
Carnivore (Rwby)

Lee completed his lovely dovy life with his harem in his first isekai adventure in the setting of fairy tail. But now his benevolent demon goddess susie has appointed him as her Champion for his wonderful job of entertaining her from his shenanigans. But now as her champion it's his turn to catter to her specific fetishes now that he enjoyed his first isekai adventure. His next one see's him in the world of remnant with a new build forcing him into the role of a Edgelord hentai villain to spread chaos and entertainment to his goddess in the setting of rwby. Good thing he has complicated feelings for the series. (Story is a continuation of "Action Comedy Turn into a Harem Comedy" Fic) [This is a Chastity Commission that I ordered starring my oc Lee! Please check out more of Chastity's work over on questionable questing forums]

Leekz01 · Komik
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16 Chs

Qrow Learns Her Place

Qrow sighed and took another swig from his flask, the bitter flavor washing over him. Oz was starting to get antsy about keeping Amber where she was. He felt like Salem was closing in. Qrow didn't get that vibe, but Oz knew better than him, so he'd starting taking measures to get ready for when Oz finally made the call. Prep work for a move out was pretty easy, though, so he went back to lazily keeping tabs on Amber, keeping an eye out for any sign of Salem's shit. If that bitch got her hands on one of the Maidens, it'd be bad news - she'd relinquish it about as slowly as Oz had, maybe even slower.

His scroll rang, and he picked up the call. Amber. "Hey," she said. "I want to talk to you about something, face-to-face. Can you meet me soon?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Something big," she said. "I think - I think it could change the whole dynamic of the war." There was even excitement in her voice, like this was the biggest damn find of the century. Or maybe just that she was getting fucked by the biggest dick in the world. Probably the former rather than the latter, though. Kids liked to screw, but he'd never known Amber to be irresponsible about it.

"Sounds pretty big. Should I tell Oz about this?"

"Not unless you think it's a good idea. I could be getting tricked or scammed or something, I guess," she admitted. She had a good head on her shoulders.

"I'll be there soon." He hung up, turned into a bird, and flew off.

Qrow was there fast, settling down next to Amber where she was sitting on the balcony of her apartment. She looked at the bird, and sighed. "I'm not talking to a bird, Qrow."

He shifted back into himself and settled against the edge of the balcony, leaning back. "So, what's the big idea?" Qrow asked.

"Ah. The big idea." Amber nodded, standing up, looking dead serious. "Come inside, don't want to talk about it where somebody could hear." She was always a cautious girl, this one, and Qrow readily followed her inside. "Basically," she said, as she slid the balcony door shut again, "it's that we just capture, kidnap, and rape Salem until she's a mindbroken little fuckpet."

He stared at her blankly. That had to be a joke, right? Not a very funny one, but still. "Seriously, Amber," he said.

"No, no, think about it. Nobody can kill Salem. But if we get all our forces together, we can hold her down while some kind of rape god rapes her until she can't resist, see?" There was a manic look in her eyes as she explained it all to him. He just stared to her. "You don't see."

"No. First off, where are we going to get this rape god? Second off, women don't really work like that, Amber, that's dumb porn crap, you should stop read-" he cut himself off to dodge, feeling the subtle movement of air as a massive fist clawed through it, trying to smash into him. "Holy fuck, the hell is tha-" it swept towards him, and his sword was out already, cutting into it. An invisible Grimm? "Get out of here, Amber!"

But Amber wasn't leaving. In fact, she was doing exactly the opposite, trying to attack him. What the hell? "You'll understand, Qrow," she shouted at him, even as something slammed into his back. Not a Grimm, but a foot, from a very human person, though it didn't crack his aura. "Once Master gets done to you, he'll reward me, and you'll be so much happier," she said, her eyes wild with lust as she spoke. "Don't worry, he treats his well-behaved fuckpets really nicely, just fucking and using us." She was practically salivating as the battle wore on, Qrow forced to dodge attack after attack from invisible energy, whipping his own sword through the air to fend them off. He needed to retreat, to find an opportunity to escape.

For a moment, there was a lull, and he took it, turning into a crow and beginning to fly towards the balcony door, except it had been fucking closed. The moment he hit it, he was scrabbling with his hand to unlock and open it, but in that half-second, a powerful hand, belonging to some invisible, gargantuan Grimm, simply grabbed him around the waist and slammed him backwards, mashing his head into the ceiling, then the floor, cracking through his aura bit by bit as his weapon tried to cut back manically, desperately -

Then his aura broke completely, and a few seconds later, his consciousness cut out.

