
castle of orano

"Alas! I have behold the prince hope he finds me worthy". Diamond thought to herself walking out in a haste. something is wrong! why does it feel like I have met him before. she kept asking herself and bumped into queen Tina the third queen and wife of king Uma. I'm sorry my queen! she pleaded head bent. " you should be sorry for your miserable life! do not think because you managed to heal the king that you have got a place here you are not royal and you can never be here! my daughter mehe.... just go! she commanded not finishing her words. Diamond quickly left wondering what was it the queen was saying. stay glued. this is an interesting novel you will love it. it's about finding true love and quest for power. enjoy your reading

springjoymichael · Sejarah
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call for caution. Diamond!

I layed down gazing at the ceiling above

above me. I looked round the room and

gave a bitter smile. being married to the

prince should have been a conducive

thing. but no! it is making me run crazy

I turned to the left hand side of my bed

being very careful to aviod hurting my

toes. the ointment which Nina brought

is really working wonders but there is a

scar there. seeing I didn't attend to it

on time. I diverted my thoughts and

concentrated on the dream I had last

time! what was that? I thought diverting

my thoughts again to the person at the door.

"my lady! Nina called smiling sadly.

" I quickly sat upright looking at her

" what is the matter Nina? I asked

Making her sit on the bed.

"let me see your feet! she said ignoring

what I asked! " thank God it's healing.

" Nina is there something you want to

tell me? I asked. "anything at all just tell


" well... you see! she began! I do not want you to involve in any problem especially that of princess mehem. she said and I smiled faintly.

"look at what she did to you! she will definitely do more than this! next time my lady please she is a monster!.

"and just like her name,she is evil! I added in so much disgust.

"why did she do those things to those ladies are they not the prince wives? do they not have any right as her? I asked Nina in such a hurry and she looked at me standing to her feet.

"my lady! this thing has been for a long time now and you can't stop it! she has always been like that!

"why? no one has tried talking to her? I asked equally standing at my feet.

Nina looked at me and sat me down while.shaking her head in disapproval

"no one has!. she answered.

" I will tell you something my lady. lady mehem's orders are highly respected and without doubt cannot be questioned.those ladies she took out her anger on, are also the prince wife but ain't legal.she explained

"how?? I asked not understanding that.

" they were seized from wars and sold out to protect their kingdoms and the chance that the prince will consider them as wives isn't great. they themselves are really happy to live in the quarters. but princess mehem seems to have a problem with it!.

"is that so? I asked wondering why she will treat them like maids.

"they were once princesses in their father kingdom right? I asked and she nodded.

"my lady! the only reason her lady mehem is doing this,is to reduce the chances of the king having a lot of wives she knows no one is befitting to her but her doubts ain't clear either.she is still scared of losing the king to someone else. Nina kept explaining.

"what is the name of her kingdom? I asked after a long pause.

Nina looked at me for long and let out a sigh! "my lady queen Tina the third is the mother of princess mehem! queen Tina the second is from the neighboring kingdom the kingdom seven hills away from Orano I do not know of which specific region it is from. she said and I kept thinking.

"could it be that mehem is the kings daughter? but if so why is she after the prince his brother or is Nina giving a false information? I thought to myself thinking wide.

"wow! you seem to know a lot about this kingdom! I'm happy having you to myself. I said to her and she smiled.

"tell me then Nina, where is the prince?

I asked and she panicked maybe I shouldn't have asked that how do I know about the prince? I haven't seen the man I'm married to.

"Nina was it really the prince that came the other time? I asked.

"no my lady! that's prince hallow the second prince the son of the first queen.

she said and smiled. he is very handsome and generous too.well built and kind at heart."

" wow!! so,he is more beautiful than my husband the heir? I asked a bit jealous.

"no my lady the prince is..... I do not know my lady!. she answered in between her lips.

I feel she is hiding something from me alright Nina. thanks for your time you have given me a lot of information I will learn more once I begin to explore the palace myself." I said to her.

I have thought of exploring the palace finding things myself I will gain the favour of everyone around here and make sure I change the things happening in this queen quarters.

I will also like to know more about princess mehem something is really not right I thought to myself standing up.

once I stood up, I looked towards the window a bird perched there I walked closely and it flew dropping a note.

I picked it up and read.

"it's a call for caution diamond as I have seen who you are. you better stay within your limits!" .

I turned the back of the paper but nothing was written. I looked out again through the window looking at each side I didn't see anyone. I quietly dropped the paper and left.