

Lillian finds herself in a reoccurring dream that turns into a fight to save her life and find her long lost twin brother who went missing several years ago. Only to soon find her self in a love triangle she could have never predicted along the way. Will she find him before it's too late? Who does she meet along the way? And who will she choose?

booky101 · Fantasi
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1 Chs


Lillian was exploring the catacombs of Paris, France. The underground tunnels were old, dark, damp and seemed to go on endlessly. She came across a corridor that was dimly lit by the Sparks of the underground welders as they worked away tirelessly. In the center of the corridor she noticed a light shining down from what seemed to be a manhole in the street above. Directly below it sat a man propped up against a ladder. Lillian rushed to him and recognized him. It was her brother Carter who vanished a few years back.

"Carter! Are you alright?" She asked.

In a daze he responded, "Vous avez toujours été là pour moi… » (You have always been there for me).

She helped him rise while saying, "Let's get you out of here!" lifting him up the ladder through the manhole to the street above.

Once out she saw that day had turned to night. The cobble stone streets were empty and as she ran with him as fast as she could it seemed time moved backward. The farther they ran the older the streets became. They came to a dirt road surrounded by flames. She frantically looked around. Sounds of demonic laughter filled the air. Looking in terror as the laughter grew louder, she discovered a cross among the flames. Clutching the cross in her sweating palms she inexplicably found that they were both back in the catacombs, this time sealed within a welders' cage.

Everything was quiet until she heard the distant roar of rushing water surging down the corridor toward them. Frantically trying to find an escape, Lillian realized it was too late. The freezing water crashed into them knocking them against the bars of their cage. Sinking below the surge of rushing water panic ensued. Gasping for breath, she woke in a cold sweat at the blaring sound of her alarm, back where she began wondering if this nightmare would ever end.

Reaching for her alarm the sudden realization hits her, she is late for school yet again. Lillian has been late four times this week already due to her reoccurring nightmare, luckily its Friday and her English teacher is away which means movie day with the substitute. Scrambling out of bed she dashes to the bathroom grabbing her uniform out of her closet along the way.

"Shit, shit, SHIT!" she exclaims practically tripping over her own feet down the stairs of her families home. Running past her father in the kitchen yelling "By dad love you!" startling him as she rushes to her little ford fiesta sitting out front waiting for her. Flinging her backpack into the passenger seat she speeds away in a hurry.

Thank you so much for reading! Second chapter coming soon!

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