Qrow woke up, feeling groggy. For a long few seconds, his brain struggled to realize what had happened. His fingers ran through his hair, and he found it... longer than it had been? How long had he been out? Then his eyes spared a glance downward, and he realized he was completely naked. And his dick was missing.

Or, gauging by the modest tits that had appeared without any kind of invitation, her dick was missing. What the hell?

"Don't stand up," came a male voice. "Don't try to hurt me. Don't try to resist me. Obey any command my wife, Tyuule, gives you, unless it conflicts with my own." Qrow was looking up at him, glaring, but was taking her time trying to figure out quite what to do next from here. "You do look pretty cute as a girl. Very, uhh, what do you call it? Sort of goth, I guess. I think it's some of my best work. Don't you agree, Nip?"

"Yes, Master," came a female voice, and it took a moment for Qrow to place where it had come from - namely, the ground.

A dark-skinned, dark-haired faunus girl, on her hands and knees on the ground, naked as the day she was born. Decent-sized tits mushed into the carpet without a care in the world, a long, furred tail whipping about behind her, large ears popping out of the top of her head. He thought he could just see the hints of Amber in the girl's appearance, but no - maybe a half-sister? "Who the hell are you?"

He had meant it for the man, but the girl spoke up first. "I used to be Amber, but then Master enslaved me completely to his will, taking away all my choices and responsibilities." She sounded like she was salivating at that, her tail whipping back and forth behind her. "Since I was a good girl and helped him capture and enslave you, he decided that I had earned a promotion into a faunus, the superior race, and a new name, Nip! Since I'm like catnip to him, just a fun little treat!"

"I think he was talking to me, you dumb bitch," the man said, stepping on the girl's head and pushing her down low. She just mewled in pleasure at the treatment, and Qrow was pretty sure that Nip was getting wet from being stomped on. "The name's Lee, but don't waste your time learning it. You'll be calling me Master from now on."

"Like hell I will." She said the words lazily, without any shouting, but with plenty of venom.

He laughed at that. "Ah, you will, Qrow. First off, from now on, you are to always finish sentences addressing me with 'Master'."

"That's moronic, Master." He laughed again at her expression, as her hand went over her treacherous mouth, a certain surge of pleasure tingling along her spine along with the obedience. Fuck. This guy must have had a real powerful semblance. What were its limitations? Duration? Distance? Amber seemed pretty fucked in the head by this point, so presumably he could do something long term and serious. Probably not duration, then. If she got far enough away, maybe...

"Get on your hands and knees, and show me your pussy," he ordered her, and her body, against her will, obeyed. Her newly-arrived pussy was displayed to him, and he stuffed two fingers into it roughly, just sliding inside her. "Yeah, you're a virgin in this hole, aren't you?" He asked, as his fingers wriggled around inside of her. She bit her lip and refused to respond to the inane question. "Aww. A cute shy goth girl. Maybe I should give you big tits, really complete the image?" He asked. She squirmed in place, as his fingers inside her got more active, more intense, more pleasurable as they played with her inner walls. Hot pants escaped her throat, and her fingers tangled up around the bed sheets beneath her. She refused to answer, to give him the pleasure of humiliating her.

"If you're not gonna talk," he said, pulling his fingers out of her pussy, "then you don't need a mouth at all, do you? Don't bite," he ordered, and then stuffed those fingers directly into her mouth, her own salty flavor staining her tongue. She felt that fat cock of his rub at her slit, then just slam inside her in a single, rough motion, filling her up in a heartbeat as she gasped at the sensation. It felt good. You'd figure getting raped by some asshole in your fresh new pussy would feel crappy, but it felt fucking great, better than any sex she'd had up until that point.

"Ooo, that's a good bitch, Nip," Lee said, and on automatic, Qrow turned her head back around, getting an eyeful of Lee's naked body - she realized where Amber was only after a few seconds, her former ward now stuffed under Lee's butt, licking either his taint or his balls, she couldn't really tell. "You'll be like her soon enough," he said, giving Qrow's butt a sharp smack. "Not a faunus, though. You'll have to earn that if you want it, but you probably won't earn it," he explained, fucking into her cunt, harder and harder, now. "Oh, you wanna know something fucking hot, Qrow?" He asked her, as he fucked away.

