
Carnivals: Claimed By The Deranged Alpha Prince [BL]

From fleeing for your safety and enrolling in a school filled with psychopaths… to being claimed by a deranged alpha prince? Yeah, you’re better off dead. • . • Jules’ life was picture perfect until his entire family got murdered all of a sudden, with him being the only survivor. A savior swooped In because he was still in immense danger, and that led to Jules taking on a new identity and becoming a completely different person overnight— and enrolling into Carnivals, a prestigious all-boys school for all supernatural beings. In Carnivals, monsters lurk the dark hallways and the strong preyed on the weak. You either become a predator or a prey… and from one look at Jules— a boy too pretty for his own good, with a slender and petite build, it was obvious that he was gonna be eaten alive by the predators. Here comes Blaze, a wolf who sends shivers down every predator’s spine in the school, an insanely hot Alpha who was as dangerous and deranged as the rumors claimed. He took one glance at Jules and decided there and then that Jules belonged to him. *** I inched backwards, eyes widening even more as my eyes zeroed in on the smirk tugging at the side of his lips. Blaze never smiled, and whenever he does, it never meant anything good. My heartbeat quickened as I scrambled backwards even more, breath stuttering to a stop as he began to narrow the distance between us. In no time, my back was plastered against the cold wall and that was when it hit me right in the chest that I was cornered and ensnared, like an actual prey… by none other than Blaze, when I had thought my life couldn’t get any worse. He towered over me effortlessly, emitting so much dominance and I had to tilt my head backwards for me to be able to meet his dark eyes, and my breath hitched when our eyes locked. He leaned down and my eyes snapped closed at once as I held my breath, waiting for him to strike. I’ve heard all the horrifying, endless rumors about him. He was an Alpha Prince whose presence someone like me should never be in. When I felt the tip of his cold nose glide over the length of my throat, my mouth fell open to release a startled gasp. He dragged in a long, audible breath and I felt a shiver rattle down my spine as I grew even stiffer, confusion clouding my mind. What was happening? Why was he doing this out of nowhere? Oh my gosh… he really was a deranged alpha like everyone says! *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: - Bullying. - Drug use. - Smut [a whole lot of it.] - Violence. - Harem [not between the main characters.] So… proceed with caution, you’ve been warned! *I don’t own the rights to the cover!

Bree_Airee · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
160 Chs


Jules' pov

"You didn't tell me this was a fraternity?!" I whispered harshly to Taylor who was downing alcohol from a red cup.

The arena was bursting with the ongoing party as soon as we were let through. The entire space strongly smelled of omega, it clung to the air and it wasn't supposed to rub against me wrongly, but I still found myself tensing up a little.

Omegas of different sizes and heights filled the entire room, including betas, because they were also classified under preys.

It wasn't until my eyes caught the large poster hanging at the far end of the room that I knew what was actually happening.

'Elite Fraternity Initiation party.'

Taylor blinked once, appearing genuinely confused at first. "Huh? You had no idea?" He asked and I nodded my head with my lips pursed.

"Oh, but I thought you did…"

"I didn't, the person who informed me of the party this morning didn't inform me of this." I pointed out. Taylor was glancing around as he spoke.

"They probably assumed that you're already aware since you were most definitely in a fraternity back at your old school, isn't that right?" As he spoke, his eyes darted around the room like he was searching for someone.

He was wrong though. Back at my previous school, we didn't have fraternity or anything related to that.

"What's the use of this fraternities anyway?" I ended up mumbling, nose scrunching up as I eyed the drink Taylor had handed to me a few minutes ago.

"To create a safe space for the preys here in this school amongst other things, at least, that's what they claim to be doing." Taylor snickered, lips downturned.

"But that's not what they do?" I asked and Taylor slowly shook his head.

"What do they do?"

"Well… they pimp out some of the omegas to begin with, amongst other things. And besides, the omega running this fraternity is a special student, so that makes it super possible for him to be able to do whatever he wants." As Taylor spoke, I began to ask myself why I was even still feeling shocked at this point.

I looked through the crowd after a little while and my eyes landed on Nick. He didn't look as angry as he usually does around me, instead, he had his head thrown back and was laughing at what the person he was speaking to was talking about. I briefly contemplated going over to say hello.

At that moment, Taylor offered to introduce me to his preys friends and I followed him through the crowd until we stopped in front of a table where five omegas and a beta were seated around.

"Hey guys, this is my new friend, and his name is Jules." Taylor introduced, gesturing to me enthusiastically in a way that genuinely warmed my heart. The preys around the table offered me genuine smiles.

"We've heard of him, the new student." One of them spoke, but it wasn't in a malicious way. Taylor then proceeded to introduce them one after the other.

Dan, Bran, Elio, Angelo, Grant and Sunny.

After the introduction, they offered me a seat and I accepted it, letting out a long breath after that. I couldn't remember if I've ever been in a situation like this before? whereby I'd have to be introduced in my old life, because well, I was a prince and was known by everyone. So, it felt quite good to be introduced to people this way and be treated nicely not because of my social status but just because they were actually good people.

"So, are you excited for your initiation?" One of the omegas asked, his hair was a pretty silver and it matched the color of his eyes perfectly. I felt myself drawing back in confusion.

"My what?" I echoed out.

"Initiation. That's the entire point of tonight's party, the new member's initiation." He explained, eyes curious as it politely searched my face. If he was looking properly, then he'd be able to tell that I was already panicking.

"What?" I whispered, eyes wide.

Taylor returned with a new round of drinks and noticed my confused state after dropping the drinks.

"What's wrong?" He asked almost immediately, and his presence managed to calm my nerves down a little.

"Is tonight supposed to be an initiation for… me?" I whispered faintly. He nodded absentmindedly before searching my eyes.

"You really ad no idea?" He asked and I numbly nodded my head.

"But, I assumed you were already automatically aware when you asked me if this was a fraternity party, or, isn't this how fraternity initiations worked back in your old school?" He asked once again and I let out a slow breath before shaking my head.

"Oh, dear." Taylor sighed out then he massaged my shoulder with his right hand. "Don't think about it too much, it's not gonna hurt or anything. It's gonna be pleasurable even." He explained and I found myself jerking away from his soothing touch at once.

"What do you mean by that?" I mumbled out.

"He meant that you're certainly gonna enjoy the initiation because it's gonna be, you know, bring you pleasure." A different omega responded this time and I found myself growing tense at once.

I slowly cleared my throat as I felt my heartbeat accelerate.

"Uh… what does the initiation entail?" I inquired tentatively.

Taylor perked up at the question. "Unlike predator's initiations which involves a new member going through extreme things akin to torture in order to prove their strength and the likes, we preys… ours is the complete opposite. It's that, a new member needs to get an orgasm in the presence of everyone, which is pretty overwhelming to some people, but it doesn't hurt anyone because it basically ends with a happy ending, so… that's the main gist of it."

As his words settled in my mind, so did my eyes widen in disbelief.


"There's also the option of joining an orgy with the leaders of the fraternity, but I feel like that's kind of extreme for most people except they're the type that are super kinky, which is why I'm glad that new members are allowed to choose between a handful of sexual options!"