Glorious - Macklemore ft Skylar Grey (SinB ft Yujin)
I feel glorious, glorious
Got a chance to start again
I was born for this, born for this
It's who I am, how could I forget?
I made it through the darkest part of the night
And now I see the sunrise
Now I feel glorious, glorious
I feel glorious, glorious - Macklemore ft Skylar Grey
SinB side...
SinB langsung menghembuskan napasnya kasar lalu ia duduk di bangku kecil sambil meminum minumannya, "lo ngapain di sini?" SinB menatap ke sampingnya lalu ia menghembuskan napasnya dan menggeser, "Jin" Yujin mengangguk, "gue bingung" Yuji menatap SinB.
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