She shook her head around his fingers, and he just laughed at that, his cock throbbing in sadistic glee in her cunt. "I've already laid claim to your sister," he told her, and Qrow's heart stopped in her chest at those words, her eyes widening. With Raven's Semblance - "Oh, don't worry. Raven's my favorite. Not like you," he explained, "but still, a pair of sisters is pretty sexy, don't you agree?" He gripped her chin with his thumb, sticky fingers still stuck in her mouth, and forced her to nod up and down. "Yeah. I'm just getting you under control, first, then it's going to be you and Raven for a sexy sister threesome," he explained, ramming his cock into her pussy with unrelenting force. He pulled his fingers out of his mouth and spoke before she could. "Thank me, over and over, until I come inside you."

"Thank you, Master," she said, her mouth refusing to cooperate with her brain, a surge of pleasure running through her body as she obeyed him. "Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master." She shivered and jerked beneath the endless assault she was being put under, that fat cock slamming into her cunt over and over again. It felt fucking amazing, despite everything else, and her mouth kept repeating those words, a mantra that brought her to ever greater heights of pleasure.

It didn't take much time for her to orgasm, of course. That was just a natural consequence of all the pleasure surging up from her cunt, and the quiet power of that mind control Semblance slowly smushing down upon her brain. She could only pant as she came, her lips desperately working to try to repeat those words again: "Thank you, Master." Over and over again, she repeated them, as her pussy leaked all over Lee's cock, as her cunt squeezed, gripped, and massaged his hard dick with each pump into her, as she salivated, drooled, and came her brains out from the rough, constant drive of his cock into her cunt.

She kept her wits about her, though. Kept her will her own. At least for the moment.

"Thank, you, Master," she said, her jaw aching, her cheek now pressing down against the bed underneath her, as she kept getting raped by this bastard. Her eyes rolled around in her skull at the sheer force of each and every pump that was being delivered to her, and her fingers curled up beneath her. She had lost track of time. Lost track of how many orgasms there were. Part of her had even forgotten what had happened, that she was being raped and used by this bastard, over and over, for his own selfish pleasure, while Ni- while Amber kept licking and sucking and worshiping the faunus. "Thank, you, Master," she repeated, tonelessly.

"You're welcome. Here's your reward, Qrow," he said, slamming his cock all the way inside of her and letting go with a groan, his cum spraying into her cunt and finally freeing her from that command, letting her mouth take a break as she shivered on the bed. She felt so weak by this point, so exhausted, she just wanted to pass out on the bed. She knew she wasn't getting off that easy, though, even as he pulled out of her pussy. "Yeah. You look good, Qrow. Would you rather a double blowjob with Nip here," he said, patting the head of the still-crawling girl once known as Amber, "or with Raven?"

She didn't answer, silence her only remedy for the treatment she was getting. He just chuckled at that, seeming to recognize this was her resistance. "Tell me which you would rather give a double blowjob with: Nip or Raven."

"Nip, Master," the words came, unbidden, from her mouth. At least Amber - Nip, whatever - crawling around after this bastard already knew what humiliations she'd been put through.

"Good choice," he said, and for a moment, Qrow had hope that he was going to make her suck his cock alongside Amber - unfortunately, it wasn't to be. "I'll go get Raven. Nip, make sure Qrow doesn't do anything unfortunate. Qrow, don't leave this room, yell loudly, or commit any acts of violence," he ordered, locking off her escape routes before departing, still naked as he did so.

Nip just knelt next to Qrow on the bedside. Her hazel eyes carried some of the same light and life that Qrow knew from Amber, but there was something different about it, something disturbed, now. "You're going to make such a good cocksucker, Qrow. Stop fighting it, it's totally hopeless, he can just give you all kinds of orders to turn you into nothing but a sex slave. It's what he did to me. Once you accept that, you can be happy," she explained, with a bright smile on her lips.

"Amber- come on," Qrow said. Nip just frowned at that. "Please."

"Amber's gone, Qrow. Master gave me a new name, and a new life. The sooner you accept that he can and will do the same to you, the happier you'll be. He treats me like his prized little fuckpet, because I broke so fast, because I wanted to be turned into this, because I accepted it. The longer you hold out, the worse it will be for you. He breaks women that resist, Qrow. He just breaks them. You'll be happier if you accept it. If you submit. Obey, rather than fight. So much happier..." There was a certain breathlessness to her voice, as she finished that thought, squirming in place.

