh, Catherine I heard you are on cleaning duty".

"Where can I start" I felt so exhausted and tired, I just wanted to go home quickly.

"You can help wash the dishes in the cafeteria then you could help me clean the student council office" she listed.

"Okay I'll start with the dishes before heading to the student council office" I don't like that place one bit.

Few minutes later.....

"I am finally done dishes this people in the cafeteria eat like monsters" I said as I wiped off the sweat onmy face.

I took a mop, a wipe and a broom then headed off to the student council office.

There I was at the door of the student council office. I folded and was about to knock until.....

"Wait a minute, what of maniac stays in school till this time" I thought to myself.

I pushed opened door widely. The fragrance I smelled wanted to choke me.

"Can't you knock" A cold voice said.

"Oh yeah, that maniac" I whispered to myself.

"Didn't you hear me, can't you knock" he repeated.

"Ahh..... what's your problem or are you just dumb, like who stays in school by this time doesn't the person have a life to live" I shouted at him.

"Are you stupid or you have lost every bit of respect" he fired back at me.

"I never had respect for you and never will, my respect is very expensive to get and not something you can buy with money, so if you can get it don't expect it" I said as I brought out a wiper and began to wipe the surfaces ignoring the tall muscular giant sitting infront of me.

I was cleaning and cleaning then I noticed that my hand couldn't reach the top shelf so I put my phone down on the C curved table and one by one I was climbing the shelf to get to the top shelf, finally I made it to the top of the shelf then I forgot my wiper, it was right there on the C curved table then I noticed that Dark Vengeance dude was busy on his phone and he was close to where I left the wiper.

"Hey, Dark Vengeance.... Blue Garfield.... Demon incarnate...." I kept shouting all the names I could think of that was his name.

I called him so much names, not once did he even answer me and my anger was getting the best of me so I took a book from the top shelf and threw it right on his head.

"What the heck" the demon incarnate said in anger and he was not looking happy.

"Why are you shouting I was calling you didn't answer me once, what did you expect" I screamed at him.

I could hear him breathe so heavily which wasn't good.

"If you're done being angry can you toss me that wiper over there" I said in a commanding tone.

He stood up from his chair and walk over to the couch leaving me without a wiper.

"Thanks for nothing" I shouted.

I had only one option, jumping all the way the shelf to the table or maybe I could climb back down but climbing would be boring.

From the high shelf I jumped and immediately landed on the table, taking the wiper which I left on the table but now I had to climb back up. I climb up the shelf and at point I lost my step. I was going to fall but I wasn't scared this isn't the first time so I closed my eyes and embraced the fall.

I couldn't feel any pain and I was sure I wasn't falling any more so I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in the Devil's arms and now I wished I could have just falling on the table instead.

"How could you be so careless" he said as he dropped me on the table.

"Excuse me but if you would have just toss me the wiper this wouldn't be happening" I dusted myself off especially because I don't want to infected with that demon's venom.

I stood on both feet and was about climbing the shelf again.

"Are you stupid, you're still climbing, don't think I would catch you the second time" the demon said to me.

"Did I ask you to catch me the first time" I questioned him.

I climbed to the top shelf again and remembered that...

"I forgot the wiper again, " I cursed.

I look at the wiper which was now laying on the floor and looked at the demon who sat on the chair and was busy on his phone. I couldn't keep climbing up and down it was getting so tiring so I had no choice but to reach out to the demon for help.

"Hey, em... Oh my Gosh what is this guy name." I asked myself before deciding to ask him.

"Hey, dude, dude, dude" still no reply.

"Em... Mike, Hubert, Michael, Jackson, Jimmy, Bob, James, Jordan... come on" I kept shouting then he finally looked at me.

"Thank God, do you know how long I've been shouting your name" I said in anger.

"Yes, I heard" he replied.

"Then why didn't you answer me".

"I didn't hear my name so why should I answer" he responded back.

"Then why did you look at me now" I ask furiously.

"Because your voice was starting to get annoying and also you got my name, the last one" he replied.

"So, it's Jordan, okay so Jordan can help me toss that wiper, please" I politely asked.

"Wow, so you could plead" he teased me as he stood up and toss me the wiper.

"Thank you".

I was finally done cleaning the student council office and noticed that this dem... I mean Jordan hasn't left yet, he must really like school.

"Dude don't you have a home" I came close to the back of the chair he was sitting on.

"I have to lock here and you were cleaning so I guess you were the one delaying me" he said as he stood up and lead me out of there.

I soon reached home and wanted to tell Jasmine about I search my bag for my phone but couldn't find it that's when I remembered I left in the student council office. 
