
073 – The Day of New Beginnings 1


Only the embers remained, releasing soft plumes of orange light.


Only wisps of smoke remained fluttering up into the celestial canvas, like white ink fading into the black canvas.


The people gathered nearer to the embers hoping to retain some of its warmth to themselves, all the while their eyes remained fixed upon the glowing bodies high above.


In the distance the soldiers soldiered on, raising pikes and swords and shields, their blades cracked in many places, their armour in shambles, their formations broken to the endless onslaught.


Their eyes darting to the skies as the brilliant glow of the celestial bodies started to go dull, then as moments passed the flaming chariot of Apollo vanished from sight, then the brilliance of Olympus, hanging at the centre of the heavens started to wane.