"Amber-" Qrow was startled as Amber just backhanded her sharply across the face, a sharpness to her expression.

"Amber is gone. I'm Nip now. Accept that. You'll be happier when you do."

"I- fine, Nip," Qrow said, rubbing her cheek in pain from the strike. "Look, I don't know what he's done to you, but-"

"He's fulfilled my darkest fantasies, the ones I could never have acted on. He forced me into this. Made me do this. But I want it. Wanted it. And now, I don't have a choice any more. I can't fight back any longer. Once I accepted that, once I understood that - I became so much happier. I literally can't resist him, Qrow. He ordered me not to. The only reason he hasn't ordered you not to, is because he's enjoying tormenting you." Amber - Nip - knelt down in front of her, gently caressing her cheek. "He's going to come back with Raven. Be a good girl for him, Qrow. You'll be so much happier in the end."

Qrow just swallowed, feeling the spit that had filled her mouth as it slid back down her throat. What had happened to Amber, really? "You can esc-" another sharp strike collided with Qrow's cheek, sending her head listing to one side at the shock and pain, her fingers going up there.

"No. I can't. And neither can you. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be, I'm only trying to help you, you stupid fucking bitch," she growled, a fierceness appearing in her eyes that was quickly stifled. "Sorry, Qrow. But you're going to be his fuckpet. He likes Raven, so having her sister-"

"I'm a man."

"Then show me your cock," Amber said. Qrow glowered at her, but didn't argue. "If you're good, you can definitely have a good life with Master, I think. Who doesn't like the idea of forcing sisters into incest? I know he's got a pair of twins already, but he likes Raven, so you've got a special pass, you can-"

The door swung open again, and there, in it, stood the naked form of Raven Branwen, Qrow's sister. Her body had been changed, obviously, made to look smoother, her breasts larger by this point. Her hands were clasped in front of her, a cool look in her eyes as she met Qrow's eyes. "What're you doing, Nip?"

"I was trying to convince Qrow to give in completely, Master," Nip said. There was no doubt in Qrow's mind now, that she had been completely defeated. "I'm sorry. This stupid, lowly bitch was unable to manage to do that."

"No worries, that's what my cock's for. Qrow, Raven, kneel before me. Nip, jill off, watch, lick my ass, whatever, I don't care, you're a smart fuckpet who knows her place."

"Yes, Master," Nip said, actually bouncing across the ground like an animal to get behind Lee, rather than rising to her feet, while Qrow and Raven were soon kneeling in front of him, both of them naked. Raven's lips quivered, her gaze going to Qrow for a moment.

"Say whatever's on your mind, Raven," Lee ordered, grabbing a tangle of Qrow's hair and just stuffing his cock straight down her throat, starting to pump her sore jaw. Despite everything, despite how absurd it was, it felt good, having her throat reamed out like that, her tired mouth forced wide to accommodate that fat cock.

"You said you'd leave Yang alone."

"And I have. Is Qrow Yang? Oh, did you mean, you want me to make Qrow look like Yang? That is a sexy thought. Turning your sister into your daughter," he said, as he ground Qrow into his pelvis, choking her on his fat cock, leaving her unable to breathe as saliva dribbled out over her mouth in a froth. "Oh, I get it." He turned his gaze to Qrow, locking eyes with her. "You're worried that Qrow is going to be such a problem child, that to annoy her, I'll go grab her niece and rape her too?"

Raven blanched at that, and Qrow did feel a certain fear run down her spine. Lee idly rubbed his foot along her thigh, sliding up towards her pussy, then just starting to tease her wet cunt with his foot. Qrow wanted to argue, to object - Raven just trembled in fear.

"Don't worry, if she's really that bad, there's always cute little Ruby for me to lay claim to," Lee said, his eyes meeting Qrow's as his big toe rubbed against her clit. "What do you think, Qrow? Are you going to behave yourself?"

Qrow hesitated, trembling a bit, then nodded quietly around his cock, making him laugh, his length surging in her throat. He yanked her up and off his cock, letting her gasp for air for a long few moments, the fat thing coated in spit and throbbing and twitching in the air. He slapped her cheek with his cock, while Raven moved in, starting to kiss and suckle her way up his length, staring up at him nervously. "Don't worry too much, Raven. Qrow knows her place now. Doesn't she?"

"Yes, Master," Qrow said, more to obey than anything else.

