
Cassandra McAnderson

Cassandra McAnderson, forced to be something that she wasn't just because her mother was never the cool kid in school. With a father that rained money and a mother that threw the fanciest parties and was always on trend with the latest Louboutin shoes, they looked like the picture perfect family. She's looking for a saviour, well she was until it finally dawned on her that this was going to be her life until she could get out of the place she calls home with parents that act like the devil's incarnations. Follow her through her journey as she finally figures out who she is and takes back her life. **********

Elsie_Victoria · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

02 | Detention for Queen B

Lunch approaches and I head to the cafeteria where I spot my minions already at our table, it's not hard because we sit at the biggest table in the middle of the whole cafeteria.

The populars' table only for jocks, cheerleaders and the rich wild kids. To get to sit there is the hardest thing ever only desperate wannabes actually do the shit we tell them to do. But I don't get why you would actually want to be there it's full of people fake people who laugh with you and then go ahead to talk shit about you behind your back.

I see Bry and go and sit on his laps. He pecks me and continues with the conversation that was already ongoing. I turn to one of the cheerleaders, Mercy she's like the most sane person on this table.

"Aren't you eating?" I ask her.

"Nah," She replies with a smile. "I think I'm developing some belly fat thanks to my mum's excessive feeding." She laughs and I laugh along. It's one of my real laughs not the fake ones.

"There's nothing wrong with belly fat, Mercy," I smile at her.

"You said it yourself queen or did you forget,"She says and turns to talk to another person.

Of course I remember what I said,

'Men only want curves not fat,' Mother always says.

"Well I'm starving," I say and call some sophomore who is walking by.

"I want a Caesar salad and orange water, make it quick!" I snap meanly at the poor boy.

I continue my conversation with Mercy when I feel Bry's hand on my thigh slowly moving up it sends a shiver of disgust up my spine but he reads it wrongly thinking I'm enjoying this. He's hand stops dangerously closely to my lady part and I clear my throat then abruptly stand up.

"I have to freshen up," I wink at him and walk away.

As I'm walking out, I bump into someone and a shrill escapes my throat just as the sound of metal reverberates in the whole cafeteria.

"Oh my God!" I scream and the cafeteria if even possible goes more silent ready to see the drama unfold. I look at the fucking culprit who did this and see some new girl I won't lie she's exceptionally pretty even without make up.

"You bitch!" I point a perfectly manicured finger at her. "Look at what your ugly ass has done, you have ruined my fucking new Fenty heels that probably cost more than your fucking life!"

"I-I'm s-s-sorry, I-" I cut her off with my hand.

"Save it loser. Do you know who I am? Next time watch where you are going or it's not going to be sexy for you," I say in a calm tone and grab the banana smoothie that's on the table near-by then pour it down her jet black hair. Everyone in the cafeteria burst out laughing and I see her lips quiver and her eyes turn red but she refuses to let the tears fall. I start to side step her but an authoritative voice stops me,

"What's happening here?" The principal shouts and no one answers.

"Ms. McAnderson?" He turns to me with a cold glare.


"My office now! Both of you," He cuts me off and glares at the girl who looks like she just wants the ground to swallow her whole. She runs out and I turn to the principal,

"Mr. Brooks," I groan and roll my eyes.

"Cassandra," He says dangerously low.

"Fine," I stomp out of the cafeteria red with anger.

"Everyone back to lunch,"I hear Mr. Brooks shout.

I open the door to the reception where I see the girl sat in a chair with tears streaming down her face but when she sees me looking at her with a blank expression,she wipes her cheeks making the smoothie spread all over her face. She must have thought I'm glaring at her, I've been told I have a resting bitch face.

"Follow me ladies," Mr. Brooks says and we do so.

I close the door behind me and sit on the empty seat beside the girl and opposite Mr. Brooks.

"What happened?" He asks sternly.

"Well sir, as I was walking out this girl bumped into me and poured her food all over my brand new designer heels," I whine and force tears to dramatize my act.

"What's the side of your story Ms.-"

"Hathaway," She replies so quietly I'm even surprised Brooks hears her.

"Yes Ms. Hathaway?"

"I-I-I was w-walking and I b-b-bumped into her. I-I'm s-sorry this is all my f-f-fault," She stammers with silent tears streaming down her face.

"I don't care whose fault it is. I just want both of you to know that this is a school and you are required to behave in a certain way. Cassandra, this isn't the first time you have done this," He angrily says.

"You will be cleaning and repairing the basement everyday after class until it's as good as new. When it looks amazing report to me until then I shouldn't see your faces in my office. Am I clear?" He asks looking at us both. We nod in reply and he dismisses us with a wave of his hand. Hathaway immediately scurries out of the room and before I can leave, Mr. Brooks calls my name.

"I'm tired of you terrorizing my students Cassie," He says with an eye roll and a smirk.

"Only doing what you're dear sister couldn't do back in her days," I say with a smirk of my own.

"I hope that punishment gets her out of your hair for awhile," He says with a sad smile knowing the reason for me being like this.

"Thanks uncle Shaun but we all know that woman is mentally unstable, " I say with a small laugh and don't wait for the reply immediately getting out of the office before the tears roll down.

Mr. Brooks or should I say uncle Shaun is mother's younger brother. He knows mother forces me to be like this but he really doesn't know the extents she goes to. He has tried talking to her but it ended up worse, she thought it was all my doing. In the end she stopped allowing him to visit.

No one really knows.

I sigh and make my way to the toilet where I find Hathaway done cleaning herself up and now just looking at her reflection when she sees me she immediately gets out leaving me alone with the scary voices in my head. They just keep screaming one word.

Queen Queen queen...

I look at my reflection and let one tear slide down my cheek but quickly wipe it and let my evil smirk that I took months to perfect, easily fall onto my face making it look like I don't give a fuck about what people have to say.

'But you do, you really do. This is not you.'


So she's a bitch.

Anyways, let me know how you're finding it so far.


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