"Hmm. Sounded a little insincere, I think. Tell me nothing but the truth, Qrow," he ordered. "Now, what is your place?"

"That's a ridiculous question from a brazen rapist, and-gluh!" She was cut off not by Lee grabbing her head and stuffing his cock down her throat, but by Raven doing it, slamming her face first down to the base. Raven was now grinding her into his pelvis, while her mouth limply moved, trying to communicate fruitlessly around the fat cock that was currently choking her.

"I'm sorry about my stupid sister, Master," Raven said, earning a grin from Lee. "She's just too stupid to understand her place, which is being your cumdump, just like me, and Am- and Nip, and Emerald, and Melly and Milly, and everyone else you want in the whole world," she explained, making his cock throb and twitch as Qrow continued to be choked out on it. "Isn't that right, Qrow?" Raven forced Qrow to nod around his cock, and he laughed at that, reaching down to softly run his fingers through Raven's hair.

"You're really a good girl, aren't you, Raven? You love your family so much, you take such good care of them, too." Qrow couldn't see Raven's expression, but she was pretty sure her sister had just nodded. "I like it. It shows that you, at least, know who's in charge here. But your sister's the one who really needs to be convinced."

Raven nodded, then leaned in, whispering in Qrow's ear as she started to gag around Lee's cock, choking on it from his rough treatment. "Lee is more powerful than Salem, Qrow. Salem is just a woman, working with the fragments left behind by the old gods. Lee has powers all his own, to remake you, to remake me, to remake himself, even to remake the Grimm," Raven explained, her voice a soft whisper as Qrow's eyes started to roll up, her vision going dim at the edges. "There is nothing you can do to stop him. Resistance is futile. Your mind will be putty in his hands, by the time he's done with you. I've been his for quite some time now - there's no escape. Only service. Only making him satisfied with you, by debasing and degrading yourself. And if you don't behave - it will be Ruby who pays the price."

It was to those words that Qrow lost consciousness entirely, her head turning into a messy fog as dreams overtook her. In the dreams, there was that same fat cock, still raping her mouth, her cunt, over and over again. Her sister and Amber both were at her sides, telling her how much she should just give in, just obey, just submit. When she came back to consciousness with a wet gasp for air, that was exactly the situation she found herself in, the naked body of the faunus-fied Amber on one side of her, her sister Raven on the other.

"Just give in, become his fuckpet," Amber told her. "It's fun! You'll come lots and lots."

"Resisting is pointless. Pleasing him is all that matters," Raven said on the other side, then stuffed Qrow right back down Lee's cock, forcing her to choke on that fat dick, her throat swelling to accommodate the massive thing. Her eyes rolled up as she took it, her body twitching faintly as saliva dribbled out over her lower lip. She couldn't breathe like this, only asphyxiate as she stared up at him, pleasure surging through her body despite the abuse she was being subject to. She felt Raven's hands tighten on the back of her head, and her sister started to just fuck her face on Lee's cock, throat wetly glugging with each slam, while Raven told her, over and over again, how important it was she give up, she submit, she obey.

Pleasure surged up through her body as her face was raped. When Lee would order her to lick his cock, to suck, to swallow around his length, she found a pleasant tingle start to spread through her as she was forced to obey. She had no choice about every single order. She had to do what she was told. Not in the sense that she was being threatened, but in the sense that her body would obey his commands no matter what her mind told it to do. Saliva dribbled out over her lower lip as her eyes rolled up.

"Hmm. Choke yourself out on my cock," Lee said, and instantly, Qrow felt her hips slam forward, her nose mashing into the man's fat cock, her eyes staring up at him, angry at first, then increasingly pleading as she was unable to breathe. He just chuckled at that, grinning wickedly down at her as she was forced to asphyxiate herself like that. "Squeeze your throat, too, Qrow," he ordered, and Qrow's hands came up, gripping her throat, squeezing and gripping it, which would have choked her if his cock hadn't already been doing so. "Raven," he said, turning his gaze to her sister. "Do you think Qrow is going to be a good girl from now on?"

"I..." Raven spoke up, clearly unsure.

"If you say she is, but she's not, then I'm going to use your powers and go collect Yang today."

"No, Master," Raven snapped out without any hesitation. "I'm sorry. My stupid sister isn't well-behaved enough to be trusted with obeying you like she should. I apologize for not training her fast enough." Lee laughed at that, and it was too that laugh that Qrow finished choking herself unconscious on his cock. There were no dreams this time - only an inky blackness.

My cock was rock hard as Qrow's body went slack on my dick. I wasn't going to fuck my freshest catch, but, using her against Raven was too damn sexy. Especially seeing those long-restrained maternal instincts on her part being put to good use in pleasuring me. "You sure?" I asked her. "If she's so ill-behaved, maybe it's better if she just chokes to death on my cock right here and now."

Raven's gaze went to her sister's, and there was this sexy turmoil on her features, as she considered whether or not to risk her daughter's life for the sake of her sister's. It was so damn erotic I wanted to bust a nut down Qrow's throat right then and there. Nip was biting her lower lip, her hand reaching up to stroke Qrow's neck, then squeeze it, giving my dick a nice massage in the process. Her hazel eyes silently pleaded with me to spare Qrow. "...I'm sure. You can't trust her, Master."

"Then she's going to die choking on my cock, Raven," I told her, and she quietly nodded in acquiescence, her gaze going down for her knees. Then I peeled Qrow up and off my cock, letting the bitch spasm and jerk as she recovered from being choked out for so long. "Raven, explain to Qrow how you were willing to let her die choking on my dick, just to protect your daughter."

"My master said that he would kill you, choking you on his cock, if you couldn't be trusted, Qrow. I believed him, even. But I still didn't trust you. Didn't even lie and say I did. I'm sorry, Qrow. You haven't been good enough. You need to be better, for your sake, and mine."

"Yeah," Nip agreed. "You need to be a good cocksleeve for our master. I'd say fuckpet, but since he's willing to just kill you for being so disobedient, I'm doubtful you can actually manage that level of praise from him! You really fucked up by fighting back this long, if you had been a good girl, maybe you could be a faunus fuckpet like me."

I snorted at that, enjoying the way that Nip's head was such a tangle of wanting to help others but also understanding who was in charge and what had to happen for those other people to be helped: namely, pleasing me. My cock was throbbing hard inside of Qrow's tight throat, and I just took in - and exhaled - a long, deep breath, as Qrow recovered in a sputtering mess. "If you can't tell me honestly that you'll be a good girl for me," I told Qrow. "Then I'm going to go grab Ruby and rape her right in front of you, right now. Don't think I can't."

Qrow shivered, sputtered. "I'll- I'll be a good girl, Master," she said, and both Raven and Nip sighed, Raven grabbing a tangle of her sister's hair to present her to my cock once more. I stuffed my dick down her throat, enjoying the surging feeling of power and domination as she was forcibly choked out on my dick.

"Do you think she's trustworthy now, Raven?" I asked. Technically, there was that whole command to be honest from earlier, but I wasn't 100% sure I'd worded it right, given that I was a tad distracted with all the face rape I'd been doing.

"I don't know, Master. Not enough to risk Yang for."

God, that was so fucking hot. The way that Raven's love of her daughter would lead her to do literally anything to keep her safe, including raping her sister's face on my cock. I slid backwards out of Qrow's mouth, letting the woman breathe for a moment as only the tip of my cock was past her lips, her throat briefly unobstructed - then Raven shoved her sister right down my dick all over again, her expression one of intense, mournful, ambivalence, as she started to properly rape Qrow's face on my cock.

Nip started masturbating right then and there, staring at the scene as she did, her eyes wild with lust. She made for a pretty lewd show, her tail whipping back and forth happily behind her as I took full advantage of Qrow, and I just relished every last sensation of my newest bitch's mouth and tongue and lips and throat. "Swallow whenever Raven grinds you into mypelvis." "Lick whenever Raven holds me on your tongue." "Moan when my cock's in your mouth." "Suck hard on my dick as much as you can."

She proved to be quite the natural. In the end, I decided to bust on Nip's face, using her dark skin as my personal canvas for cum, Qrow just shuddering and kneeling in front of me as she recovered, Raven's hand still tangled around her hair in case I wanted more. "Qrow," I said. "Answer honestly. Are you going to be a good girl and not cause me any problems?"

"Yes, Master," she said, almost toneless, defeated, but with just a hint of lust in her words too. I was fucking great at sex, after all.

"Awesome. Then I'll have a pair of sexy sisters to rape," I said, before grabbing Qrow's head and choking her on my cock again. "Maybe I'll knock you up too," I noted, and Qrow just nodded around my dick as I held her in my groin.